
this message may be offensive
if joanna's story has been in your thoughts, you'll be pleased to know i just finished writing the massive fucking prologue. not sure when it'll be out for y'all to read, but know i have NOT forgotten about jo's story! life has been getting in my way but i am ready to start plucking away at this story again.


@-CaptainJackSparrow- ohoho I'm so excited! But please take your time so you don't stress out or overwork yourself!


this message may be offensive
if joanna's story has been in your thoughts, you'll be pleased to know i just finished writing the massive fucking prologue. not sure when it'll be out for y'all to read, but know i have NOT forgotten about jo's story! life has been getting in my way but i am ready to start plucking away at this story again.


@-CaptainJackSparrow- ohoho I'm so excited! But please take your time so you don't stress out or overwork yourself!


          this tweet gives me life and reminds me of the ship between Jack and Will's dad that you mentioned


@Always_Snivellus right!!! king of bad bisexual rep: captain jack sparrow. I'm getting to this message months after you posted it for which i apologize, but i am so flattered you thought of me! muah <3


Take Off Your Dress, Pick Up A Sword could use some love! it's got 6 chapters now and another will be up on Wednesday. yalls support keeps me going!


@ -CaptainJackSparrow-  love you!!


@-CaptainJackSparrow- of course!! love u the most 


@staywildest @boleynofcleves y'all are the sweetest thanks a million 