
I can't even find updates from the books I like ;-; I hate this notification thingy.


If you take reading requests, please consider checking out my story "Cleansing the Soul: Moth." It's a fantasy/paranormal book and below is the blurb. If you're interested I'd love to hear from you! If not, I understand and thank you for even reading this ❤
          After turning 16, Lorelei Myst is Claimed by the Earth Mother as an Earth Fae. A destiny she desperately wants no part in. 
          Following a brutal attack, her Tribe is left extremely vulnerable and bereaved by the loss of their loved ones. Lorelei herself is left reeling with the possibility that she was somehow responsible for the death of her kin.
          In a world of Witches, Werewolves, Vampyres, and more, anything is possible. Anything can happen.
          The Gods can see that there's a war brewing on the horizon. They're praying this one doesn't bring another genocide.


@-ShitTalker-  The boys; Cody, Aiden, and Ashton, sent me over to thank you ever so much for reading and voting for their stories: A Kiss Is Just a Kiss and Kiss Him Too.   We hope you've enjoyed reading their adventures so far.  I'd suggest you slow down a bit because there are only like 40 chapters of Kiss HIm TOo and you're pretty much halfway through.     Though my other stories, Lost Boys of Fairweather High, and Fallback Guy take place in the same imaginary town   Still..... pace yaself  :)   Thanks again!


@Nicholasscott aweee hope you update soon 


@-ShitTalker- Don't even worry about it.   I'm absolutely delighted that you're enjoying my stories so much.    LOL.    But don't blame me when you run out of things to read.   LOL, I can only write so much.   Curse there are plenty of wonderful stories to read here on Wattpad.  :)


@Nicholasscott omg- I just now noticed thisssss uwu I'm sorry. And yeah I need to slow down, but I can wait.