The Heart of the Forest

By Aranelr

475 21 9

Running from one's past ghost's is never a good idea. Lútharían learned that the hard way when a choice that... More

Chapter Two - Back at Last
Chapter Three - As if Young
Chapter Four - Late Realisations
Chapter Five - Feast of Starlight
Chapter Six - Finally
Chapter Seven - Garden Conversations
Chapter Eight - Broken

Chapter One - Disturbing the Peace

130 3 1
By Aranelr

FA 5
­útharían P.O.V

The sun cast its golden rays through the thick leaves of the trees in the forest. The soft rippling of the stream is soothing and peaceful. I love this time of year in Lothlorien. I grew up here and although I often long to see the outside world, my heart is always the calmest here. Here among the tall trees and the soft whisper of wind from time to time. I have ventured away for many an adventure in my time, and despite longing home when the journeys approach their ends I quickly find myself unsatisfied here in Lothlorien. My heart is the calmest here, but it is in no way satisfied here. There is still an unsettling emptiness that I can't seem to shake off no matter where I go. ­útharían. My mother's voice in my head interrupts my thoughts. Come. I can't help but sigh, slightly disappointed that I have to leave my little oasis. I slowly get up and walk towards the heart of the forest, where I know my mother will be. My bare feet sink into the soft grass, it is now colder than it was as the sun has been setting and, is no longer high enough to casts its rays through the thick leaves of the forest. The long sky blue colored dress trailes slightly behind me, created a rustling sound that soon was the only thing I could hear. Soon I could see the enormous staircase that led up the tree in the midst of the forest. Elves greeted me as I walked up the stairs. As I reached the top I saw my mother Galadriel and father Celeborn. "There you are my child". "What is the matter ada?" "We are departing for Mirkwood tomorrow. King Thranduil has invited us to the feast of starlight celebration". He tells me in his usually calm and somewhat stoic tone, and I can't help but be taken by surprise. "The feast of starlight? And by we I assume that includes me to?" My mother nods: "That's right, this year the invitation includes you my dear." My mother's confirmation of my question only confuses me further. The elven kingdom has been celebrating the feast of starlight for thousands of years. And I have not been included on the guestlist for a very, very long time. My parents have been, on multiple occasions, myself I however have not been once in the last eighty years. "We leave at dawn." I nod and head toward my room to pick out my dresses for the feast. Walking through the corridor I can't help but wonder if Legolas is the one to blame for this. I don't think Thranduil would wish to see me again after the trouble I caused during the battle of Erebor eighty years ago. I shake my head silently, dreading the meeting I have avoided for the past years. I reach my door and enter my room while silently wishing that this could be avoided.


Early the next day I mounted my white steed Gilith. I had named her after the stars because she was born on a night where the stars were brighter than they had been for over a thousand years. It also happened to be the first night we meet. I feel something running down my cheek, and realize that I am crying. I quickly dry my tear 'Stop crying L­­útharían, it's no use. What happened, happened. There is no going back. At least I was honest with myself.­­' "Sevig Chûr? (Are you ready?)" My mother asks me with a slightly worried look, and I can do nothing but nod. I have to be ready, but thankfully I have a few days to get accustomed to the thought of seing him again.


Many, many hours later my father commands a break. I dismount Gilith and sit down with my back against a tree, letting out a sight I did not know I was holding. I could hear mother approach me and I silently wish she would not. "What is the matter my child? Do you not wish to attend?" I shake my head, thankful that I have learned to close my mind from her. "It's nothing, I am just not used to traveling anymore". She looks at me with a look that tells me she does not buy my lie and I am for a moment vary that she will keep prying. Instead, she looks at me: "Avo drasto (Don't worry). I am sure it will be okay" I nod, opening my mind for her, 'I really hope you are right'. Her expression is unreadable and being too tired to try and figure it out I move my attention to the landscape. We have arrived at the Glodden fields, and are following the forest line up to the entrance most commonly used to enter the woodland kingdom. It is a beautiful place and I have been traveling here many times. Behind me I have the big dark green forest, and in front of me I can see the misty mountains towering high above the waste green field. But despite the beauty in front of me I am weary and my heart is heavy with worry and dread. And yet, a small part of me is hopeful, hopeful that maybe this can change something. Just maybe.

