Can't Even Think Straight [bo...

By SkeneKidz

2.3M 93.3K 91.8K

Evan Sudlow is narcissistic, over-dramatic, and secretly gay. Sebastian Amsel is calm, casual, and hotter tha... More

Can't Even Think Straight [boyxboy]
Can't Even Think Straight {2}
Can't Even Think Straight {3}
Can't Even Think Straight {4}
Can't Even Think Straight {5}
Can't Even Think Straight {6}
Can't Even Think Straight {7}
Can't Even Think Straight {8}
Can't Even Think Straight {9}
Can't Even Think Straight {10}
Can't Even Think Straight {11}
Can't Even Think Straight {12}
Can't Even Think Straight {13}
Can't Even Think Straight {14}
Can't Even Think Straight {15}
Can't Even Think Straight {16}
Can't Even Think Straight {17}
Can't Even Think Straight {18}
Can't Even Think Straight {20}
Can't Even Think Straight {21}
Can't Even Think Straight {22}
Can't Even Think Straight {23}
Can't Even Think Straight {24}
Can't Even Think Straight {25}
Can't Even Think Straight {26}
Can't Even Think Straight {27}
Can't Even Think Straight {28} END

Can't Even Think Straight {19}

74.9K 3.2K 4.7K
By SkeneKidz

                “We’d better get back to the lunch table,” Sebastian said after us standing there together for a few minutes.

                He released me and began to head towards the door. I reached out and caught his hand, forcing him to look at me. It was kind of ironic how our roles had suddenly been reversed.

                “Sebastian…are you okay?” I asked.

                He bit his lips before sighing and shaking his head. “No, Evan. I’m not alright. I kept telling myself I didn’t like you. But…I can’t deny my feelings anymore. I won’t deny them anymore. I want you. I know I do. And that kind of bothers me. You’re going to get me locked up in a straightjacket in no time,” he said, offering me a weak smile.

                He sighed again and moved to me, kissing me deeply. He pulled away and shook his head at me. “I love doing that,” he said.

                “I love your love of doing that,” I said, my lips tingling from the contact.

                “Evan, you’re not ready to come out yet, are you? Not today, at least,” he said, taking my hand in his and squeezing it.

                I shook my head slowly, my mind flashing to Jason and Kyle. “No,” I said. “No, I’m not ready to come out. Not because I’m scared of Jason and Kyle or anything. Nope. Never heard of them. Just not ready. Not afraid to have my face pounded in.”

                “I promise I won’t let them hurt you, Evan,” Sebastian said, leaning down and kissing me. “Just start with your parents tonight.”

                I nodded, nervous. I didn’t know how my mom and dad would react to my being gay. I was such a good actor, that they had never even suspected it before.

                “Are you going to tell your parents?” I asked, smirking. I had turned Sebastian Amsel gay.

                Sebastian coughed into his arm to disguise a laugh. “You’re clueless, aren’t you?” he asked, trying hard not to laugh at me.

                I furrowed my brow at him in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

                “Evan, there’s nothing for me to tell them. I was never straight,” he said, his laughter escaping when he saw my expression.

                “You were…you were gay this whole time?” I asked.

                Calming his laughter, Sebastian nodded. “Yes. I came out as gay when I was 14. I just don’t feel the need to go screaming my sexuality to everyone with ears. Just ask Murphy or Rory. They knew this whole time,” he explained.

                “Rory knew?” I cried.

                Sebastian nodded.

                “But…what about you and Cecilia…”

                “Cecilia is Murphy’s cousin. I was just being nice to her,” he said patiently.

                “Why didn’t you freaking tell me?!” I cried.

                Sebastian shrugged. “I don’t know,” he said, trying to hide a grin. Oh, but I saw it on his face.

                “You’re a jerk! I’m mad at you!” I whined, turning to storm out on him.

                Sebastian grabbed my hand and pulled me into his arms, hugging me tightly. “Don’t be mad at me,” he whispered, kissing my neck.

                “Why would I be mad at you?” I asked, instantly hypnotized as our eyes locked.

                “Exactly,” he said, releasing me. “Now let’s get back to the lunch table before they get too suspicious.”

                He paused before kissing me deeply and leaving the room. I followed after him, my legs weak and shaky. I tripped over air and started falling towards the ground.

                Sebastian effortlessly caught me and righted me. “Oh Evan,” he said with a sigh. “What am I going to do with you?”

                “Love me,” I said automatically. I blushed and slapped a hand over my mouth.

                “I just might,” he said, smirking. He steadied me before releasing me.

                We began to walk down the hall together. I nervously rubbed the back of my neck as I glanced at Sebastian.

                “So…uh…are we…” Hm…how would I word this?

                Sebastian got a thoughtful look on his face. “It won’t be official until you tell your parents. I refuse to date you if you won’t tell your parents.”

