
Anyone have discord and wants to Rp Ninjago? I have an a/b/o idea we can do


It’s fun when you really wanna roleplay a ship (rn its Erasermic and Drarry..) but any discord servers you find are sfw and you wanna do nsfw rps you post announcements on Wattpad trying to find someone but that never works.. you post books and no one ever finds it… you do anything and everything you can to try to roleplay this ship you have so much motivation for but no one likes you your ideas or your ships… it’s great crying myself to sleep every single night…


/ agahhshd


Oh it’s alright if you don’t want to because you’re not active on it just I don’t wanna lose everything I have on here again (like old messages and some old books) 


/ I mean ,  i have Discord .  though ,  I am pretty inactive on it .


Anyone wanna do a extreme angst kiribaku Rp? (Preferably on discord) Feeling down lately and found some inspiration from a video basically it’s Bakugo cheated on Kirishima since Kiri wouldn’t go much farther than holding hands for now he hadn’t even kissed him yet wanting to make sure he had found his forever one before he let him have his first kiss


@-Rock_Bottom-  heyo. I'm awake and just got discord back cause mom hasn't been home. Sorry I didn't respond over the weekend. My dad actually had the weekend off and I was able to spend more time with him. But I can rp now. I'll just be at school. 


@-Rock_Bottom- I'd be up for that, but not on duscird


Alright so because I’m bored rn I will be doing a little contest type thing I will do art of the winners oc post a comment on this announcement to enter and I will put your @ in a randomized wheel to see the winner on tomorrow at 3 pm eastern standard time


@Agresso_Espresso well you’re the winner because no one else entered qwq could you link me to a reference of the oc you’d like me to draw?


@Agresso_Espresso alright I’ll add you in ^^


Anyone want to roleplay some Loki x Mobius with me? It’s the only thing I really have motivation for rn.. me as Loki and preferred if you have discord


||I saw your discord in your bio so no need^^ I sent you a request, my @ is Dreamer || 


@Fxckthatgravity do you need my discord or anything to like send me a friend request?-


So update on me:
          I’m sitting here crying cause my only friends have not talked to me in three days I’ve realized that no matter how hard I try I’ll never be good at drawing since I don’t have actual school cause I’m homeschooled so I don’t have any art classes like everyone else and it seems like no one cares anymore…


@-Rock_Bottom- and I'm not following you around.... I'm just scared to let go... I'm scared of being alone if everyone else who talks to me leaves.... I just don't wanna be alone and I thought caring for an old friend would keep loneliness away..... I'm sorry I'll just unfollow you..... 


@-Rock_Bottom- so I'm making your situation worse?.... By still caring for an old friend?.... 


@subyk1tty I promise you it’s okay you can take all the time you need for yourself


You promised.. you promised you’d never abandon our rp… yet guess who hasn’t gotten a reply in a month..


/ I feel like this annoucement is directed towards me since I haven ' t responded in one month .  I ' m sorry .


@Agresso_Espresso it’s not about you..


            .. I thought I had replied to it..? 