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  • The Dark Warlock: The Nox Haven Series
    593K 38.4K 35

    Destiny. It was a funny thing. I had always thought that I could create my own destiny. But after attending my junior year at Nox Haven, I knew that wasn't possible. My destiny was written two hundred years before my birth, when my ancestor- The Dark Warlock- created a cult of Dark Ones. It was my destiny to rid the...

  • Her Stolen Innocence (Teen Pregnancy) [COMPLETED]
    1.4M 27K 35

    Evelyn Pearce has it all. The looks, the friends, the popularity, the personality. She never chose to be popular, it just happened. To her, she just has many friends. And if you're thinking of the normal popular Queen B then you're wrong. Evelyn is one of the nicest most kindhearted people at North East High School. S...

  • Bad Influence (Seven Deadly Sins #2) ✅ Completed
    702K 26.1K 42

    17-year old Eliza sucked her evil Aunt Celeste into a Monet painting and just survived negotiations with her aunt's demonic boss, Asher. She also managed to save her new-semi-cursed boyfriend's soul from eternal damnation (at least for the next 30 days), but can she and Dante, her dark and mysterious co-worker, do the...
