
Anyone want to rp? No? that's okay I'll hide in a corner *hides in a corner in shame*




@-Time_White_Rabbit-  Just cleaned out marae and brought stuff back to the homestead. Gonna go swimming. So many family members. I haven't met some of them. 


I want to thank you for the 137 followers, I really appreciate it. I know to a lot of people it seem like nothing but this is a big thing to me and I hope you all can understands and to the people who are new to wattpad I wish all to get much followers as well, also welcome to wattpad as well


Where's my Cheshire cat? I miss him, no offence to all the other boys but Cheshire is in a lead. If you want me then impress me since I know people won't care at all I'll just turn my single into crushing and if you really want to date the white rabbit from Alice In The Wonderland then show me you do because this rabbit will be taken soon. ;* later my wonderlands