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  • Finding Ford
    868K 56.1K 30

    Jas gives me a sympathetic look. She sighs heavily, long nails tapping against the wooden table, dodging the 'Missing' posters scattered all over the surface. "Maybe," she finally says, "Just maybe, he doesn't want to be found, Ava." I clench my jaw. "No. I refuse to believe that. He's not like that." "What do you kno...

  • In 27 Days (Watty Award Winner 2012)
    49.9M 2M 38

    Hadley Jamison doesn't know what to think when she hears that her classmate, Archer Morales, committed suicide. She didn't exactly know him, but that doesn't stop her from feeling like there was something she could have done to help him. So to Hadley's surprise, on the very night of Archer's funeral, she has a r...

  • Take Me Home | ✔
    12.4M 497K 59

    the road trip of a lifetime. [ cover by blissom / trailer by blissom ] [ started march 30th, 2013 - ended february 18, 2015 © paulina r. all rights reserved ]

  • The Girl Who Read [And the Boy Who Kissed Her]
    472K 21.6K 14

    She was quiet, and lived in the small neighborhood bookstore. And he watched her, every day. Pick up a book, read page by page, tears streaming down her face, or laughter, sweet, melodic laughter come out of her mouth. And he loved her. So much. So one day, he does the unthinkable to the girl he believed thought him t...

  • Atinși de flăcări: Scântei (I)
    734K 45K 41

    Dragoste/Fantezie Nu vă lăsați păcăliți de numărul de voturi și de citiri. Necesită editare; nu drastică, dar tot lipsesc unele litere, iar exprimarea poate fi deficitară în primele douăzeci de capitole. * * * Primul volum di...

  • Bad Boy's Game
    70.7M 2.2M 46

    He lit his cigarette, I lit nothing. He drank alcohol, I drank water. He smirked, I smiled. He didn't love me, I didn't love him. He and I together wouldn't last a day. And then the game started... He said he found me intriguing, unique, and interesting because I didn'...

  • Scriitorii Nu Știu Totul
    30.2K 2K 20

    Probabil ceea ce vei citi acum nu te va încânta, dragul meu cititor, dar asta e, cu siguranță vei citi mai departe pentru că am impresia că ți-am captat atenția, într-adevăr? Ești curios și dorești să știi ce vei găsi în această carte. Pentru început, țin să precizez că ideea nu este a mea, ci a unei fete extraordinar...

  • For her skater heart (One Direction Fan Fic)
    204K 7.8K 33

    Emma si Sunny sunt singurele fete dintr-o trupa de skateri din care, odata, facea parte Harry Syles. Cu mult dupa ce Harry a plecat sa-si gaseasca succesul singur, lasand-o pe Em cu inima franta, el decide sa se intoarca in oras. Ce este diferit acum? Ei bine, diferenta o face Zayn Malik, care se integreaza in grupul...
