Justwow कहानियाँ

टैग द्वारा परिष्कृत करें:

15 कहानियाँ

Queen-Of-Weird द्वारा Take It From The Wise
Take It From The WiseᗯE බƦƎ ₮ⱧɆ ҒRΣΔҜS द्वारा
Someone once told me that the wise ones know best. They also told me love was just another tragedy. Though i wonder what it was like to feel a simple gesture of love or...
AlexOdd द्वारा Jim
Jim AlexOdd द्वारा
Just the amazing life of John..oh wait no Jim
Loon_ey द्वारा Texts
TextsLoon द्वारा
Again... if you can't recognize what it is by the title... #960 HUMOR 6/10/18 Started: 11/28/18 P.S- Whoever's baby is in the cover, congratulations. It's the cutest ba...
KrystSanti द्वारा Book of Quotes Two✔️
Book of Quotes Two✔️Krys Santi द्वारा
Well hello!! This book is about just random quotes that I like and just want to share them with you guys! I hope that you enjoy the book.
Casstrian द्वारा Randomness at its finest
Randomness at its finest Casstrian द्वारा
No description can possibly explain the strangeness that is this story...
laymaek द्वारा look out
look outLayla Mae द्वारा
These have all spilled from my brain guts. Oh that sounds nasty. Sorry! But I think I'll get some SAMEEE's and a few LOL's and ME TOOO's. Bc you know, most of you readi...
BeUniqueBeKawaii2 द्वारा This Is Not Serious
This Is Not Serious*~Pretty_Little_Rebel~* द्वारा
Do not read unless you want to EAT beef lol Not serious This is a joke Me and my friend made Again not serious
Heather1512 द्वारा Stomach Tied In Knots ~ Book 1 ~ (Kellin Quinn Fanfiction)
Stomach Tied In Knots ~ Book 1 ~ (...Heather द्वारा
Twila is a 22 year old Brittish woman that works in a carehome looking after the elderly. She had a rough start in life and the only thing that stopped her from committi...
Tyler_lloyd594 द्वारा The Odd One Out.
The Odd One Out.Tyler_lloyd594 द्वारा
Young Taylor was and ok kid, did what he was told, almost never broke the rules. Has never kissed a girl, and yes a virgin.But one problem....... He is undereducated abo...
puppylove04 द्वारा Sleeping on Clouds
Sleeping on Cloudspuppylove04 द्वारा
It all started when Eva McGoy woke up on Monday morning ready for school. When a simple basketball hit Eva in the back of her head it changed her life. She woke up the...
blueedreww द्वारा Romans vs Greeks : The First Battle
Romans vs Greeks : The First Battleblueedreww द्वारा
When the Greeks and Romans fight , what's happens? On hold