12. Chapter

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The night wasn't a long one. As soon as the first of the twin suns rose over the horizon, Lydiya got up to go over to Ren Pacas house. I went with her because I was awake anyway.

She really seemed to know what she was doing and R6-T15 and 1Q-9 were happy to have a task. It didn' take long for them to figure out the problem.
"No wonder Ren couldn't work this out, he has like two screwdrivers for tools and that's it. Good thing we have you, R6", she said.
"And me? Is it good to have me?", 1Q-9 asked in his mechanical voice.
"Of course", Lydiya said and laughed a bit sarcastically.
"You're lucky you didn't program him well enough to understand sarcasm", I teased her a bit.

Ren opened the door: "So how's it going?"
"I've found the problem, give me a few hours and I think we can get that thing up into the air again", Lydiya said proudly.

"Thank you guys", he said and then added: "Quia and Xii, are here, they'd like to watch would that be okay?"

"Of course", Lydiya answered and winked at me.

"Hi, I just wanted to show Xii your work", Quia explained while she entered.

"No problem", Lydiya said. She started commented every step, as if Xii would even understand it. Instead the little girl was focused on the droids. 1Q-9 stumbling around and cursing made her giggle and whenever R6-T15 bmade his beep noises she tried to talk back to him in his language.

"So you're leaving today?", Quia asked.
"I think so, yes", I responded.

"Yep", Lydiya shouted from across the room, "I'm practically done I think I'll just repair the hyperspace drive later. Not that we would need it for a flight within the atmosphere but Ren might need it some day"

At first I didn't even notice the whirring in the air because I was so used to it, but as it got louder and I saw the scared faces of the girls I felt alarmed too.

"Swarm out!", I heard that command before we could even take a look outside to see what was going on.

Opening the door was a mistake.
"There they are", we could hear one of the battle droids say, before they started storming towards the door already blasting their guns.

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