The soul Calibur wielder

By Jedisage

162K 2.2K 1.2K

Soul calibur is one of my favorite arcade game and since highschool dxd had Excalibur might as well add Soul... More

harem 1 (update)
Ventus Battle armor Poll
Harem 2
Chapter one
Chapter 2
Harem 3 (updated)
Chapter 3
Chapter four
Chapter 5
chapter six
Chapter 7
Harem 4 (update)
Chapter Eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Quick Question
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
ventus second familiar
More girls to Ventus harem (update)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
More girls for Ventus (updated)
Chapter 23
Ventus children (update)
Another angel to Ventus Harem
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
bit of eye candy and a big thank you
a/n: what version of shiva should I use or have her switch between the three?
A/N: Which one would be best look for Ventus sacred gear?

Chapter 19 (update)

2.1K 39 8
By Jedisage

Ventus Pov

The next day I was taking a nice walk around town trying to get myself ready for the upcoming summit in a few days. While I was walking I was having a little chat with Bahamut.

"Say buddy what did you thing of the new Smash bros trailer?" I asked Bahamut

"Indeed I did I'm glad that they add Sephiroth to the game still I think that's the only game that is keeping Nintendo afloat well that my thoughts." Bahamut replied as I just smiled as I kept walking until I notice a black cat laying near a tree badly wounded as I walk over to it and kneeled over it.

"Hey you don't look so good." I said as I placed a hand on the cat and started to heal the cat as it's breathing was becoming more stable as I picked it up the cat as it purred. 

"It's okay little one your safe now." I said as I felt some magic coming from the feline as I thought to myself there's something to this feline that means the eye so I decided to take her with me as I placed her on my shoulder and continue on my way as I stop by a few stores to get the cat something to eat. On my way I ran into Weiss and Winter who was walking around shopping.

"Hey Ventus how's it going?" Winter asked.

"Great just enjoying a nice walk around the town how are you two doing?" I replied.

"It's going okay had to put down a few thugs." Weiss replied

"I see I bet they were no match for you two." I said as I head the cat I had with me meow as I looked at her.

"Hey Ventus what's up with the cat?" Weiss asked as I told her I found her badly hurt and I healed her the best I could now I was gonna take her home to feed her

"Sorry little one come on lets get you home. It was nice seeing you both." I said as I headed home as the girls said they catch me at school tomorrow. Once I got home I opened the door and walked inside. There was no one in the house as I headed to the kitchen and pour the cat a saucer of milk as it jumped  from my shoulder and landed on the floor and started to drink the milk. 

"I see you like the cold milk I just got don't you?" I asked as I pet the cats head as it kept drinking the milk as I yawned and headed to the showers. After my shower I tried offed and put on some relaxing clothes and laid on the couch and closed my eyes to get some rest.

Kuroka Pov

After drinking the cold milk I stretched my cat body as I heard my bones crack and pop as I felt better. The guy that rescued me must been really strong as I felt almost stronger then before. I walked out of the kitchen and saw the boy they called Ventus as he looked so very cute while he was sleeping on the couch so I thought I surprise him as I jumped up on top of his body being careful not to wake him up as I transformed back into my true form as I laid on top of him. His body felt warm and soft and smelled like lavender and roses as I slowly drifted off to sleep as well. Everything was silent until one of his other girls walked in and shouted that woke the both of us up.

"What the hell is going on here?" The girl asked as Ventus opened his eyes and saw me sitting on top of him.

"Hello darling ~nya~" I said as I kissed his cheek which made the girl very angry.

"Who are you?" Ventus asked as I got off of him and told him my name.

"The names Kuroka and I'm the one you rescued well saved earlier." I replied 

"Can someone explain what was going on before I freeze the both of you." The girl said.

"I'm confused as much as you are Esdeath but before we do anything we might regret let's hear her out." Ventus said as he calmed down the girl he called Esdeath as I explained my whole story how I escaped from my a crazy mad scientist who wanted to use me for twisted experiments and other thinks that still scare me to this day. I went on explaining that I was also looking for my sister who was suppose to be in this town and that where I found Ventus.

"Man that is rough even for you I'm sorry you had to go though all of that but your safe now but wait if you don't mind me asking who is your sister?" Ventus asked as I told the both of  them that her name is Koneko but her real name is Shirone.

"Wait you sister is the rook to Rias?" Esdeath asked as I nodded

"Well it just so happens we know where she is and we can arrange a meeting with her if you like?" Ventus said as my eyes widen and asked that they will do that for me?

"Of course to be reunited with family is a blessing in on itself beside I'm sure she'll be happy to see you to as well." Ventus said with a smile as I jumped and hugged him and purred.

"Thank you Ventus you really are kind and handsome." I said as I kissed his cheek again but I pulled away by Esdeath.

"Hold you horses cat we need to lay some ground rules I'm top girl around here  and Ventus is my man who I allowed to have a harem but you have to earn your keep got that?" Esdeath asked as I looked at her as we both stared at each other until I agreed to terms.

"Good now that's settle I will retire for the day. Kuroka if you need to wash up the baths is just up the stairs to the right while I get your room ready." Ventus said as I thanked them both and headed upstairs to take a bath. Once inside the bath room I closed the door and started to take my clothes off and turned on the water and let the water run over my body as I though to myself Shirone I can't wait to see you again.

3rd person Pov

Esdeath and Ventus was talking about what Kuroka said about running away form her master.

"So what do you think of all of this Esdeath?" Ventus asked.

