
By ct8924

338 27 1

CT-8924 is a clone trooper serving in the great army of the Republic. But he feels like he doesn't belong to... More

1. Chapter
2. Chapter
3. Chapter
4. Chapter
5. Chapter
6. Chapter
7. Chapter
8. Chapter
9. Chapter
10. Chapter
12. Chapter
13. Chapter
14. Chapter

11. Chapter

12 2 0
By ct8924

"And when we were asked who were, 'the boss' told them some story that wasn't too far from the truth but he kind of failed to explain why I was there so I made something up myself, that's why the rest of your village doesn't really know who I am", I ended my story. I had told her basically everything, except for the fact that I had killed Ace. I didn't want her to think of me as a murderer.

"I think what you did was very brave", she said.
"It was not", I objected, "I just ran away, anyone could've done that"

"No, you took a big risk to stand up for your own ideals, you thought critically about the things they made you do, that's brave and a good thing", Quia insisted.

I paused for a second, before I said: "You don't know what I did".
It was supposed to sound like a dark and mysterious secret, but instead my voice started breaking.

"What... what did you do", Quia asked in confusion.

"I...", was I really saying this out loud?
"I killed my best friend, because he was about to rat me out to the commander", I confessed.

At first Quia looked at me in shock, I could almost hear my own heart pounding while I waited for her reaction.
She took my hand and squeezed it. I was unfamiliar with those kinds of gestures but it felt like she was consoling me. Then she said": "You know, that makes you even braver. He may have been your only friend but he still would've betrayed you. He was more loyal to the Republic than to you, so maybe what you didn't wasn't all that wrong".

"But that still doesn't mean it was right", I countered.

"No, but necessary", she said and smiled. Her hand was still holding mine and she pulled me closer.
I looked right into her eyes, she closed them and leaned in. I panicked, I had never been this close to another person let alone kissed someone. So I just leaned my head onto her shoulder and hugged her. To me just feeling the warmth of her skin was already amazing, her hair that flowed down her shoulders tickled my face and I smiled.
"I'm sorry", she apologized, "I've just been very lonely ever since I got here and I like you, so I just thought- nevermind"

"It's fine", I said, coming loose from the hug again, "I like you too but I'm a bit overwhelmed, this is all very new to me"

She smiled again, took my hand and we went back to the terrace.

As we got in sight of the others again I let her hand go, everyone was going to stare at us anyway.
Lydiya smirked at me  and I couldn't help but blush.
We sat down at the table and joined the conversation about pod racing that was going on right now. They told me about that kid Anakin that had miraculously won the race as a ten year old and I acted as if I had never heard of him.
Later when we were walking home and it was just the crew and Quia, I told them that I had already fought battles next to Skywalker. As they suddenly all seemed impressed and wanted to know more about it I asked: "How comes, that you all hate the Republic so much, but when it comes to some lightsaber wielding general you're all excited?"

Tarash explained: "The Jedi are an ancient order, they are peacekeepers and they are chosen by the force. The Republic on the other hand serves no one but itself, it's all about money and power and they don't shy away from killing thousands of innocent lives for the sake of that. If you ask me, they're no better than the separatists", he declared, as if I didn't know that and the others agreed.

"That might make sense, yes", I admitted.

"But aren't the Jedi just a part of the Republic nowadays?", Quia asked? With that question a discussion broke loose that went on for hours and ended with everyone agreeing that there are different sides to this and it's impossible to find one right answer. Xii had long before fallen asleep and everyone was getting tired so Quia decided to go home. She said goodbye and waved at everyone, then she hesitated for a moment before she leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.
I blushed, then grinned and said: "good night", before she turned around and left.

"I see, I see", Tarash giggled.
"Well, I suppose we all go to sleep now, we have to repair that ship tomorrow and make our way to Mos Eisley", the boss said not reacting in any way to what just happened, and we all went to our rooms.

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