By 511mochi

3K 133 85

Everything was fine until your bully became your teacher and tried to kill your ex boyfriend. More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 1

258 7 3
By 511mochi

The past

Ahh what a beautiful morning, I got great sleep the night before and today was a test. A test in Science, which I'm good at. I guess you could call me the school nerd, even though I'm only good at Science. But, people still make me do their stupid homework for all classes. I was happy, I studied and was ready to go until my phone went off.


I hope you fail your test :)

The nerd

I'll be laughing when you are the only one that fails😂

Ugh this stupid ass kid I swear. Jungkook is my bully, and he just thinks he ruins my day. I mean yeah sometimes he does, but not today bitch. Today, I was going to pass and he was going to fail. I love when that happens, then I get to tease him and make fun of him all day for it.

If you are wondering how he got my number, my brother gave it to him. Ever since, he bugs me literally every day just over text.

I just got up and pretended nothing happened and I didn't get anything from him. I walked downstairs and was welcomed by my mother. "Oh hey sweetie. I made breakfast." she said grabbing some plates. "Oh sorry, I got to run I'll just eat it on the way." I said grabbing a piece of toast. I quickly waved at my mom before running out the door.

I was trying to get to school on time, while trying to finish my breakfast. Usually I am late, the teachers are used to it by now. No matter how hard I try to get to school on time, I'm always a few minutes late.

Jungkook POV (the night before)

I woke up in the middle of the night to loud noises. I grabbed my phone from the table and turned on the flashlight. I slowly crept out of my room and to the stairs. I know I'm a grown man, but ever since I was a kid I've been hearing strange sounds nearly everynight and it scares the living shit out of me everytime.

This time it wasn't coming from the living room or kitchen like it usually did, but from my parents bedroom. I assumed they were fighting, it was nothing out of the ordinary. For years, it seems like all they do is fight. I'm still surprised that they are still together. I quietly opend the door revealing my dad on top of my mom. I turned off my phone flashlight and walked closer to see what they were doing.

Once I was next to the bed, I could see my father choking my mother. I quickly shoved my father off my mom and looked at her worriedly. "You okay?" I asked. "Yes I'm fine." she said breathing heavily. "Now, you." I angrily walked to my father who was laying on the floor. He stood up and straightened himself. "Is this the noise that I've been hearing for so many years. You trying to kill mom?" I angrily shoved him. "It's her fault." he yelled.

"Get out. You can't live here anymore." I said pointing to the door. "You can't kick me out." he laughed. "Mom is the only one that has a job, while you are always over here sitting on your ass watching television all day and drinking." I yelled. "That's it." he said before punching me hard in the face. I immedately punched him back and we got into a fist fight.

After one punch from him, I fell on the floor. He took advantage to keep me on the floor and tried to strangle me. I tried prying his hands off, but he had a good grip. He took something from his pocket, it was a match. He switched it on and put it against my neck. I screamed in pain from the feeling of my skin burning. I kicked him just in the right spot to make him get off me. In the process, he burned my arm as well.

I got up and shoved him out the door. I quickly locked it and waited for him to walk away, which didn't take long at all. I walked up to my bathroom and looked at the burns. They were very noticable, I found some fabric to cover it up and went to bed.

The next morning, I do my daily schedule and text Y/N. I know she might find it annoying, but it brightens my day just a little bit. Especially after what happened last night.


I came in late to class. Everyone looked at me, while I bowed embarrassed. "Ms. Jung, you are late again. I'm afraid you are getting detention. You got to show up on time." the teacher explained. "I'm sorry." I bowed and walked to my seat, trying to avoid the stares coming from everyone. Why do they have to stare at the person that comes into class like they killed someone?

I sat down at my usual seat. Today, was a good day, Jungkook sits nowhere near me. In fact, he sits on the opposite side of the classroom. Science was first, so I could get the test over with first and not have to worry. Why would I need to worry anyways?

The teacher handed out the tests. The test was 3 pages long and in total 60 questions. I wish tests had less questions like elementary school. I sighed twirling my pencil around. It's a way for me to focus, it can annoy people when I drop it. Which I usually always do, gotta love being clumsy, am I right?

I was the first to finish and I just stared out the window, hoping for something interesting to happen. A few birds flew by, but that was about it. I looked around the classroom. Jungkook seemed a little weird today, he was wearing a hoodie with the hood up. That's not like him at all, he usually wears more of showy kind of clothes. He usually doesn't pay attention to tests either and flirts the entire time with girls around him. There were girls begging for his attention, but he ignored them.

After class, I was looking around the school. Always after the first class Jungkook pops out of some random place and trips me or something. I was walking and looking around, you know not looking in front of me until I ran into something. Of course it was my enemy, Junglecock.

He grabbed me harshly and shoved me against the lockers. I groaned in pain I hate when he does this. "Can you stop." I begged trying to push away his hands that were fisted into my shirt. "You know I need someone to take my anger out. Don't you." he tilited his head and smiled like a psychopath. "You know I need to get to class, don't you?" I mimicked him.

He got annoyed with me and pulled me away from the lockers before slamming me back against them, this time harder. "Ok, I'm sorry." I said not wanting to get myself in anymore trouble. I could see in his eyes he was a lot more angry than usual. "Damn it!" he yelled pounding his fists in the lockers making me flinch.

Just now I noticed something strange on his neck. Too big to be a hickey, so not by a girl. It looked more of like someone hit him with something. "What happened to your neck?" I asked making his eyes go wide. "Nothing." he said before walking away.

It was definitely something. It couldn't have been a fight with his friends, he never fights with them. But, I really don't want to ask. When I ask him things, or even really talk to him it just seems to make him angrier.

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