Legolas P.O.V

I walk through the halls of the castle towards my father's study anxious to see if he had done as I had asked of him a few days earlier. As I arrived and knocked at the door, it was immediately answered, my father's muffled voice coming from the inside: "Come in". I open the door. He is sitting at his big desk looking through what I can only assume is the plans for the feast of starlight. "Adar, I was just wondering who is coming from Lothlorien?" At the mentioning of the forest his shoulders tense for a second before he is back to his composed demeanor. "Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel both come..." my heart stopped, had he really not invited her? Even though I have asked him every year since the battle of the ring? "... and I believe their daughter L­­útharían is also coming." Father looks up from his stack of papers. His expression seemes for a split second to hide a certain unsatisfactory look, but it quickly vanished and is replaced by his regular unreadable expression. "Ada, don't tell me that you still are angry because of what she did. It was eighty years ago!" Exhausted over having this conversation yet another time I can not help but raise my voice at the end of my statement. I know I shouldn't, but it makes me incredibly angry that he still is not willing to let it go. Father looked up at me, his icy blue eyes flicker with anger and disgust. He rises from his chair. *bam* the sound of his fist making contact with the desk make me jump. "How dare you! You know nothing of what happened! I would still have forbidden her from entering my kingdom if it hadn't been for the fact that she saved my son's life!" "But why ada!? What did she do wrong? You have never had a reaction this strong to being contradicted by anyone else, so why her?" I could not understand it. Lútharían was the sweetest person I knew. I looked up to her as a mother. She had chosen to accompany the fellowship after Gandalf had fallen, leaving behind the safety and comfort of her own forest to follow us, on something that at the time seemed like a mission that would end in certain death. Her ability to heal had also saved me and helped all of us many times. A few times almost at the cost of her own life. Why did father dislike her so? He gave me an ice-cold look and simply stated: "that is nothing you need to know. Now leave." Knowing better than to defy him when he was in this bad of a mood, I bowed and walked out of his study. I stood pondering the reasons for his hostility. 'As far as I know, they did not know each other very well, and neither for very long, so why did he act as if he had been betrayed by one of his own?' I shake my head as I realize that there is no way I will get the answer to that question yet. But now she was actually on her way here, so maybe I could ask her. Perhaps I will be a little wiser by the time she goes back to Lothlorien.

Lútharían P.O.V

We were back on horseback and I could tell by the trees at the border of the forest that we were approaching, approaching the path that would take us straight to the king's halls. My stomach was aching and what hope I had had in being able to compose myself and relax was now gone. "You must be looking forward to seeing him again? It has been a lot of time since last time, I wonder why that is?" My father had broken the silence with a question that I had hoped would remain unasked for our entire journey. "Mhm..." I nodded giving the most positive and logical answer I could "... he was probably just busy, Sauron created problems for all of us" I hoped father would buy my short explanation, but luck was not on my side today. "Yes, but for you certainly, he could make time. He has done it before." My father turned to look at me with eyes that burned with the question, why. I could not find the word to answer, so I simply shrugged my shoulders. Something I often retorted to when there was something I did not feel comfortable talking about. He looked at me trying to read me, but quickly turned around and focused on the road ahead. Letting out a breath I didn't know I had been holding I looked forward and saw the entrance to the forest ahead of us. My heart sank, knowing that there was no way out of it this time. When we arrived a guard was ready to escort us to the halls of the elven king. It was Alon, he greeted my parents, and when he noticed me a surprised look came across his face. I smiled a polite smile, and dreaded the many more confusing faces I would meet for the next two weeks. Oh if only I hadn't come! My mind was swirling with a thousand thoughts and worries about what was coming closer and closer by the minute. And not long after I could see the big familiar gates that I once had loved the sight of, because of what was on the other side of that door. Now I was dreading it more than I ever thought possible.


