
here’s a thing for you guys 
          	The Butterfly Project
          	The Rules are:
          	1. When you feel like you want to cut, take a marker, pen, or sharpies and draw a butterfly on your arm or hand.
          	2. Name the butterfly after a loved one, or someone that really wants you to get better.
          	3. You must let the butterfly fade naturally. NO scrubbing it off.
          	4. If you cut before the butterfly is gone, you've killed it. If you don't cut, it lives.
          	5. If you have more than one butterfly, cutting kills all of them. 
          	6. Another person may draw them on you. These butterflies are extra special. Take good care of them.
          	7. Even if you don't cut, feel free to draw a butterfly anyways, to show your support. If you do this, name it after someone you know that 2uts or is suffering right now, and tell them. It could help.
          	i have one i drew this morning on my inner wrist and one from my step brother a couple minutes ago. so for those of you who cut, i don’t it was for support, please don’t hurt yourself and do something like this. get your friends and maybe even your family to do it too, for support and awareness. 


@Kanej_forever i don’t know what i did to deserve you either


@-GhostGhaff- sometimes i wonder what i did right in life to deserve to know such an amazing person like you <3


here’s a thing for you guys 
          The Butterfly Project
          The Rules are:
          1. When you feel like you want to cut, take a marker, pen, or sharpies and draw a butterfly on your arm or hand.
          2. Name the butterfly after a loved one, or someone that really wants you to get better.
          3. You must let the butterfly fade naturally. NO scrubbing it off.
          4. If you cut before the butterfly is gone, you've killed it. If you don't cut, it lives.
          5. If you have more than one butterfly, cutting kills all of them. 
          6. Another person may draw them on you. These butterflies are extra special. Take good care of them.
          7. Even if you don't cut, feel free to draw a butterfly anyways, to show your support. If you do this, name it after someone you know that 2uts or is suffering right now, and tell them. It could help.
          i have one i drew this morning on my inner wrist and one from my step brother a couple minutes ago. so for those of you who cut, i don’t it was for support, please don’t hurt yourself and do something like this. get your friends and maybe even your family to do it too, for support and awareness. 


@Kanej_forever i don’t know what i did to deserve you either


@-GhostGhaff- sometimes i wonder what i did right in life to deserve to know such an amazing person like you <3


Hola ^-^
          Hope your day is going amazing, and if it isn’t, then I’ll send a billion hugs and wishes your way for it to get better. 
          I just wanted to tell you you’re amazing, thoughtful, smart, and kind! You’re one of my most favorite people, and I feel so privileged to just know you <3 You deserve the whole friggin galaxy, because you’re just so awesome!! I feel like I can trust you like I would a sibling, and I feel like I can be myself around you <3 
          There ain’t enough words in the dictionary to express how much I both love and care for you!!!
          Send this to all the ones you love <3 
          Started by: @Kanej_forever


thanks ashieeee <3


          i just watched all of agatha all along
          for marvel right now it’s good
          i mean it was mostly bc of teen lol
          i never liked agatha 
          anyways seems wednesdays are still the new fridays for marvel 
          next one is out next wednesday and so on until october 30th which will have 2 episodes.. which means.. it’s gonna be a long one. 


          Just a gentle reminder that you are capable, you are strong, and you are loved 
          Keep smiling and spreading kindness wherever you go 
          Pass on this message to someone who may need a little extra positivity today 
          Started by @HypnoticLily825


@-GhostGhaff- sorry for the late reply (wattpad didnt give me a notif)
            you're welcome and I hope you're now doing better<3 if you ever need to talk, i'm always here!


thanks ashieeee 
            i was having a hard time to say that helped


… why is it that whenever i see some thing i missed out on or that i was at from my dad’s facebook i get really sad. 
          like a few minutes ago i found something from probably my first time at universal studios in hollywood CA and i almost cried. 
          and i also got mildly upset because i missed out on christmas and other family friend’s meetings


me when i play a whole game within 2-3 days: it’s that short?!
          i played unpacking and it was very very short
          and before that i played a little to the left and it was short bc i dont have dlcs yet
          why are games specifically made for what those are so short i want moreeee


this message may be offensive
it’s 9/11 so may this day be remembered for 23 years and all that stuff that i’m not saying because no one but the government makes you look at footage from it these days 
          no joke i used to watch this one 9/11 video every year called “the man in the red bandana” i eventually got annoyed because it was EVERY year until i left that school district. 
          that was because of the “if you don’t let people see it history will repeat itself” but this time it can’t so like why must i have seen it every year. 
          i mean none of this in a horrible “i fucking hate today” way but i mean if you’re gonna be forced to watch the same video for years you would be as done as me probably. 
          anyways i have shit going on today because it’s this huge thing that stops no businesses from running. it really should be a national holiday because that’s a day off and we shouldn’t have history repeating itself. 


@The_bi_creature actually no he got killed at some point. he’s dead now. al queda still exists but it’s like the people went to some other terrorist organisation or something because the leader dies. i think they just went to ISIS or something. anyway osama is dead. 


@RsTheHotOne if people know who did it, did he end up going to jail and if so then for how long


@-GhostGhaff- and @RsTheHotOne okay thanks, that’s honestly terrible, terrorists  deserve to go to hell


oh yesss, not being announced on purpose i just need to say this somewhere 
          so uh
          me and my bf both like a girl, she’s in a relationship and we respect that (though my bf as usual doesn’t really have the filter to make that clear lol). 
          and i just wanted to know since we’ve kind of be open to a poly thing for a while (my subconscious being possessive and selfish AF doesn’t like the idea very much but i mean.. we like her so i think it’s fine) is this like a normal thing because it’s been just us for almost a year now or is it like.. weird???
          i mean as much i would love to be in that kind of relationship.. im anxiety. like what if no one accepts it or something?? all my grandparents are super conservative and super religious. except my mom’s parents, my uncle (mom’s brother) is gay so they kinda get it but not really, but they try and it’s a good thing. so i’m more afraid of my dad and my dad’s parents reaction than anything, and the people who don’t know me and just *see*. i don’t wanna be judged more than i usually am, yk??


@-GhostGhaff- I'll give you my number if you want later 


@RsTheHotOne awww yeah I get that. honestly my mom hasn't ever even been nearly this supportive and while I do love her I just feel kinda sad every time I see you interact with Rory because it's such a comfortable relationship, haha. I've known Rory for a while now and I genuinely think they're such a good person and i see it all comes with the right environment, so I guess that's what I need to work towards - creating a different environment from the one I'm growing up in.
            thanks so much rory's mom you're really an inspiration to me lol