
Right, so I took my story down and I will republish it on Friday, along with the new chapter! It will be the same story with no edits, however I am going to be pushing chapters together. Longer chapters, less parts :)


Right, so I took my story down and I will republish it on Friday, along with the new chapter! It will be the same story with no edits, however I am going to be pushing chapters together. Longer chapters, less parts :)


Hey all! How've you been doing? It's been a while, no?
          You all know I've been terrible at updating lately. My book? Yeah, we'll all agree I haven't touched it in months. I haven't even opened it, to be honest. It's worse because I didn't even tell you all I was taking a break.
          I don't even have a good excuse, so I will just have to apologise and hope you guys forgive me, if you were even waiting for this update. However, while I was writing the next chapter, I was thinking. My chapters are a bit short, ranging from 1k-2k words, usually lower within that range, and some of them have little action. So what if I merged them together? It would mean less chapters, but same quantity. 
          If I can keep this newfound motivation, you'd also still get updates once a week. So longer chapters: 2k-4k words and same time between them.
          Sound good?
          Yes? No? Let me know. If the majority is in favour I'll do it. If you're not, I won't.
          It's up to you, lads.


Naver (the company owner of Webtoon) has just bought Wattpad. I was told that the new terms state that all Wattpad content is legally the right of the company. While this claim has no validity as of yet, I fully intend to check it out. Depending on how true it is, I may remove my works from Wattpad.


@LittleLoneWriterGirl Mhm. I checked the terms for myself while checking the validity of this claim and then brought it up to a couple of  WP groups on other apps to see their thoughts. Apparently these are Webtoon's tos, made to protect the author, and if they do extend it to Wattpad it will be to protect the author. Naver will sure have their work cut out for them once they see the amount of plagiarism here though haha. Section 8 if you want to check it out. https://www.webtoons.com/en/terms


@BenevolentMyths if they do that they'd open themselves up to litigation tho with the amount of fanfiction on here