
Hope everyone has a nice pride month, shout out to….the gays!


Regarding Lost Souls updates, if readers have noticed last weekend it was double updated. I plan to continue to post chapters on both Saturday and Sunday at 12pm in hopes to get the book done quicker and the rewrite done and out the way.
          Also regarding the fact that Wattpad is getting rid of the private messages, you can always contact me on my socials! My Instagram is : @alexanderlightwoodwp and my discord is simonlovelace ! All of my other socials are in my bio if anyone would want to contact me. Alternatively, I'm always welcome to comments on my message board!


My need to create a Bucky Barnes fanfic is coming in strong lads. That parasite is chewing on my brain


@LenaHamilton9 The only mood that matters at this point fr