the parasites in me are itching for an orpheus and eurydice plot with heeseung but i haven't even finished a fic i started two years ago


@-TELEPH0NE omg stop, i’m a sucker for greek mythologies lately ! no pressure but i’d read the heck out of it. 


@-TELEPH0NE Hey take your time! It won't go well if you pressure on it. You'll do great~ don't worry just take care of yourself and go with the flow <3


the parasites in me are itching for an orpheus and eurydice plot with heeseung but i haven't even finished a fic i started two years ago


@-TELEPH0NE omg stop, i’m a sucker for greek mythologies lately ! no pressure but i’d read the heck out of it. 


@-TELEPH0NE Hey take your time! It won't go well if you pressure on it. You'll do great~ don't worry just take care of yourself and go with the flow <3


Just a question, is garnet discontinued? It was such a good book and the story line was genieunly very well written!


thank you so much! 'garnet' isn't discontinued but due to the school year, writing has become something i put on the back burner. as 'garnet' was the last book i published, it was also my least prioritized book to keep updated. i apologize for the pause and have been working on a new chapter. thank you for reading!!


happy birthday to me !!
          (and a little writing update: writer's block is hitting me hard but hopefully after exams i'll be back on top of things!! thank you for the continued support <3)


Happy birthday mll xx!!


@-TELEPH0NE Happy birthday, I forgot emojis can't be posted (TT)


hello everyone! this is a severely overdue update for you all:
          i would first like to deeply apologize for my inactivity, i didn't mean to take this long of a hiatus but writing hasn't come easily lately. i've been struggling to be satisfied with the little work i've been able to do and don't want to give you all writing that i know could be a thousand times better.
          in the coming weeks, i'm going to be really cracking down on things and getting back into a groove, so i PROMISE that new chapters are in the works.
          thank you all for your incredible patient, i see all of your comments (*cough* perfume *cough* ) and it truly has pushed me to get through this drought. 
          i will be back soon, please hold on until then <3
          — val


AW BABE take ur sweet sweet time to write, we’ll all wait for u! i hope u dont beat urself up along the way & enjoy the process <3


this message may be offensive
your writing is legit one of the best I've ever seen or read, and your stories are amazing. please keep up the work, cause I don't think anyone can do it better than  you <333 (I've read a shit tone of book and wrote a few)


coming on here quickly to say i'm sorry for the lack of updates as of late but it might take a while for me to publish anything! my best friend is moving halfway across the world tomorrow and i've been preoccupied with saying my goodbyes. school is also starting for me soon so i offer my sincerest apologies for the long wait in between the upcoming chapters for perfume, cicatrize, and garnet
          thank you all for your understanding <3


oh my god, im sorry you have to watch her leave :( i hope you two stay in touch and the intimacy between you two remains stronger and better than ever. don’t rush anything and take as much time as you need to rebuild your strength <3 love you 


ITS ALRIGHTT pls take as much time u need, we’ll all be waiting for u !! take care & good luck in school <3


your welcome 


AAAA omg this is so cool THE NAMES OF OUR BOOKS ARE SIMILARR  i have one coming called garnet grove OMGG


AHH THATS SO COOL i'll be sure to check it out !! great minds think alike coming to fruition 




no way theres also a similar plot