Επιλογή Όλων
    16 3 1

    its about the best cousin the whole entire world and shes also like my sister and you have no clue!

  • Short Stories With Grace
    3.2K 115 80

    So...these are random stories that I've made up or are just weird things that have happened to me. So...enjoy? This was just for fun. Check out my other books. They aren't as weird as this one.

  • Me +You
    129 10 4

    Hi guys! This story is actually about me and my best friend. Her name is Grace and mine is Kallyn you say it like Allen with a k/c in front of it. Anyway this story is true and every wonderful detail about Grace is true she is a hilarious person and she's practically perfect in every way! You guys should follow her! H...

  • Oops, I Meant Cassie
    868 45 18

    13 year old Cassie always felt left out of her generation. With the pain of moving constantly at her side she has to start a new school and battle the one and only, eighth grade. Find out how Cassie battles the popular preps of eighth grade.
