Socialism कहानियाँ

255 कहानियाँ

CominternSH द्वारा MILITARY-PROGRAM of the world socialist revolution
MILITARY-PROGRAM of the world soci...CominternSH द्वारा
20 military guiding principles of the Comintern (SH) - adopted on September 9, 2016 - written by Wolfgang Eggers On occasion of the centenary anniversary of Lenin's famo...
CominternSH द्वारा What is revisionism?
What is revisionism?CominternSH द्वारा
February - May 2016 written and translated by Wolfgang Eggers
CominternSH द्वारा Comintern (SH) Programmatic Declaration on the question of migrants and refugees
Comintern (SH) Programmatic Declar...CominternSH द्वारा
10th of September, 2015 written by Wolfgang Eggers
CominternSH द्वारा 21 Conditions of Admission to the Communist International( Stalinist-Hoxhaists)
21 Conditions of Admission to the...CominternSH द्वारा
On occasion of the 95th anniversary of Lenin's 21 Conditions of Admission to the Comintern, adopted by the Second World Congress of the Comintern on August 6, 1920
CominternSH द्वारा Messages, appeals and statements of Comintern (SH)
Messages, appeals and statements o...CominternSH द्वारा
Messages, appeals and statements of Comintern (SH)
CominternSH द्वारा Future Draft of a Socialist European Constitution
Future Draft of a Socialist Europe...CominternSH द्वारा
written by Wolfgang Eggers July 9, 2015
CominternSH द्वारा Declaration of War against the neo-revisionist ICMLPO
Declaration of War against the neo...CominternSH द्वारा
published by the Comintern (SH) June 16, 2015
CominternSH द्वारा Why communism? by M. J. Olgin
Why communism? by M. J. OlginCominternSH द्वारा
Plain Talks on Vital Problems By M. J. OLGIN second revised edition May 1935 Content I. THE MALADY II. THE DIAGNOSIS III. THE CURE IV. THE STATE V. A P...
ashyvesXC द्वारा Socialism, The Utopian Idea
Socialism, The Utopian IdeaAsh Hernández Yves द्वारा
Socialism, The Utopian Idea is a simple and small book about the tyranny of old style socialism and communism, and how democratic socialism, or a newer ideology with goo...
ComradeMax45 द्वारा The Motherland In Another World | Summoning Soviet Union [REWRITE]
The Motherland In Another World |...ComradeMax45 द्वारा
What if it wasn't Japan that teleported to another world, but rather a certain superpower country on Earth. This country was once America's Cold War rival and collapsed...
Rupain11 द्वारा Book Review of Man's Worldly Goods by Leo Huberman
Book Review of Man's Worldly Goods...Rupain11 द्वारा
This is a book review on Man's Worldly Goods by Leo Huberman, 1936. Where I am looking at the economical drift and shift in Europe, further focused and analysed the econ...
CominternSH द्वारा What does the Comintern (SH) want?
What does the Comintern (SH) want?CominternSH द्वारा
Program of the World Commune "No. 1" - PRINCIPLES OF WORLD COMMUNISM - created and translated originally German language by Wolfgang Eggers May 11, 2014 Additi...
Demuu0 द्वारा Welcome back
Welcome back Nyx द्वारा
This story will have characters or certain parts of characters which may not be entirely historically accurate. Old leaders of the world find themselves alive in the mo...
CominternSH द्वारा Down with Korean revisionism!
Down with Korean revisionism!CominternSH द्वारा
decided and published by the Comintern (SH) on July 24, 2013
KONUMA 1 EPILOGUEvivían a guadalupe Martin en... द्वारा
After the successful defense of tatshirando It Is Time to go full on the offensive against the commission and it's colonial regime of the 48 colonies aswell of it's alli...
CominternSH द्वारा Down with cuban revisionism
Down with cuban revisionismCominternSH द्वारा
decided and published by the Comintern (SH) on February 13, 2013 "The Cuban revolution did not begin on the basis of Marxism-Leninism and was not carried out on the...
CominternSH द्वारा 5-hours day - Theses on reduction in working hours
5-hours day - Theses on reduction...CominternSH द्वारा
The struggle of RILU for the 5-hours day Theses on reduction in working hours July 3, 2024 created by Wolfgang Eggers
xXsn0wst0rmXx द्वारा A Schoolgirl's Manifesto
A Schoolgirl's Manifestoᴅᴇᴜᴛꜱᴄʜʟᴀɴᴅ द्वारा
Hello dear reader, If you read my writing, you may be aware that I write fiction. However, this book (though I never intended to write it) is going to be quite different...
CominternSH द्वारा World revolutionary platform
World revolutionary platformCominternSH द्वारा
[world- programmatic declaration of the Comintern (SH)] 7th of November 2009