
I did it, I beat 12-3 of the abyss. Didn't get a single star for it but who am I to care- 
          	The monolith chamber this abyss run is. bad. 
          	Ahem now I finally can get to the important things like organization and management (skills I do not possess)


Oh and I lost my 50/50 on the weapon banner lmao


Lesson of the day: A breakup can change people. Some good. Most of those I wittnessed breaking up turned out bad. 


@tired-wolfi  Oh you most certainly did, you seemed to be doing a lot better afterwards c:


@-Odiul_ | I guess that breakup of mine was one of the I changed to the better examples. :D
            But who defines what is good and what is bad anyway.


@varachira  Okay good you don't feel targeted 
            Istg I have beating up urges


Sometimes, knowledge can hurt. 
          (I hate my class) 


@-Odiul_  but maybe also brains so that they understand how awesome you are and stop that shi*t 


@-fallen_Queen  Please not they'd realize they could beat me up and I wouldn't utter a word about it probably :D


HELP MEE I FORGOT THAT WP REMOVED PMSSS I HATE U WATTPAD. still idm sending it here so THANK YOUUUU    https://docs.google.com/document/d/13gC_JlPcJ7GxZs5haSSBSSvMtMe20EFS5F-_IMKz-gg/edit?usp=sharing


@pianoture  I'M JUST SAYING THE TRUTH!! 
            And understandable, but honestly even if you don't win the poem is absolutely a masterpiece, and since poetry is a form of art it's not really rateable anyways. 
            I'll check it out again once you did finish it for a full on review then, but so far all I can say is I am stunned by your talent :o


tysm for this tbh having a diff perspective helps SO MUCH esp since i havent completed it yet!!


AAAHH YOURE SO SWEET !! and yh i was questioning the layout too, i'll probably turn it into your usual stanzas or something bc im more comfortable w that. and the assignment doesnt rlly have any requirements, it basically just asks for a poem under 40 lines on any theme! its just that its a hugely celebrated competition so i cant submit anything less than my BEST lmfao


"Alright, new world, new game! What was the objective of this one?" 
          "Wait, let me check ... Uh ... It says to 'make friends with the demon lord'." 
          "With a DEMON LORD? Does this one want to get us killed?" 
          "... you guys think they're gonna be hot?" 
          When the puzzle club of (schoolname) gets a letter with an adress, of course, their curiousity is caught, and they go to find the adress - only to find an old house, as good as empty, besides a bunch of boxes with old puzzles in the attic. While they usually don't do this sort of puzzles, they end up taking one of the boxes back to school with them. 
          What they didn't expect was the puzzle to transport them into another world as soon as it was built. 
          A small plot idea, which I wouldn't make an af but rather a kind of- Not moot project but selective project kinda? If I really commited to the idea, would anyone want to join? (Only requirement would be that you have Discord or Insta so I can contact you privately about the matter). 
          Also in case somebody wonders what a puzzle club is, I was kind of making it out to be a group of people that would go around and solve escape rooms or patience/intelligence games, maybe also make such puzzles themselves, and both digital as well as analog. 
          The entire thing would be mostly comedy and fluff themed and more focused on friendship than romance although a bit of romance would still be included. It's just supposed to be a silly story, not something too heartbreaking (even if you are free to give as much angst into your character's bg as you can, I won't hold back either even if the story is mostly fluffy <3) 


No problem Amun!


@-Rem3mber- Yeah lol 
            ... I am not grinning no I'm not wdym- 
            (How to handle compliments about things you are proud yourself of but worry others don't like it as much tutorial please). Ahem but thank you very much!!


Oh really? I’m happy to be of service then lol
            Dude I read your forms and stuff all the time, do you really expect me to say anything other than yes? 


I'm so socially drained but I don't want to upset people by just ghosting for the most part! 
          (Forcing myself into social interaction doesn't really come so well bc I genuinely can't act as upbeat and happy as I usually do.) 
          I'm tired. 


@-Odiul_  Then take your time and rest. I'm sure, the people that matter will understand and wait for you to recharge some energy.


Funfact I either start to randomly vent in a conversation because it comes up or I don't at all and eat up my emotions a lot. A real lot. idk why I do that but I tend to do it even if people constantly tell me they're there for me I still do it lmao


@-Odiul_  I don't mind that, yk? I mean, obviously I like it more to have happy conversations with you, but that's just because I'm more glad when you're happy. I'm there for you and you don't have to feel bad for letting bad emotions out. I do that all the time around you. It's fine, promise <3
            Yeah, valid reason- then just stop eating them up, that helps.


@SchneckeJo Yk I would but I honestly would feel bad still so like. I only do it when it's bad or not so serious and I just want to complain. 
            nah they don't at all, but I don't wanna vomit them up either so yea lmao


@-Odiul_  Still, don't do it please, I'm there for you to vent, okay?
            Besides, I don't at all think bad emotions taste that well.


Me when I want to write people appreciation but I'm having a stroke if saying ily /p is too much for some people and I don't wanna be overbearing <//3


@-Odiul_  Then I'm glad xD You won't escape my hugs until you push me away! Hahh! XD (with me probably feeling guilty then lmao but anywayyyys xD)


@SchneckeJo  Valid enough- :'D 
            Don't worry I will flee if I don't want the hugs xD I like hugging you usually :3


@-fallen_Queen  Felt on a different level q.q