
Gave it some thought. I'll finish down the rabbit hole as is. And do a possible rewrite in the future. Maybe after I finish a few other fics I've had in my drafts for a while. 


यह संदेश आपत्तिजनक हो सकता है
Would y'all be mad if I redid down the rabbit hole? Idk I just feel like the concept of "being dragged to a world where all your dead friends are alive but the world is fucking insane" could've been done soooo much better. I even have ideas. But also I feel like at this point the story just needs to be finished. Let go of. Maybe I could finish it and then possibly do a rewrite in the future? 


Schedule starting this Thursday. Got the first chapter ready. I'm actually excited. I feel like I'm doing better with this one than the last ones. It's not the mastermind Kokichi fic though. That one is gonna take more time to figure out. Gonna be oumasai tho. Some of you who have asked about a certain deleted fanfic may be interested in it. (No I'm not reuploading it. It's a new story. One that I won't delete this time.) 


My body does NOT like ADHD meds omg.  They actually never kicked in. In fact, I have just been experiencing bad side effects. AGAIN.