Hi! I'm Amanda and I'm 12...This is a collaboration account with @Pockydere. We can both log-in here (obviously, haha) to continue the story we'll be working on. Uh, the meaning behind our username, -FiveSecondsofExo, is because I LOVE 5Sauce and she LOVES Exo, and we were bored one afternoon after classes and I said, "Hey, what if, like, if Exo and 5SOS were holding a contest for their M&G here; remember we agreed on, uh, like, if you go to an Exo concert, I'll go with you, and if I get to go to a 5SOS concert, you'll go with me, what if we enter both contests, just in case we win, and what if you won in the 5SOS M&G, and I won in the Exo one, and we fought. And, like, that would be so cool..." So basically, that was what boredom did to us, while waiting for my mom to pick us up..Haha...

Whoops, I'll give this to Chesca now..Hahaha.... ^_^


As stated by Amanda ( @VoodooDoll23 ), this is our collab account.

Annyeong! I'm Chesca, 13, k-popper/otaku/cosplayer

Here to make stories about 5Sos and Exo.
  • Seoul, Australia (lol)
  • JoinedAugust 4, 2014
