yall i miss bts man LMFOAOAOA 


okay just redid the first chapter of favrotism (ts was so ass) its still really not up to date with my current writing style but ill take it. I'll work on more later but its rllyyy late where i'm at. 
          also i am going to start writing for KNY


OKAY HI. I know it's been a longggg time! But I have really good news: I'm back, and I'm rewriting all of my fics, or at least the ones that I'm genuinely interested in. The reason I ignored this account for so long was that I hated my writing style and couldn't find it in myself to fix it. But that's not fair to my loyal readers, so be prepared lovelies


I still liked it anyways don’t care about the writing just as you write it thank you for coming back 


spender reid is soooooooooooo fine 


@CatCactus105 :: i publish it!!!!