Thranduil P.O.V

I saw Legolas walk out of my study and close the door behind him. ­'Oh Valar what have I done?. I should never have listened to him and included her in the invitation'. It had been nearly a century, and the emotions were still as raw as the day it happened. I rubbed my temple with my hand trying to compensate for the brewing headache that was coming. I don't know what was worse, having to ignore my hate for her or, pretending in front of her parents to still have the relationship we had a hundred years ago. "Argh!" I hit the table hard once more if only this could be avoided. A knock on the door prevents me from continuing down the lane of thought that I have started on. "Aran vuin (My king) The Lord and Lady from Lothlorien have arrived" "Take them to the throne room, I will be there soon". The guard answers me and then I can hear his footsteps slowly growing fainter as he goes to let them in. I sigh once again before standing up. Once again I shove my emotions to the side and enters my usual regal and serious state. This is the only way I will be able to face her without ruining the good tone between Lothlorien and Mirkwood. With the determination that that will not happen, I walk out of my study towards the throne room. As I arrive the guards open the door, and I go inside to meet with someone I swore I would never see again.

"Le suilannon! Ni veren an dhe ñovaded (I give greetings to you, I am joyous to meet you)" I greet them as I walk towards them, Lord Celeborn replies to my greeting "Gwannas iû and (A long time has passed since last)» «Naw (it is so), I trust the journey went well?" I have no reached them and Lady Galadriel confirms my question. Lord Celeborn elaborates how their journey went but I can't hear a word he is saying, because she is in front of me. She looks exactly like she did all those years ago. Her long golden locks fall down over her back and shoulders in soft waves creating the illusion of liquid gold. Her skin is still as pale and soft as porcelain, with her small pink lips and that cute dainty nose. I realize that I have yet to greet her. "Êl síla erin lû  e-govaded 'wîn (a star shine over our meeting)". The greeting that I used all those years ago rolls off my tongue before I have a chance to think of another less intimate greeting. She looks up at me in surprise, and I am quite certain that her perplexed expression matches mine. Our eyes meet and I almost forget where I am. Oh how I used to love those eyes. They have the most beautiful almond shape with long dark lashes framing them. But their most enchanting attribute is the deep blue color, I could drown in them. How I loved looking into here eyes! She fidgets under my gaze and only now do I realize that I am also holding her hand. I let go of it and try to compose myself. "The guard will show you to your room. Dinner will be served shortly". I say as I turn to look at the Lord and Lady of Lothlorien before my eyes return to Lútharían. The perplexed look is gone, and replaced by an angry and almost hurt expression. She shortly nods as a recognition of the greeting before bowing and quickly following her parents on their way out of the hall. My eyes follow her until she is out of sight. 'Well... that was a disaster... I have somehow managed to make it worse, she must have thought I was mocking her' I close my eyes in frustration. This day cannot get any worse.


Lútharían P.O.V

Slamming the door to my room behind me I fall to the floor. That was absolutely the worst possible start for us, far worse than I could ever imagine. 'No, no, no!' Why?! 'I should never have come. It would have been better to be rude and refuse to come. And it's clear that he absolutely despises me, he let go of my hand as if he had burned himself.' I bury my head in my hands: "But why did he then choose that greeting? And why did he look shocked? Maybe that was just my imagination?" 'Yes, yes it has to be that....' For once I allow my tears to fall, and for the first time in years, they are tears of anger rather than sorrow. "How could he do that!?" 'He can't have become that insensitive right?' I decide that there is no use crying and rise up from the floor. Then I walk towards the wardrobe and open it, the view that meets me is very familiar. All the dresses that I got made when I stayed here all those times years ago are still here. The pink flowy gown from the first feast of starlight, the blue one that I wore on that wonderful winter night in the garden. I can't help but laugh when I see the light green dress. That was the day I convinced him that I was a good warrior by disarming him at the archery grounds. A fond smile rests upon my lips as I remember the past. However the walk down memory lane is quickly tarnished by the memory of his greeting this afternoon, and I already know what I am wearing for dinner.


After my bath, I take the pink dress out of my wardrobe. It is a beautiful light dress with pink and light purple colors that blend together. The dress does not have sleeves instead, there are thick twisted straps in the same color as the dress. The bodice is fitted, but the gown flows out at the waist and follows the curve of the hips before pooling on the ground. I put it on and walk over to the mirror to brush my wavy hair. Once I am done brushing it I braid the sides into what has now become my two signature thick braids. As a child I always hated my wavy hair, because it meant that my braids were a lot thicker than the other elves. But over time I grew to love that feature of my hair, and soon stopped trying to make my hair like everybody else. Then I started making two thick and airy braids, one on each side, and connected them at the back of my head. Also allowing the strands around my face to hang loose, instead of braiding them as was custom. I finished braiding my hair and took one last look in the mirror. The woman staring back at me was still just as beautiful as always. But there was a sadness in the eyes, making them duller than normal. I faked a smile and took a deep breath before I rose from my seat and headed out of my room towards the dining hall.

