
Okay not back, far from back actually. I just feel like the way I left a few days ago was wrong because it gave no information at all. 
          	I will be leaving wattpad for good as I have a lot going on and I just haven't been very active in the last month or so. 
          	As a departing gift I may have set fire to a few of my favorite peoples board so yeah you may need to expect that. 
          	I will not be active on Most social media or even around in general anymore after tonight. (If you understand then great..)
          	I want all my friends to know I love them very much though and they have made me the happiest I have ever been in my life and I am eternally grateful for them. 
          	I'm very sorry cumstains but this is goodbye. 


bye nugget we will miss you setting fire to us : ‘ (


@-Th3Ars0nNugg3t-  I am sorry I wasn’t on to say this sooner


@-Th3Ars0nNugg3t- Bye Nugget.. I’ll miss you but I guess I can’t blame you for leaving Wattpad, everyone has been. I just hope you’re okay and all of course. Love ya online kiddo. :]


Okay not back, far from back actually. I just feel like the way I left a few days ago was wrong because it gave no information at all. 
          I will be leaving wattpad for good as I have a lot going on and I just haven't been very active in the last month or so. 
          As a departing gift I may have set fire to a few of my favorite peoples board so yeah you may need to expect that. 
          I will not be active on Most social media or even around in general anymore after tonight. (If you understand then great..)
          I want all my friends to know I love them very much though and they have made me the happiest I have ever been in my life and I am eternally grateful for them. 
          I'm very sorry cumstains but this is goodbye. 


bye nugget we will miss you setting fire to us : ‘ (


@-Th3Ars0nNugg3t-  I am sorry I wasn’t on to say this sooner


@-Th3Ars0nNugg3t- Bye Nugget.. I’ll miss you but I guess I can’t blame you for leaving Wattpad, everyone has been. I just hope you’re okay and all of course. Love ya online kiddo. :]


I cant wait until I can move out finally. 


@-Th3Ars0nNugg3t- It’s gonna be awesome when you finally get to


Night cumstains. 


@-Th3Ars0nNugg3t- oh I think we're on the same page


@-Th3Ars0nNugg3t- well good morning now! Or still good night....time zones