Jezebel's Story (Ouran High S...

By oddgirl97

915K 32.8K 21.3K

Jezebel a sweet and shy girl who didn't like change, and youngest triplet of the Hitachiin's. She was the gir... More

"Welcome" Home
The Outting
First Day At Ouran
Hosting and Bullies
Sweet Sweet Revenge
Hikaru's Encounter...
The Water Park... Not Again
Can't We All Just Get Along?
Halloween Part 1: Costumes
Halloween Part 2: More Information
You Promised!
Still Friends?
The Donmar's and The Deal
Q and A
A Moment of Freedom
The Beach?? in This Cold??
Advice and another Q and A
Big Steps
Prepping For Prom
Reliving The Nightmare
Personal Note
Going Back
Addictions and Letters
You Always Have A Choice
This Is Not End Of Me... This Is The Begining
Sequels Up!!
*To Everyone*

Exchange Student

13.2K 558 225
By oddgirl97

Hey! Sorry for the late update! But I hope that this'll make up for it. Dedicated to... JZSupreme (I really appreciate your ideas), kkgummybear, ze_merome_fan, and readaholic! Thank you all for the support and enjoy the chapter:)
(Pic of Milly and Chase as Teenagers)

I started walking to to class by myself, I was late since I over slept again. But I still can't get over the fact of what my twin brothers said. How I was the center of attention. They don't even know why, but I bet if they knew, they would change they're thoughts and attitudes right away. Not important right now, the halls were empty and everyone was either at lunch or in class. Like I said, I was late. But before I took another step my arms were looped and I started being pulled.

"What the?" I asked myself and saw my brothers pulling me.

"What are you two idiots doing?" I asked as calmly as I could. But sadly, they didn't reply.

"Hello? Anyone there?" I asked them again but it was still silence. Then we came to music room three.

"Uh, in case you two forgotten, I'm banned remember?" I reminded but they just pushed my inside and walked over to their group.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked but no one seemed to answer.

"Jezebel, we have a guest for you." Tamaki said and I didn't know what he ment.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"Hi Jezebel." I knew that voice, I turned my head and saw that girl with the long blonde hair. I just turned and stared at her expressionless.

"What are you doing here?" I asked a bit angry.

"It's been a long time." She said.

"Why didn't you just stay back at home?"

"We called Matilda here to help." Kyoya filled in the blanks.

"It's Milly Mr. Ootori." She said politely.

"Help with what?" I asked.

"We're hoping that you two may be able to talk to each other." Tamaki said.

"Well it looks like you shipped her out here for nothing because I have nothing to say." I said walking out.

By the time I was in the middle of the hallway the bell rang. So I blended in with the crowd and went to class. I wasn't the last one either. As the class started to fill up, I noticed that my brothers and Haruhi came in along with everyone else, and Milly was with them?? You have got to be kidding me.

"Class, we have a new exchange student joining us today, please introduce yourself miss." The teacher said as Milly stood in front of the class.

"My names Milly and I hope we can all get along." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Thank you Milly, why don't you find an empty seat." She looked around and walked over. Then took a seat right next to mine. I didn't acknowledge her just kept my eyes on my notebook and ignoring the teacher.

"Still ignoring me huh?" Milly whispered. I didn't answer.

"Give me another chance Jez, I'm sorry, but we were only kids."

"It was last year." I corrected.

"It was only Chase, he was going to know eventually."

"Eventually would've been better."

"Quiet in the back." The teacher said, but Milly decided to whisper quieter.

"I want us to be friends again. I don't want to fight anymore. You gotta understand that I'm just looking out for you." She said but I didn't respond.

Once school had ended I started walking to the pick up area, and saw my twins get into the limo and it drove off. Leaving me behind. Again. Should've expected that though. I sighed and sat down on the steps to take a breather.

"Ditched again?" I turned my head and saw Milly.

"What do you want?" I asked and she took a seat next to me.

"I remember that when we were in grade school, and when your ride was several hours late, me and or Chase would stay and hang out with you until you were picked up. And if they weren't coming, we'd give you a ride home." It was true, so I kept quiet and listened.

"Almost every weekend you'd stay the night with one of us. And we'd always visit you in the hospital, you were technically apart of our family. And you still are." I took a small breath and kept my ears opened.

"I'm not trying to make you feel like your family wasn't there for you, I'm..."

"You were all I had." I interupted. And I could've sworn that I saw her smile for a second.

"I better get going, I don't want to get stuck in the dark." I said picking up my bag.

"Jez..." I turned around and looked at her.

"When I said that I wanted us to be 'the best friends ever', I meant it. And I still want us to be." She said and I looked down.

"Bye Milly." I said walking away.


When I got home I went straight to my room and laid on my bed. Jeager jumped up on my belly and made himself cozy. I stroked his fur and then felt my phone beep. I pulled it out and saw a new message from Hikaru. I wasn't in the mood for feeling guilty anymore so I didn't read it.

Then all of a sudden I didn't feel so good. I got up and ran to the bathroom and just vomited. It was probably all this stress, must have made myself sick. I went on ahead and sat down in the shower, feeling the warm droplets of water fall on my skin, the smell of vomit disappearing. After I got out I skipped dinner and went straight to bed.

