regulus black is my new bucky barnes. like whenever he is mention in a fic that’s not about him (even about him tbh) i just get so…excited and then i have to read about him, except there’s like no happy ending stories about him i cry T-T


regulus black is my new bucky barnes. like whenever he is mention in a fic that’s not about him (even about him tbh) i just get so…excited and then i have to read about him, except there’s like no happy ending stories about him i cry T-T


Heya bub(x ﹏ x)♡!
          Just wanted to drop by and say I'm super happy you decided to give Tangled a chance and you've read it up to date(°||~||°)♡. I hope you had a good time reading it and it was an absolute pleasure reading your comments(^ ³^). Really appreciate your time and support, hope you'll stick around till the end ^_^. 
          Stay safe and hydrated^_^
          Love, Miss_Fictionist ♡.


@TheHolyLemon Thankyouu so much babes, hoping to keep you entertained(╥﹏╥)♡. And thank you for the follow too✨♡.


Aww. You’re gonna make me cry. You are so sweet. I’m really enjoying the story so far and I can’t wait to see how it progresses.


Do authors get notified when you put one of their works on a reading list?


@TheHolyLemon YES But if it 's on PRIVATE then no


Maybe ‍♀️