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  • Just One Regret || Brendon Urie
    255K 7.2K 75

    Who could love me? I'm out of my mind. He was at the climax of his journey and swimming with triumph with his wife right by his side. "We did it." He asserted, not knowing of the imminent downfall to come. For he had been blinded, so blinded in fact that he couldn't predict just how far he was going to fal...

  • Always (A Brendon Urie Fanfiction)
    27.5K 447 31

    Mal has a very dark past. After meeting Brendon Urie at his own concert, they become friends and maybe more. Falling in love is not an easy thing to do, especially when it was always you. *May be triggering for some audiences*

  • AURORA Koltova svetlost (Rajderovi, #1)
    319K 1.3K 3

    Šta se desi kada spojite dvoje tvrdoglavih mladih ljudi, punih besa i grižnje savesti? Dodate tome nekoliko tajni, uzajamnu netrpeljivost i prstohvat nepoverenja. Pomešte sa šačicom malobrojnih prijatelja, gomilom problema i nekim ne baš legalnim radnjama... Začinite sa bezbroj užarenih pogleda i dodira, i...

  • I'm A Riddle {Draco x reader} (on hold)
    3.1M 84.2K 136

    (Y/N) Riddle is a pureblood feared witch, she is the cursed child of Tom Riddle or otherwise known as Lord Voldemort. She went to Azkaban when she was young for 5 years until she was proven innocent, but was she?... (Y/N) can shift into a 7 foot tall creature but is not an Animagus. She was cursed into it by her fathe...

  • Fairly Local | Josh Dun x Reader
    314K 16.5K 72

    "For real though, I'm Josh Dun" "Yeah, and I'm Hayley Williams"

  • Darovi Elemenata
    74.9K 7.6K 43

    Dalenta Gandhi, djevojka sivih očiju i kose te tako blijede puti da je razlika u nijansama između snijega i njene kože gotovo zanemariva. Još malo će navršiti šesnaest godina, a nitko nije ničime pokazao da će ju odvesti iz Doma za siročad u kojem je provela svoj cijeli život niti je ona pokazala želju za time. Štoviš...

  • The Daughter of Kurama (Discontinued)
    51.4K 1.2K 32

    Etsuko a eleven year old girl who has been abused for several years is suddenly visited by none other than the flaming two-tailed tiger Matatabi. As she gets dragged into the world of Naruto, she learns things about herself and others she never knew before. Follow Etsuko as she goes in an adventure through the Naruto...

  • The Big Four - One Life
    74K 2.8K 19

    "Tell me the story," the little girl whispered eagerly, "of the ice boy and the flower princess and their adventures with the dragon rider and the arrow-splitter." Her grandmother chuckled quietly to herself. "It's a long story, my child. So we'd better not waste any more time." They were the Big Four. This is the...

  • Music Shifter
    670K 18.1K 60

    You are a secret killer for a few years, nobody can ever track you. You gain powers are from music Example: you hear the song unravel from Tokyo Ghoul, you became a ghoul what if the creepypasta's find out about you? This is a reader insert. YOU are the main character Creepypasta x reader THIS IS VERY OLD!

  • Black Rose (Kakashi's Sister FanFic)
    237K 5.9K 75

    last updated in 2017-2018. newest authors note was november 1st, 2022. this fanfic is old and not great! if you read it that's your own decision, but i warned you. hope you still enjoy it though Black Rose. What many consider a symbol of evil and death. I see as a thing of purity. Kiyoko Hatake, The Black Rose. This w...

  • Who Says I'm Nice?
    91K 3.9K 26

    A cold cat girl who hates humans because of what a human has done to her. Team 7 tries to get her to open up but she keeps shutting them out. However, this girl seems have a small interest in Naruto. Is it because she's knows his situation or is it because she knows what he's been through. Or both. As Naruto get cl...

    Tamamlandı   Yetişkin
  • Zla Randoom Knjiga
    2.8K 394 48

    Tko ovdje uđe, nek se kani svake nade Dante Alighieri, Božanstvena komedija

  • citati
    22K 1.6K 25

  • The Hatchetman | Niall Horan
    15.6K 1.7K 29

    Njih dvoje se ponovo susreću, ali sada sa potpuno različitim životnim pričama. Ona će biti još jedna njegova žrtva ubijanja. Šta će se desiti kada budu saznali da se znaju od detinjstva?

  • Sofokle: Antigona
    5.4K 121 23

    Antigona je prema grčkoj mitologiji bila ćerka tebanskog kralja Edipa koju je on dobio sa svojom majkom Jokastom. Mit koji je Sofokle (496. p. n. e. - 406. p. n. e.) dramatizovao u Antigoni pripada krugu tebanskih legendi. Izdavanjem zapovesti da Polinik, Antigonin brat, ostane nesahranjen, Kreont, novi vladar Tebe, s...

  • Wild girl
    4.9K 403 10

    Sheena je 17-godišnja djevojka slabijeg socijalnog statusa koja živi sa roditeljima i bratom. Njezin život jr normalan sve dok ju majka ne pošalje da živi s bakom. Baka živi u planinama izvan civilizacije živeći po starim običajima. Sheena voli boraviti kod bake zbog tišine koja tamo prevladava,no zna li ona da tamo n...