
Still here! And back with an update. Chapter 68 - The Traitor is out now from my book 'Dysfunctional'


Imma start rereading cuz just realized I haven’t voted a single one Sorry


Ask me anything about myself :) 
          And in the meantime check out the newest chapter of Dysfunctional - Chapter 67 - True Colours. 


@-Rose97- I love those movies too! Prisoner of Azkaban is probably my favorite. I wish we could’ve seen more of Harry’s and Sirius’ relationship. And I’m excited for your future works!


@ariaanna_19 My favorite movie from the HP series is Prisoner of Azkaban followed closely by Order of the Phoenix. While the two were the most cinematically beautiful with an engaging plot, I still think it was good because it partially revolved around Sirius and Harry's relationship. But maybe that's just my biased opinion lol *shrugs*
            Other than the HP series, I'm a pretty big fan of Star Trek, both the old and new ones. That's originally how I began reading fan fiction before jumping over to HP. 
            I do have plans of a small follow up series after Dysfunctional, nothing as large scale as this book, but it would be nice to see what happens afterwards. Sort of like my version of the chapter 19 years later. 
            Thank you! That means so much to me :) 


            Hi :) What’s your favorite movie? And do you have any other books planned once you finish Dysfunctional? Also, I really love your book! I read it when I first joined Wattpad and it’s been one of my favorites ever since


Hi ! As a massive fan of your story, I’m just wondering when you’ll update next. I know you said in 55 days but we’ve gone way past that… so I’m just wondering when we’ll finally see our dear gods father/godson duo again 


@-Rose97- Oh my gosh, I just checked today and am SO excited!! I can't wait to read it and am so happy you're back :D


@Megipou @Nelmlice Finally updated today! 


Wow congratulations! Totally understand. Can’t wait to read 


ETA for new chapters of 'Dysfunctional': 55 days from today. 


@RadhikaMenon3 I'm excited and nervous lol. But of course, yay! 


@Nelmlice You're welcome! Didn't want you guys to think it was abandoned :) 


A little update for all my readers who are waiting patiently for a new chapter of Dysfunctional:
          I've decided to finish writing the entire story before I publish them next. Since we're already gearing towards the end, there's only less than 10 chapters to go. When I'm done in a few months, updates will be super regular so you don't have to wait for so long to know what happens next. 
          I'm so excited for what's coming up and I hope you are too! We'll just have to wait a few months for it though. 


thank you for the follow, fellow potterhead! i hope we can get to know each other and become friends, and i'm so glad that i found your little corner of wattpad, it's very cosy ❤
          and i don't know if you were planning on reading my books (by the way, why'd you follow me? i'm curious) but i apologize... noseless is the very definition of an over-the-top au... then again, i'm sure you could tell from the summary haha
          well, i've talked for long enough. i hope your day is something special, please stay safe and hydrated!


@starry_arthi I will be sure to do that! 


oh, thank you! :)
            i love parodies too! i'm glad you're enjoying noseless so far ;)
            i hope you like it as you go along! please feel free to drop a vote or a comment, i'd love to know your thoughts! ❤


@starry_arthi honestly, your bio looks so pleasing and the first chapter of Noseless got me laughing, so I followed you to come back to it at another time. I love myself a good parody - guilty pleasures! 