Escape to Neverland (A Peter...

XxRxtchetOtxkuxX द्वारा

10.2K 252 35

Young Stephanie Karnosh didn't imagine her dreams coming true, but they did. Getting kidnapped and almost bei... अधिक

Was it all a dream?
Show Time
What a Jerk!
Neverland's Greasers
You Scared Me!
The Meeting
I Can't Do This
I Don't Believe In You
Shut Up
My Pebbles Bring All The Hornets to the Yard
A Pirate's Life For Me
Take Me Home
Saved by the Bell
I'll Always Be There
Alternative Ending

A Damsel In Distress

373 8 0
XxRxtchetOtxkuxX द्वारा

*Yellow's P.O.V.*

I backed away in horror as I saw Killian and his crew carry Stephanie's limp body away. I stayed hidden behind a bush, trying to keep myself from being found. I wanted to barge in and save her, but I didn't have my arrows with me. All I could do was watch as they took unconscious Stephanie away, disappearing in the distance. As soon as they were out of sight, I ran as fast as I could to Peter's hideout. Peter knew how to get around the Pirates, he would know what to do. Stephanie needs to be saved, who knows what they'll do to her?

As I made it to the hideout, I slipped in without even knocking. It was probably a bad idea, but a beautiful girl's life was at stake! As I walked in, food was being thrown in all different directions. Peter and the boys must've been having lunch, it was definitely a bad time. "Where is Peter Pan!?" I yelped. All of a sudden, dozens of heads turned in my direction. “Who’s asking?” a boy bravely called out. I tried as hard as I could to keep a sturdy stance, “Yellow Hornet.” With that, Peter emerged from the sea of boys. He looked weaker than usual, I wonder what happened. “What do you want Yellow?” he rudely asked. I took a few steps closer to him, our noses almost touching. “Peter, you gotta listen to me. Stephanie got captured by Killian and his pirates!”


It took awhile to get to their heads, but I managed. I explained everything to them, I tried to describe it all as best as I could. “We need to save her. Now, are you with me or not?” I pleaded. No one spoke, everyone was in shock and awe. Especially Peter, he closed his eyes tightly and held his head low. “Tell me this isn’t true. Tell me that this is just a nightmare. Tell me that she’s safe, in my arms. Please tell me…” I sighed deeply and shook my head, “I’m sorry, but this is a dream come true.” Peter must’ve really cared about Stephanie, who knows how much pain he must be in? Yet, I was determined to get her back.

“But, if we can work together, we’ll beat those pirates back to the mainland,” I assured. Peter raised his head, “You think so?” I smiled and gently placed my hand on his shoulder, “I know so.” With that, I held my hand out to Peter, ready to accept his partnership. He took my hand and pulled me into a bro hug, his boys excitingly chanted like crazy. “LET’S GO SAVE STEPHANIE!” Peter yelled as we all ran to get ready. We grabbed our weapons, booby traps, and armor. In a matter of seconds, we were off. Yet, I could’ve sworn Peter had more boys with him…

*Stephanie’s P.O.V*

I was kidnapped...AGAIN! People find kidnapping terrifying, but it’s pretty boring. When I woke up, I found myself tied to a pole with my arms at my side. I tried to shimmy my way out of the ropes, but it was to no prevail. I looked around and saw that my surroundings were familiar, I was on Killian’s ship. Though, it was much dirtier than the last time I was on it. There was this eerie feeling too, like something had changed since the last time I was on. I shrugged it off, until Killian came into view. OMG IT WAS KILLIAN, I missed him so much! I felt so guilty for leaving him here, but he’s alive! “KILLIAN, YOU’RE ALIVE! Quick, help me get untied. These ropes are cutting into my skin!” I urged as I looked down at my bound arms.

However, Killian just stared at me. “Killian, what are you doing? Don’t just stand there, help me.” No response, as if Killian was out of batteries. Then, he began to walk away. What was he doing? He couldn’t just leave me here! “Wait, no! Killian, please help me!” I cried, but it was too late. He was already out of my sight, I wonder what was up with him. Suddenly, I remembered. Before I was knocked out, I heard Killian’s voice. He was the one that kidnapped me...again. Why was he doing this? Something had definitely changed since I left. The man that stood before me wasn’t Killian, he was someone else. Who?

*Yellow’s P.O.V.*

After much rowing, we had finally made it Killian’s ship. We decided to do a sneak attack on the pirates, they wouldn’t know what hit them. They would get caught off guard, which would make it easier to get to Stephanie. As we neared the sides of the ship, boys started to ready the climbing gear. We silently climbed the sides of the ship, trying not to alert any pirates that could be above. As we reached the top, we prepared our weapons for the chaos that awaited us. However, there were no pirates on deck. There was just Stephanie tied to a pole, wonder where they were… “Stephanie!” I yelped.

“Yellow! You guys came!” Stephanie weakly said, poor girl. I rushed to her side and hastily untied her arms. As she pulled her arms free, deep maroon marks were left on her wrists. “What the fuck, this shit again?” Stephanie whined as she held both of the marks up to her face. I grabbed her by the waist and held her tightly, “We need to leave, before someone sees us!” However, it was too late. Pirates began to flood the deck, we were surrounded. “Y’all aren’t going anywhere!” a bulky legged pirate said as he emerged from the pirates.

“DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH THEM BELLAMY! WE HAD A DEAL!” Killian rang out. All Bellamy did was snicker. “Well, I crossed my fingers.” I widened my eyes in terror and shielded Stephanie with my arms as Bellamy raised his sword towards the sun. But before he could lower it, Peter came crashing onto the deck out of nowhere. “You assholes never learn, huh?” Peter cackled as he clashed with Bellamy. At that moment, all Hell broke loose.

*Stephanie’s P.O.V.*

It was the nasty pirates against the boys of Neverland in an ultimate showdown. This was like the time I learned about the Revolutionary War in Social Studies. They boys weren’t just trying to save me, they wanted to take back Neverland. The boys wanted the pirates to be gone for good, and this battle was going to help.


After some bruises, cuts, broken bones, and internal bleeding, the fighting had came to an end. Limp bodies were everywhere, there too many to count. Even though most of them were pirates, some boys were lost as well. I started to cry at this ghastly sight. Where was their humanity? I turned away as I threw up in my mouth at the sight. Fortunately, the boys won this bloodshed. Most of the pirates that lived fled for their lives, including Killian. Peter was about to kill him, but I stopped him before he could. I told Killian to never come back to Neverland, then I gave him a hug goodbye. That was the last time I ever saw him.

“This calls for a celebration! Tonight, we feast like kings!” Peter cheered as he fist pumped. The boys cheered as well, but it soon all ended. “I don’t think so, Pan,” a raspy voice said behind me. Suddenly, an arm was tightly wrapped around me, constricting me of my freedom. “PETER, HEL…,” I shrieked before I was cut off by a familiar dagger being held against my neck. It was Peter’s dagger! “Now now, you don’t want me to slit your throat, don’t you?” the voice continued. As I looked up to see who my captivator was, my face turned ghostly white and my heart had skipped a beat. “F-Felix?!”

A/N: MWAHAHAHA! Another cliffhanger, oh goody! Lol, I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter. The next one will be comming up real soon, BYE! :)

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