"Well to be fair I feel sorry for her I mean being used as a lab rat for a mad crazy scientist in a lab is just horrible but I can tell you this through if I ever find whoever did that to that poor neko I swear I will freeze him in a block of ice and shatter his body and step on the remains and grind them under my heel." Esdeath replied.

"We let's not hope it won't come to that but still I wonder who was her master anyway." Ventus said as he was lost in thought. Meanwhile in a dark lab a man was looking at the inside of a test tube as the door to the the lab opened and a guy steeped inside.

"Professor Hojo I'm afraid I have bad news the Neko you eluded capture once again." The man said.

"I see this is a bit of a set back but no matter I'm sure we will find her but in the meanwhile why don't you find me some more test subjects to experiment on instead of just standing there." Professor Hojo said as  the man went to do as he was told as Hojo  went back to look at the creature floating inside the tube with a evil grin on his face.

"Soon I will have the ultimate weapon at my command then no one will stop me." Hojo said to himself before he started to laugh like a mad man as his laugh echoed throughout the lab.

High above the city two figures looked down on the town below. One of them was Vali and the other was Azazel taking about the upcoming summit.

"I suspect you want me to attend the you'll want me to attend the boring meeting with you tomorrow won't you?" Vali asked

"That's right Vali you are the White dragon emperor." Replied Azazel

"So Azazel what are the odds that we'll all go to war again?" Vali asked as Azaz just closed his eyes and smiled

"Exactly what I'd expect for the mouth of the white dragon. Are you trying to live fast and die young?" Azazel asked. 

"Why not there's no point to anything anymore I hate this place. I hate this this era birth thrust me into a world were god is dead I just want a shot at him." Vali said

"You are the vanishing dragon alright." Azazel said

"There's nothing left in this world to interest me." Vali said.

Vali's Pov

I was floating above the school looking down at it thinking to myself.

"Tonight's finale the night the higher- ups are gathering to discuss the most boring issues ever to be discussed." I said.

"There's nothing left in this world to interest me." Ophis said

"Ophis." I said as I look at her.

"That's what you always say." Ophis said

"That's right there's nothing left in this world to interest me." I said.

3rd person pov

It was evening time as a barrier was placed around the school as Rias and her peerage was getting ready for the summit as Koneko stayed behind with Gasper as Rias told him to be good while they were gone. As Koneko placed a box of snacks s on the table for them to share.

Rias and her peerage walked to the room and knocked on the door before Rias opened the door.

"May we come I?" Rias said as she walked into the room as she saw her brother sitting at the table with Serefell and Behind her near the wall was Sona and Tsubaki. Sitting next to her was Michael chief of the angels and behind him as Irina and last but not least was Azazel as Vali was leaning against the wall behind him.

The last one to walk into the room was Xenovia as she spots Irian who had a mean/disgusted look on her face as she can't believe her friend had become a devil as she looked away.

"Good everyone is all Here." Sirzechs said.

"Hold on where missing one final person." Michael said as a magic circle appeared and Ventus  emerged from it with Artoria, Nero and Mordred.

"Apologies were late had to finish up somethings back home." Ventus  said as he all the girls blushed at the sight of him.

"So this is the weilder of the Holy sword Excalibur." Azazeal said as he shook Ventus  hand.

"Great that pretty boy Ventus is here to." Issei said to himself

"I hope you didn't mind but I brought my knights Artoria, Nero and Mordred with me to to oversee this meeting." Ventus said.

"Not at all please have a seat." Sirzechs said.

Ventus's  pov

"This is my sister Rias and her retainers there the ones who fought against Kokabiel during his surprise attack a few days ago with the help of Ventus  of course." Sirzechs said as I look at him with a serious look.

"Rather impressive feat I thank each one of you for your hard work and of course you as well Ventus " Micheal said as I nodded my head.

"Once again I apologize it seems that one of my boys cause you a lot of trouble." Azazel said.

"Now that all the participants and represented let this summit commence." Sirzechs said.

The air in the room was tense as Rias was given her report as outside soldiers from each of the fractions were on guard. I felt something was off as I looked over at Vali and thought to myself he's up to something. Once Rias gave her report Sona also verified the information as she was there as well as Sona sister looked over at her sister and said she did a good job making Sona making her blush as she walked back to the wall.

"Perhaps the governor-general of the fallen angels would care to share his opinion on the report?" SirZechs said as I looked over at Azazel .

"Kokabiel went rogue therefore my thoughts on the incident are irrelevant." Azazel said.

"So he acted entirely on his own is that what you are saying?" I asked

"I never gave him permission if that's what your asking. He wouldn't destroy the whole town if he knew I was staying here. I grown quite fond of this place quaint little place." Azazel replied.

"So is that why you sent the white dragon emperor to resolve the issue?" I asked as everyone in the room looked at me surprised.

"It seems he didn't like the status que." Michael said.

"Well no doubt because the great war ended half way and wanted combat bring chaos to order as they say." I said

"The seeds of discontent." Serefell said as I nodded my head.

"That behavior isn't exclusive to my faction." Azazel said

Again I ask that we stay focused on the at hand that is why we convene here." Sirzechs said.

"Spare the verbosity won't you let's just mae peace and make done with it... that's the purpose of this grand summit isn't?" Azazel asked as the room just got cold. 

"Come now gentlemen you were making such good progress let's not ruined it by getting mad at each other." I said as everyone in the room felt the cold aura coming off of me as the leaders were ready to piss their pants when they saw the serious  look on my face that would make Sephiroth happy.

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