                “I’ll tell them,” I said automatically. I’d do anything to be with Sebastian. Hell, I’d lick a monkey’s ass if it meant we would date.

                Not that I was desperate or anything.

                “Good,” Sebastian said with a smile.

                We went into the lunch room and over to our table. We sat down in our normal seats, and I mentally yelled at my heart to stop racing.


                “WE’RE IN LOVE I TOLD YOU, I TOLD YOU, WE’RE IN LOVE!” I gripped Rory’s shirt as I spoke, basically shouting in his face.

                “That’s great. Now can you hand me a damn napkin?” Rory asked impatiently, smacking my hands off.

                “Rory, did you hear me? WE. ARE. IN. LOVE. WE’RE GOING TO DATE AND BE TOGETHER FOREVER AND HOLY SHIT I’M SO HAPPY!” I was basically bouncing in my seat.

                I looked over and saw that Sebastian had his face in his hands, his shoulder shaking from silent laughter. He pulled his face away from my hands, saw my bouncing, and started laughing all over again.

                “You’re a moron!” he said, trying hard to get his laughter under control. His face was turning red from the force of it.

                “But I’m your moron!” I said smugly.

                Sebastian nodded, finally getting a hold of his laughter. “Yes, now you are my moron,” he said, shaking his head in amusement.

                “Am I missing something here?” Murphy asked in confusion as he looked between us.

                “I’ll fill you in afterschool,” Sebastian said.

                “Are we hanging out afterschool?” I asked Sebastian eagerly. I just wanted to be with him. I had never been so happy in my entire life.

                Sebastian shook his head, and I felt my face fall. Did he not want to hang out with me? Did I smell?

                I lifted my arm and sniffed my arm pit. I frowned and shook my head. No, I smelled just fine. Hm…so why didn’t he want to hang out with me?

                Oh no. It’s because he’s cheating on me, isn’t it?!

                “Sebastian how could you cheat on me like that?!” I demanded angrily. I bet it was with Liam! Or Cecilia! Or…GASP. IT WAS RORY.

                I turned and slapped Rory. He jumped in shock and stared at me, rubbing his cheek.

                “What the hell was that for?” he asked in confusion.

                “GET YOUR OWN SEXY LOVER!”I said, shoving him and pouting.

                “Evan!” Sebastian said, laughing hard again. “We’re not hanging out afterschool because you need to talk to your parents.”

                “Oh yea,” I said, remembering that I had to tell them I was gay. “Hehe. Whoops. Sorry Rory!” I reached out and pat him on the head, smiling brightly at him.

                “I hate you and I hope you step on a lego in the dark,” he growled.

                “Rory!” I cried in horror. “I can’t believe you just said that to me! You’re a terrible person! I mean you might as well make dead baby jokes you ass!”

                “You’re the one who slapped me for no fucking reason!”

                “Do not use the f-word around me mister!”

                “Seriously Evan, I hate you!”

                “NO YOU LOVE ME DON’T EVEN SAY THAT WAH RORY YOU LOVE ME WAH!” I flung my arms around his neck and jumped into his lap.

                I paused. “Wait, what am I doing? You ain’t my man! My man is over there!” I said, pointing at Sebastian. I jumped out of Rory’s lap.

                “Evan, you’re even more hyper than usual. It’s scary,” Sebastian said, watching me with an amused expression.

                “I’m sorry. I can’t help it. I just…GAH I JUST WANT TO EAT YOUR FACE UP! And your- No! Bad Evan! That’s dirty. Not at the lunch table. Not that I would ever…Oh, who am I kidding? I would totally suck your dick. Probably at the lunch table. Wait, what was I supposed to be talking about?” I asked, confusing myself.

                “Good luck Sebastian. He’s in your hands now. I’m done with him,” Rory said with an annoyed sigh.

                Sebastian shot Rory a knowing look before a grin spread on his face. “I think I can handle it,” he said confidently.

                “Well duh. Who wouldn’t want to be stuck with me? I’m fun to be with, I’m great eye candy, and I instantly boost your popularity,” I pointed out.

                “Sure Evan. Of course you are,” Sebastian said, nodding at me as if I were a small child.

                I pouted and crossed my arms. “You guys are mean,” I grumbled.

                The bell exploded and we all took off, heading to class. When the end of the day rolled around, I went to my locker and began to gather my stuff.

                Someone shoved me and I managed to catch myself on my locker. I spun around and shrank back in fear as Jason and Kyle glared at me.

                “Listen up faggot. We’re going to catch you off-guard one of these days and kick your sorry ass. And if you tell Sebastian we threatened you, we’re going to kick Rory’s ass instead. Got it?” Jason snarled.

                “Why would you go after Rory?” I asked in confusion. “I could understand how you’re jealous of me, but Rory isn’t attractive! He has horrible hair, his nose is weird, and hi- OH GOD LOCKER.”

