
The way to my light
          	Yeah I'll fight... Even if I gotta lose my wings, I'll fight... I'll fight to find the path to the light, fight to show people I also deserve love, to show people... to show people? 
          	Naaaaaaah! To show myself that I don't deserve people's love: I don't need it, my self-love will dominate everything. 
          	Said I'm nothing uh? I am myself!
          	Said I will never find someone to love me? I'm on my way to love myself just wait for me! 
          	Said I don't deserve anything but to be alone uh? Then my reflection in the mirror will become my best friend! 
          	Said I am too weak to get a spot in the society uh? I don't need your spot, I'll be above this world! 
          	Said I'm ugly uh? Pft... You gotta understand my talent is more important than my looks! 
          	Said I can't reach the stars uh? I don't wanna reach the stars, I'll be a star! 
          	For the moment you see me crying, you see me suffering, you see me putting my head down when my eyes meet yours... Just wait... I'll rise.
          	Just gimme time.


I wanted to ask you things but it's strange to talk in public abt personal matters 
          This update is sooo annoying 
          Can't you download Discord? 
          It would so much practical 
          It's okay if you don't want to or if you can't


Ah ok don't worry 
            Just want to ask you what are your oral themes? In LLCE and grand oral 


@-willen You can ask here anyways nobody comes here lmao XD
            No I hate it... ToT
            Wait I'll create an account even though I don't like it and tell you


Sorry I had to confess I know you'll be shocked 


@-willen Bahahahah i have to marry your billboard I can't declare war


I'm relieved you didn't declare war 


It was good but not THAT good


Certainly bcs I was very disappointed 


@-willen Yes it is indeed not that good I was just too much enthusiastic lmao


But it wasn't that great ^^'


Ach I have to taste those ones


@-willen AH YES THEY ARE YUK! The only ones I love are matcha flavoured ones


@-willen Strawberry 
            But it wasn't real strawberry lmao