
"Woah- A hot guy smiled at me without a trace of mockery-!"
          	~A Few Hours Later with JD~
          	"Shh... Sorry but I really had to wake you, see I decided I must ride you till I break you~!"


"Hmm, you want to see something broken you say?" She laughs a bit nervously, messing with her long hair.
          "Do you perhaps have an X-Ray? The most fragile parts of me are my brain and heart. One can't function without the other you know. Maybe that's why when you get hurt, you have that cold sinking feeling that forms in your heart, while your bain pounds in pain, and displays thoughts of what could of been." She glances up, her brown eyes peering into your own.
          "Do me a favor, don't tie who and what you love for granted, you might wake up tomorrow and find them gone. Do you really want a mean word from your tongue to have been the last thing you may have spoken to them? Or a sharp action from a physical hit to be? You don't, you really don't. You have no idea what they left thinkimg, but it was probably how they could of been better, or that they weren't good enough. Always say I love you as your last words when speaking to someone important to you, that way if something happens, their last thoughts involving you won't be doubt of what they could of been for you." She says with a weak laugh, a bitter one, her brown eyes filling with salty tears.


Take not tie*


Beautiful person award
          Once you get this award, you have to post it on
          the wall of eight people who deserve it. If you
          break the chain, nothing happens but it's nice to
          know that someone thinks you're beautiful inside