Phase Four

By RazzelDazzelTime

432 33 4

Having grown up in a world where people look down on you making you feel weak, you tend to be more understand... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
Untitled Part 11
~Chapter 12~

~Chapter 3~

38 3 0
By RazzelDazzelTime

Flashback to 5 years ago

"Get out of here you quirkless freak no one wants you!" A young child was thrown into the cold street, as it poured rain and little chunks of ice. The child stood up and started to walk off, he looked to be 10 or 11 years old. He let the rain cover him and didn't move a bit when his face, arms and legs were hit with pieces of hail.

He walked a few blocks before lifting his head to a noise. As a child he was curious and approached the noise, he found himself in front of an alley. Looking behind him to the empty street and entered the alley, using his voice to call for whatever noise he heard.

"Hello? Hello? Is anyone there?" asked the boy, the world answered with silence, well almost silence. The boy was meant to hear nothing and walk out of the alley and back home to his mother. Instead he heard a quiet and heartbreaking cry, he looked around and saw a broken flashlight. Picking it up he clicked it and hit it against his hand as it flickered to life.

"I can hear you! There's no need to hide or be scared? I want to help you!" He said again, slowly making his way more and more into the alley. He shined the light towards the end of the allye and saw a sight that made him stumble back a bit.

Burt,there was a burnt body. It was unrecognizable, the charre smell had finally hit the boy's noise as he covered his mouth and noise with one of his hands. He walked a little closer and saw a boy's shoes that had fallen off of his foot. Pointing the flash light to his left he saw a red fluffy of hair covered in fresh burns, blood treated the raw skin. The boy gasped crouching down and looking at the other child in front of him.

"Hey! Are you ok?" He asked, a small shift was all the red head did.

"I can help you! I actually get burned a lot by my friends, and have stuff at home I can use to help you!" The boy said again, The red head lifted his head a little and carefully whipped his tears so he didn't touch the burns that wear around his eyes and mouth.

"You're not mad? Or sad that I hurt him?" He cried a little, motining to the dead man to his right. The boy shook his head, and smiled taking off the jacket he was wearing.

"Wear this, it'll help stop the burns from hurting as we walk to my house!" The boy explained, The red head took the jacket and carefully put it on. They quickly made their way to the boy's house.

"I'm going to go through the fount, so my mom doesn't know your here, go around the back and the room with all-might curtains, go through there and thats my room, be careful so no one sees or hears you," Now that the Boy looked at the red head He could see that he was at least 15 years old. Another reason why his mother could not find out!

"What about- about him," he talked in a normal voice, but went quiet when talking about the charred body in the alley.

"We will deal with that tomorrow. Tonight, you need to sleep and heal up!" He exclaimed.

"This is it! You remember the plan?" The red head nodded, and snuck around the house. The Boy went to the front door, knocked and took a breath in and smiled. His mother opened the door and hugged her child.

"Izuku, where have you been? I was so worried! What happened to your sweater?" She asked, The boy only smiled and shook his head, walking to the house.

"I learnt it to a friend!"

Current time

"I know you're not thinking of robbing the most secure facility in all of Japan!" Dabi said looking up at me from my phone. I nodded my head and flipped to my pre-planned strategy in my book. I slid the notebook to him and smiled.

"Oh, you're mistaken my fiery friend, I will not be doing anything. You on the other hand will!" I looked down at my plan, smiling at it. He looked over it for a few minutes before he sighed.

"Why do you have that stupid mask on in the first place?" He asked, ignoring my perfect plan for getting the power cell. I frowned.

"You know why!" I huffed, then let a small amount of stress out through my breath.

"So your going to help me right?" I spoke again. He looked at the notebook in front of him, and back at me closed it.

"What's first?" He asked, I smiled and clapped my hands. I looked into my bag and pulled out my computer, typing quickly. I looked over at Dabi.

"How tall are you?" I asked, he gave me a look. I nudged down to my laptop and with a sigh he reluctantly told me his height. I smiled back and glance back at my computer.

"Mr. Sakamo has been given some paid time off tomorrow and asked not to come into the office!" I said, looking at my handy work, they might have a secure facility, but their cyber game is weak.

"Hear you'll need this," I pulled out a small pocket watch. He looked at me with a board look.

"Why do you always look at me like that!" I express as he takes the watch and places it on his wrist.

"Well? What am I supposed to do with this keep time?" He asked looking at me. I sighed, and held up my phone taking a picture of him. He yelled at me snatching the phone to delete the picture when he saw what the watch was meant for.

"The watch emits a low UV ray, that scrambles the mind to think it sees one thing. You will go in as Mr. Sakamo, you get it, replace the power cell with this" I held up a metal case that looked identical to the power cell. "And you get out, I get the power cell you don't own me!" I said, explaining the plan lightly. He nodded, slipping the watch off and placing it in his pocket.

