
Is it crazy I have a Marauders chat with no members yet?


HC prt 6
          Gryffindors thinks Cat Regulus is just James's pet that follows him. Regulus took a class he knew he would pass just so he could skip it often and walk around all of Hogwarts with James. Effie made the cat a turtleneck sweater and little mittens which James had to chase him to even get it on him. The Gryffindors call it the cat of Gryffindor at first but then just started calling it James's cat because it only associates with certain Gryffindors. 
          Regulus is allergic to cinnamon and so is every other Black so they all have sweet tooths and use it as a substitute for it. Regulus drinks black coffee out of irony and likes it, Regulus had a journal(it not a diary I swear!) and he writes what Crimson Rivers James would call "sad boy poetry" in it about life.
          Regulus likes muggle art more then wizard art.
          That's all for now


HC pet 5
          Regulus liked James and by the time he knew what an animagus was he tried to learn it and eventually started following James. James got the cat a collar and keeps the cat thinking it's just a cat while Regulus gets to have his cuddly time but also just acts like himself. Sirius said the cat acts like his little brother so James named him Regulus after Regulus because Sirius said jokingly how it's just his brother as a cfa and it's annoying. Regulus hissed the second after he purred the first time because just like a cat it comes right out of him when he enjoys something. Regulus would sometimes lay on James's chest while James thought of random things and James realized that certain noises mean things for the cat and will talk for hours on end. James falls asleep to the purring because it makes him feel at ease so whenever he's stressed Regulus thinks of that.


Cat* why was I tweaking


HC part 4
          Remus's notes weren't his notes but everyone's notes the moment Sirius took them(he shared them with James, James shared with Marlene, etc)
          When Sirius recovers after full moons Sirius takes all his work and tries to do that and makes sure his Moony gets full marks on it because he didn't want Remus stressed out. Before full moons Remus gets extremely sensitive or pissy and Sirius is like a guard dog and will literally beat up a bitch who looks at him wrong who breathes too heavy near him if Remus shudders.
          James says he loves like an owl yet his heart always goes "who?" When someone mentions the name of the person he wants and then he pretends he doesn't know what they're talking about about when he gets too nervous even if he's a bad liar.
          Regulus and Barty dated and it was pretty much just for the sex and chaos so they went back to being just friends and somehow aren't awkward.


HC part 3
          Sirius and Regulus argue in French and people adore it in the hallways even when they're being assholes and few people understand what they're saying.
          Regulus almost drowned in the Hogwarts lake and now says whenever he's wanting to worry his brother or being a cocky douche, "I'm going to go drown myself in the lake." Because Sirius's face makes him die out of laughter because Sirius was worried sick in the hospital wing for him even if he recovered quickly, Sirius stopped visiting by the time he woke up but James snuck in under the invisibility cloak to check on him because he was worried for him


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Random HC pet 2
          Remus and Sirius always somehow meet up when they go out separately
          Remus had a bag he carries specifically for Sirius with a one of his sweaters and a pair of long pants and favourite snacks(alright that's for all of them) because Sirius wears shit that shows off every inch of his body and ends up freezing and refuses to change until Remus uses that worried tone and hands him his sweater
          Regulus and Remus met in the library when Regulus was crying over a poetry book that sounded too similar to his heart, Remus was studying(yes he was stressed over something so he chose studying and smoking) and heard the quiet sobbing and went over. Offered him his cigarette(a penny for your thoughts? No. A cigarette for your troubles? Yes.) and they now study together and have mini-therapy 


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Random HC
          Apollo kids love like owls
          Hades kids are automatically whorecore/bimbocore/cuntcore in the depths of their souls
          Any dark skinned side character will reign hell on you if you fuck w their friends
          "Dumb blonde" characters are either dyslexic or autistic normally depending on what books you read
          The books are almost always better(fact)
          AngelDust gets anxious when people touch him sometimes subconsciously and Husk always tries to make it obvious before doing so just so he can see if Angel will let him
          Husk and James Potter do the same thing with their lovers, (Jegulus ppl where u at)
          Radiosilence is just a desperate masochistic dude who craves an old friend who tends sadistic who either way he probably shouldve stayed away from


Jegulus head cannon?
          James liked Lily and they dated but had to breakup because things were complicated or were on and off at first and at a party James ended up messing around with Sirius's little brother and they kinda did just in general for a bit until Regulus(Abt sixteen I think) got the dark mark and they got in a huge argument and James didn't tell anyone about any of it and over time his love for Lily trailed back and they ended up together and stayed together. No one knows abt what happened between James and Regulus besides Remus, Barty, Evan, and Pandora(if you like the Slytherin Skittles/ the Pantheon then Dorcas too, no one cares if Barty seemed more Ravenclaw or if Dorcas is a Gryffindor)


I can def see this happening 