I would've stayed asleep this morning, because of me getting sick again. But I had a pillow chucked at my head. I lifted my head weakly and saw Kaoru and Hikaru not too far from my bed. Jeager ran over and started jumping on Hikaru's leg.

"Mom sent us a text saying that you can't be late again." Kaoru started.

"So get your ass up out of bed. Next time it won't be a pillow either." Hikaru finished as they both left the room.

I rubbed my head and the sleep out of my eyes. I got up and changed into something comfy and warm. I didn't really try with my hair, just pulled it bag into a pony tail, then walked out to downstairs. I skipped breakfast and went straight to the limo and waited for my brothers. They weren't really happy that they had to ride with me, but we all kept quiet.

Once we got to class I took a seat next to Milly who had beaten me to school. I didn't really talk to her, but she seemed a bit nervous? I pushed my selfishness away for a minute and looked at her. Pushing her book away so she would have no choice but to look at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked her with that serious voice.

"Nothing." She said back.

"Don't pull any bullsh*t on me Milly, just tell me." I said trying to be nice.

"Your going to be angry." She said, I thought I already was? Or at least used to be...

"Why do you say that?" I asked curious, using a delicate tone of voice.

"Well..." She was about to say something but our teacher had to come in at the worst moment possible.

"Class, we have a lot to do today, so please get out your note books, we have lots of notes to take." The teacher said.

"I'll tell you later."

So the two of us took out our notebooks. Milly copied what was on the projector and I only doodled. But when the bell rang, it seemed that she was in a hurry in leaving because I wasn't able to find out what was wrong, nor did she fill me in. Only problem was that she left her notebook behind from leaving so fast.

Great, I picked it up and placed it in my bag and will give it to Kyoya, he'll know where to find her better than I will. So for now I went on with the rest of the day.

When it was club or study hour and I still couldn't find that girl. I guess I really do need Kyoyas help...I walked over towards the Host Club, knowing I'm banned, but if they can see that I only want to return the notebook and leave, it should be okay right? Am I wrong?

I knocked on the door but no one answered, I heard lots of commotion inside. There was no use in texting, their all at 'work', I don't want to give the book some random stranger. What if they don't give it to her and Milly fails tests because of me? I did over hear her in class that she had homework so I couldn't wait until tomorrow, so... I gently pushed the door open peeked inside.

They were definitely busy today.

I did NOT want to go in there, its like I'll be captain obviouse and I dont want any attention, especially negative attention.

I took a deep breath and opened the door and with Kyoya in sight I made my way towards him while he was writing in his notebook.

"Miss Hitachiin, I thought I made it very clear for you not to come here anymore." He said, a pleasant hello would've been better, but it is Kyoya.

"I know, but I can't find Milly and this is hers." I said pulling out the notebook. He looked away from his notebook and glanced at me before taking it.

"I see, I'll see it gets to her immediatly. Thank you." He said, this went better than expected.

My eyes must have focused over his shoulder. My old guests sitting at a table laughing and chatting with Milly...

She laughed and smiled with them and to top it off, Hikaru and Kaoru were with her. Smiling and laughing, fawing over her, and having a good time...

The moment she turned and we made eye contact I must have had a look of loss and she stopped ed smiling and looked even more nervous. Like she got caught cheating.

"Thanks." I said back to Kyoya and started walking out in a respectful manor.walking through the empty halls when I heard footsteps, like running.

"Jezebel!" It was Milly's voice, I just ignored it and kept walking. That is until, my arm was grabbed. I tugged it back and pushed Milly back away from me.

"What the hell!?" I yelled at her.

"I'm sorry, I was going to tell you but, the teacher and..." She tried to cover up.

"Why are you a hostess?" I asked more calmly.

"The guys asked me too." She said and I felt my fractured heart chip more.

"What? When?" I asked again.

"A few minutes after you left yesterday." She said back, her face turning red, as if she was about to cry.

"Jezebel, please, please... don't be mad." She begged.

"How can I not be mad! I'm kicked out after I had a temper! They replaced me a day later as if I ever meant anything to them! They pull you in because they don't want to talk to me anymore! Home is a hell hole! I thought we were finally going to get along and patch things ip! But apparently... I was wrong." I cried out before walking away, leaving her speechless. Then I started walking until I got home.

I went into my room and slammed the door shut. Screaming in a pillow to muffle the sound. I sat in the dark of my closet and cried. I always knew that I was lesser of a person, i just didn't expect it to be thrown in my face.

I had a lot of fun with the guys and Haruhi. I liked all our adventures. It seemed that the Host Club could fix any problem. Hell, they were able to get me and my brothers to bond again. But that ended real fast. Now back to square one.


What felt like several hours, was really only a few. It was three in the morning. I woke up from sitting in the closet, so I got up. I ended up having a nightmare, that and Jeager had to go to the bathroom. I put on a long coat and carried Jeager, slowly walking out of my room and to the back yard, I only wish that the door wasn't so squeeky. I put my puppy down and sat down on a chair keeping an eye on him.

I shuffled through my pockets and found a small box with my smokes. No one was awake so I lit one and stuck it in my mouth. Blowing out a cloud of smoke and took it out, watching Jeager come running over, but he ran past me, so I turned my head and saw Hikaru and Kaoru...

"What are you doing?" Kaoru asked in disbelief along side with Hikaru.

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