"Oh I need that back when your done, cant go use anything fro crime that might be related to me!" I said, he gave a a fake and board smile as he walked away.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Touya!" I yelled at him.

"Dont call me that ever again!" He yelled back.

Flashback right where we left off

"You're soaking! Left me draw you a bath-" The worried mother went to say but was stopped by the Boy. He shook his head and went to the freezer pulling out three ice packs and placing them on the counter. He graded a couple snacks and walked back to his room. His mother just watched afraid she might make the boy cry when she went back to making dinner.

"I'll come get you when dinner is ready!" The mother announced to her child. The boy stopped and turned around.

"Mommy? Can I have extra food tonight and can I eat in my room? I don't feel very good!" He said, giving his mother big sad eyes. She sighed and smiled at the boy.


He walked up the stairs and opened his door to see the boy sitting on his bed. The window is still open from where he entered. He set down the ice packs and handed the boy the snacks.

"I brought snacks, you can have some while I go get stuff to heal your burns, take off the jacket so I can hurry this up when I get back!" The boy spoke again as he then left, leaving the Redhead alone in the room. The Boy walked to the bathroom down the hall and graded all of the gaze, bandages, and burn cream he could find. Then he took back all of it. He entered the room to see the Red head with his shirt off.

"Ok, this is going to sting when I put the burn cream on ok? If it hurts too much use this so you don't make too much noise," I boy handed the Redhead a towel.The Boy opened the burn cream and put some on his hands as he rubbed it on the Redheads burns. The Redhead winced a bit before calming down.

"Im sorry, but you're going to have scars from this. My name is Izuku Midoriya by the way. What's your name?" The boy now named Izuku said. The Redhead looked at the boy, he wrapped his face in bandages after applying the cream.

"Touya Todoroki, but I'm not going by that name anymore," He said in a bland tone, he was a teenager but there was just so much about him that had been broken for too long that would never be fixed.

"So what should I call you?" Izuku said counting to help patch up the scorched teenager in front of him.

"I don't care," He said in a bland tone, looking away from the younger boy.

"Ok! I think i'll call you Dabi!" Touya looked towards Izuku's voice, as his face was covered in bandages from having had burn cream put on his face.

"Why Dabi?" He asked, wincing in pain from the burn cream touching his left arm. The boy sing songy a bit before answering.

"Well, I think it suits you!" He exclaimed. Touya smiled, from behind his bandages. Then a light knock came from the door. Izuku lightly lead Touya from the bed to the closet

"I'll be right there mom!" He announced loudly.

"I'm going to get food. Mom can't see you so stay here till she's gone!" He said with as little sound possible, Touya slowly nodded his head hearing a small giggle. He smiled feeling like he could somehow trust Izuku with his life. A few minutes later Izuku opened the closet door and helped Dabi find his way to the bed to sit on.

"How am i going to eat with this over my eyes?" He asked the younger one, with a gentle touch to his face. Izuku thought for a second. Then idea struck.

"I can cut eyes and mouth holes so you can eat and see!" He said, rushing to the drawer in his desk and pulling out scissors. Dabi quietly thought about how this was counter protective.

"There, now you can eat!" He said finished his edits to the bandages. He left the older boy to eat for a minute not speaking, but when the older boy had finished Izuku asked the question.

"So why did you kill that guy?"


"You know this is a really bad idea!" Dabi said as he walked straight into the heart of the S.M.C.T.A. Without a single hitch.

"You keep saying that and yet we are halfway through the operation!" I said from the other side of the communication earpiece. I was held up in the league of villain hideout typing away on the computer. Hacking the difference systems to make Dabi unnoticed, because the watch might fool people near him, it can't fool people on the other side of a camera.

"How far?" He asked rounding a corner. A couple clicks later and an answer came.

"Two doors on the right use the ID I gave you, the door should pop open!" I explained finishing his detections.

"Problem!" Dabi exclaimed in a low voice walking past the room with the power cell.

"What is it?" I groaned.

"There's a guard standing by, the door has a sign that says out of service as well! You better not have sent me into this place for nothing kid," he growled the last part, I clicked away from the computer and spoke to myself pissed.

"They didn't need to do a check up! It's fucking room if your going to do a check up on a fucking room why don't you take the device out! These freaking idiots and I thought this place was supposed to be full of smart people!" I was not happy with the wrench that had so perfectly ruined my plan.

"Alright leave the case there, walk up to the guard in two minutes, I'm going off comms for a minute,"

"Wait-" I cut off my comms and tapped at the keys on the computer, I coughed clearing my voice. Time to show my stuff.

"B223, we have a change in shift you will be relocated to a different area, your replacement will arrive soon so be ready!" He spoke, a stern and very threat of voice spread through the comms.

"May I ask on who's orders?"

"who orders? We work at a technology company, not the military they need more officers down in the west wing! We have a shift that's all," I explained, my voice calming a bit. The guard took a moment to think.