                Jason had shoved me so that half of my body was in my locker. “Just remember: It’s you, or your best friend,” he hissed.

                “Let’s go Jase,” Kyle said and Jason nodded, slowly releasing me. The two walked down the hallway and disappeared around the corner.

                “Well Rory, it was nice knowing you,” I said, nodding to myself. “Can’t risk breaking my face. It would be too much of a shame. Not many people look as good as I do.”

                “Are you talking to yourself?”

                I yelped and jumped away in surprise. Sebastian smirked at me, leaning against the locker next to mine, his arms crossed. Well hello there, you sexy thing.

                He moved towards me, that smirk never leaving his face. “Telling your parents tonight?” he asked.

                I nodded and gulped. “Yea, I’ll tell them tonight,” I promised.

                “Good. I’m sure they’ll be fine with Evan,” he said.

                “I hope,” I mumbled, glancing down at my feet.

                Sebastian wrapped his arms around me and I felt my face heating up. He stepped away and shook his head at my blush, his smirk melting away to a small smile.

                “Well, text me if you need me tonight,” he said with a wink. “I have to go find Murphy. I’ll see you tomorrow Evan.”

                I watched his butt as he walked away until he had disappeared out of my sight. I skipped down the hall until I found Rory at his locker.

                “Hey Rory, how do you feel about having your face pounded in?” I asked curiously.

                “I feel as though that wouldn’t be very enjoyable,” he said, not bothering to glance at me as he exchanged his books.

                “Interesting,” I mumbled, rubbing my invisible beard.

                Rory stood up, slinging his bag over his shoulder and shutting his locker. “Let’s go,” he said, turning and beginning to walk down the hall.

                I followed him out to his car and got in the passenger’s seat. He drove to my house and pulled into the driveway, putting the car in park.

                “Do you want me to come in?” he asked.

                I bit my lip and shook my head. “No. I have to tell them I’m gay. I have to do this alone,” I said, not meeting his eyes. I was too nervous.

                “You are so overdramatic Evan,” Rory said, rolling his eyes. “They’ll be fine with it, and then you can date Sebastian.”

                I reached over and hugged Rory, suddenly just wanting to hug him. He gave the best hugs in the world, and he so rarely hugged anyone.

                Rory sighed and wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him tightly for a minute before pulling away, already feeling better.

                “Bye Rory!” I said, jumping out of his car and waving.

                He pulled out of the driveway, and I let myself into my house. I kicked my shoes off before going up to the living room, where my parents were sitting on the couch together watching a movie.

                “Parents! I need to talk to you!” I announced, clapping to get their attention.

                “Son! We don’t care!” mom said, flipping me off.

                “Rude,” I said with a pout. “But this is important. Well, I’m always more important than your movies. So, pause it and listen up!”

                Mom sighed but paused the movie. She and dad turned their attention to me and nodded at me to continue.

                I bit my lip, my nerves returning. Damn, I should’ve just made Rory come with me. I could’ve hugged him the whole time while I came out to my parents.

                They were going to be so ashamed of me! Knowing that their son, who was so good looking and stuffed full of such amazing personality traits, would never reproduce!

                “I’m…uh…” My throat constricted and I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

                “Evan, whatever it is, just say it,” mom said, her eyes going soft. “Go on. We’re here for you.”

                “I’m gay!” I blurted. “I’m gay and I’m in love with Sebastian and we’re in a relationship! Well, kind of. I had to tell you guys I was gay before he would agree to be in a relationship with me. And he has an amazing ass, let me tell you. That boy can also kiss like a champ. And his eyes! They’re sea colored, and I just get so lost in them and-”

                “Evan, we knew you were gay. You really need to learn how to control what you say when you speak. You’re obvious,” mom said, playing the movie again. “But thank you for finally formally admitting it to us.”

                My jaw unhinged and my mouth fell open. “You knew?”

                My parents both nodded at me.

                “But…but I’m so clever and good at hiding it!” I said, dumbfounded. How could they have known? I was so careful to keep it a secret from everyone!

                “I blame you. You dropped him when he was a baby,” mom said, whacking dad’s arm.

                “Ow! I said I was sorry for that! I didn’t mean to drop him!” dad grumbled, rubbing his arm.

                “You dropped me when I was a baby?!” I cried.

                “Go do your homework Evan,” dad said, flashing me an innocent smile.

                “He can’t. He’s too stupid because YOU DROPPED HIM,” mom said, smacking him again.

                “You guys are horrible parents!” I whined, stalking off to my bedroom. I shut my door and collapsed on my bed, a weight lifted off my chest. My parents knew I was gay, and they were okay with it.

                A huge smile broke out on my face. “I finally get to date Sebastian Amsel,” I cheered, pinching myself to make sure this was all real.

                I could handle the whole Jason and Kyle ordeal later. For right now, I was just going to focus on the fact that I finally got to be with my dream man! 

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