"Lútharían!" I recognize the voice of my dear friend immediately, and as I turne around I am meet with a face I had dearly missed. "Legolas! Oh, how wonderful it is to see you again!" He runs up to me and embraces me and I gladly returned the favor. He lets me go and opens his mouth to speak: "Thank Valar you came! I was so scared that Adar would not invite you or that you would not be able to come". I smile and move a few of his hairs out of his face before cupping his cheek. "Of course I came! I had to make sure that you were alright! You are well I hope?" He nodds: "yes I am well". "Good, have anything special happened after the war? I trust things are better here?" His smile vanishes and his expression changes to one of worry. "No. No everything is not okay. Not with the forest, or with Adar." This caused me to furrow my brows. Certainly, the defeat of Sauron would help in terms of the forest? "The forest was okay for a while, and the spiders were taken care of. People had just started moving a bit further out when the forest started dying...." 'Dying!!' My shock to what Legolas was saying accidentally opened my mind for my mother and her confused question rings in my mind. Who is dying? I shake my head and quickly answered No one, I'll explain later, before closing it and going back to focusing on what Legolas was saying.

"I had hoped you could help. Ada is not doing anything, if he doesn't do anything I am scared that the entire forest will die!" He looks at me and I can see the fear in his eyes. I sigh: "dear Legolas, there is nothing I can do. If your father doesn't allow me to help I can't" He looks at me in defeat. "No, why!? You have gone against him before, why can't you do it now?" I try to explain it to him without revealing too much of our past. "Saving the forest will take time, and I can't imagine your father would allow me to stay here for months when he didn't want me to come to stay two weeks for the festivities." I look at him with a raised brow, hoping that he will not ask questions, but this is really not my day. "Why? You were very good friends, why does he dislike you so much suddenly? He forgave everyone else that went against him during the battle at Erebor. Why did he not forgive you?" "Because my betrayal was the worst." Is the short answer I give him, he opens his mouth to ask further questions but is interrupted by something, or rather someone appearing behind me. And based on his reaction I already know who it is.

I turn around and find Thranduil standing behind me. I bow slightly and greet him "Aran vuin (My king)" If he is surprised by my formal greeting he does not show it. "Legolas you must not delay our guest, the Lord and Lady are already waiting at the table." His smooth, dark velvet voice reaches my ears and I try hard to keep myself composed. Oh how I have missed that voice. I dare not look up at him, because I know that despite addressing Legolas he is looking at me. "Avo drasto, goheno den (don't worry, they will forgive him)" I tell him, knowing that my parents would not mind waiting a bit. "Still, let us not delay any longer, may I?" The last question is directed towards me and I look perplexed at him as he extends his arm for me to take. 'Does he really want to accompany me into the dining hall?! After our last encounter and the greeting earlier today?' A part of me want to reject him, but then I recall that I have yet to tell my parents about our falling out, and Legolas doesn't know our story either. Realizing that the least painful option is to accept his arm I reach out and place my hand on his arm. The sensation of being this close to him after so many years makes me dizzy and for a moment I falter. He grabs onto me, his other hand on my waist, and looks at me with what for a second seems like a genuine worry. Before he can ask or make any suggestions I quickly apologize: "Goheno nin (forgive me), I am tired from the journey. I haven't traveled in a long time" He nods and lets me go, still holding my hand on his arm. 'He was reluctant!' my mind quickly makes an assumption. 'No, I'm just imagining it, he just doesn't want to be known as a king who doesn't care about his guests'  My inner thought process is interrupted by Legolas: "Shall we go?" We both nod, and starts moving towards the dining hall. Thranduil asks his son about something, but I don't hear what he is saying. All I can focus on is my hand on his strong forearm, our shoulders that bump into each other from time to time, and the all too familiar smell. The smell of earth and wood. And I already know that tonight will be a terrible night.

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