

你好 fellow Chinese speaker!


我很好,可是为什么 ._.


你怎么样? (I think that’s how you say it lol I used speech to text)


"When someone starts a war, the people are the ones to suffer in the end."
          In a war, it's not the people fighting, the people only want to keep their families alive and well, they all wish for a better, brighter future. The people never truly gain anything from fighting. But the only the politicians. In a way both sides lose. Even the side that "wins", only the politician truly win.
          Never hate the people of a nation just because the leader started a war, the people are the ones that lose. <3


@frosted_litez  Thank you. Many people don't know this, or just ignore this on purpose because they are biased towards the other nation and just wish for their favorite to win. :)


@_eur0tune Ikr? It's actually so true.


Today I walked past the mall and in front of it was a huge pride flag where the national flag used to be. Canada is great.


@aquacat086 Yes, top capitalist country 100%.


@Izzy1700 It's pretty good, except the -45°C weather.


This what my brain is like:
          80% Communism and Wattpad
          10% "I'm going to fail life"
          10% of what I'm currently doing


Inspirational quote of the day: "You get wet, you get fed."
          										-My younger brother, 6/11


@CryCorner_COUNTRIES I know right?? After that I was studying so great.


this message may be offensive
@Yourlocal_Michigan So basically I splash water on my brother, because he kept screaming n' shit while I'm studying. Then he ate all the snacks we had on the house.


Some countries in the ch fandom are just so forgotten, for example Yugoslavia and India.


@UnhingedVolchica I feel like the whole of southwest Asian is forgotten. (TAT)


@-ForgotMyNameLol- Also *inhale*
            Eritrea, Zambia, South Africa, San Marino, Lebanon, Jordan, Ethiopia, Mongolia, Hong Kong, Czechoslovakia, Austria, all the different French Republics, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Botswana, Jamaica (and a whole bunch more I could list)


I saw your comment on dome book and clicked on u
          Ur bio
          you remind me of me >:3
          *follows chaotically*


@sochathedragon Thank you, I'm glad someone finds it gud after I spent half an hour staring at my screen and typing. :')


          I'm supposed to do a shout out for this book, but I don't know what that means, so yeah. (⁠(⁠;⁠ꏿ⁠_⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠)⁠)
          It's an art contest, if you want to join, read it. :)