
you can read some of my thoughts in my new book  - COFFEE BREAK -


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why everytime he texts, i feel like an addict who has  favorite bottle of alcohol right in front of me and it's just a matter of time when i grab the bottle?
          and why do i everytime after texting back, feel like having an hungover and using "never again" phrase, although everyone know that i'm totally gonna get fucked up again?


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That one morning, when sun was shining and I woke up tired, I looked at my phone and finally did it. I deleted that stupid message, and with that message I wanted to deleted the past for the first time in my life. That was the moment I realized I was hurting. And that was my breaking point. I won't fucking let him destroy me slowly and make me regret the memories. Cause when I'm fat and old I wanna remember everything, the good and the bad. And I don't ever let some boy destroy that for me, turn my happy memories into sad ones. So that's it. The end. Thanks for the mmrs. I guess.
          ...now excuse me I'm gonna make myself happy.