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  • enthusiast of many except myself
    418 3 20

    I don't know I'm just bored and can't sleep. On the other hand, I know perfectly well what I'm writing. Perhaps this will one day serve as a sort of diary.

  • Getting Through _______. : A Transgender Story
    254 15 2

    Walking down these halls... Seeing girls and boys with all different shapes and sizes These people got their whole lives figured out I dont even know who i am Am i straight? Am i even a girl? Well obviously but it just doesnt feel... Right ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Warning: Transgender Story if you dont support it...

  • Random Book Of Things
    695 23 11

    Just things to make you smile a bit

  • Mutilation
    83 2 2

    A two-shot story about Carolyn, who was dumped by her jerk boyfriend Jim, her now ex, who was going to propose to her.

  • 1 in 6
    273 11 4

    Imagine being the only girl in one direction. Haters throwing words at you every second... But it doesnt matter when you go onto that stage with the 5 boys you love and care for... Its all fun and games until someone realises the butterflies in their stomach wasn't the food...

  • My Daily Life
    151 2 2

    Just a description of how I live my daily life. Nothing much.

  • Louder than words
    987 124 11

    People call me lonely, but I'm not. I've got books and my brother. People call me weird, but I'm not. I just like to keep to myself. People call me mental - and that's exactly what I am. * * * * * 15-year-old Gabriella Storm is just an average teenage girl. She's smart, pretty, and has an awesome brother...

  • Partners in Crime
    203 3 8

    Mary Belle has always been alone in her world. Her only friends were her food, which is probably why she developed her eating disorder. Everyday she endures hell, that is until she has the final straw and decides to ditch it. In the process, she finds someone who also endures hell, but for an entirely different reason...

  • Random
    1.2K 215 39

    Just a place where I can talk about anything and everything, and no one can tell me I can't.

  • Parting Of Ways.
    230 30 2

    Sarah is a 15-year-old girl brought up in a Catholic Christian household. They're extremely religious. But when she makes friends with Hera, a fellow Muslim, she finds out that all she used to think about Muslims was a misconception.