"Ok copy that,"

I went off of the comms and over to the second computer that I had popped out next to me seconds before the operation started.

"Ok Dabi you are now an officer, enjoy working for the enemy!" I said before changing the watch casting image. Dabi, trusting me, came around the corner two minutes later, the officer nodded his head and walked away.

"See it worked out fine!" I said, Dabi sighed retreating back and grabbed the case he had brought in with him. He pulled an ID out of his pocket and swiped it, the door opened quietly as Dabi looked around and entered back in.

"There's the power cell!" I exclaimed, disabling the security system around it. Dabi reached out and pulled the metal cell from the case where it lay. He pulled back and opened his cases pulling out the fake cell and placing it back in where it's real counterpart once lay. I was practically jumping. I got my power cell.

"So how am I getting out of here!" Dabi said, walking back outside and waiting.

"The guard that was there at first will be back soon, wait till he gets back, then ask him why he came back and that you thought they needed more people in the west, then I think you'll understand the rest and go from there." I explained.

"Ok make sense," Dabi said, placing the case behind the Corner where it wasn't seen. A few minutes passed and the guard walked back from where he had left.

"I thought they needed more people in the west wing! Why are you back?" The guard only scratched his head.

"There was a misunderstanding. I was told to come back here and let you leave early," Dabi nodded his head starting to walk away.

"See you around man!" The guard said, Dabi only shook his head as he walked around the Corner, giving me time to change the watch image before walking out the way he came in.

"Easy as one two three!" I exclaimed as Dabi exited the building. My power cell was on its way into my arms. Then phase one can finally be complete.


"So why did you kill that guy?" Izuku asked. Dabi choked a little on the food he was eating. Clearing his throat he tried to find a way to speak.

"My dad . . . He hurt me and my brother . . . A lot and one day when dad was . . . really mad and hurt me-us I . . . I ran away, I ran and ran and ran until I couldn't feel my feet and fell on the floor crying cause I left my brother . . . I I wanted to go home but I was afraid . . . Afraid of what my father did or what he might do . . . I was right to be scared, a week after I ran I noticed someone following me, that guy . . . He was hired by my father to kill me . . . I tired to run away or hide form him, and I couldn't go the police cause they wouldn't believe me, so I cormored him one day in the back of an alley and . . . well you saw what I did," Dabi explained, The whole thing sounded really hard to explain and, not only that but like it was a hard metal slap to the face.

"I'm really sorry about that, at least you can see your brother soon, right, you can just go see him at school or something?" Izuku suggested incoccently, like the world would ever be that simple for those of us who are looked down upon. Dabi shook his head, telling the younger child that the idea was not possible. Izuku sighed, finishing their food in silence they both thought.

"So, you're not going to tell anyone?" Dabi asked, scared that the boy that he had just met might rat him out and he would either go to jail for killing the man, or be reunited with his father. He heard a small giggle that made him feel better.

"No silly, why would I, your an underdog, and hero or villain I support a good underdog!" the small child announced, with a voice that told him that the world was going to be a better place with him around. Dabi smiled, remembering the same tone coming from his brother that he missed so dearly.

"Even so, Im going to help you hide the body and find you a place to stay so I would get into trouble too if i told anyone," This made both boys giggle, even though a man had just been killed, even though one had just sold his soul to the devil, and even though the other had started on the path that would change the world for good, the boys laughed.

"If you need any help kid, just give me a call I know youll figure out a way to find me," Dabi said as hislaugh slowly died out.

"I hope you know that I plan on taking over the world so that might be a pretty big favor you owe me!" Izuku said continuing to laugh.

As the night went on the boys go quiet and the laughs came to a dim, but the happiness that was shown in that room, the friendship and kindness would last for days and days until the boys went their separate way promising to hold up their end of the deal.

Current last time I swear

"Oh yeah that was a success, thank you lord for you have given me that finale piece to my master plan!" I announced as he heard the front door to the bar open revealing an argred Dabi who had taken off the watch and had practically slammed it on the table in a fit.

"What's got you so mad?" I asked, snatching the case and examining the power cell that was now mine. Dabi huffed his way to a spot at the bar looking at Kurogiri and silently telling him to get him a strong drink.

"It's none of your business greenie!" he snarled, but I took zero offence as I was too happy with the idea that I had the power I needed to finally finish Phase one. I looked over and watched as Dabi downed a whole glass of sake that Kurogiri had placed at the table. I could tell that I looked very unamused and sighed as I realized the circumstance that had gotten him in an enraged state.

"You saw your father on the way back didn't you?" I ask that earned me a glare from Dabi, but that was all the confirmation I needed.

"You know I'm always here to help if you ever find the need to take him down!" I hinted at the fact that O would help Dabi, but he only shrugged it off and downed the next glass that Kurogiri placed down.

"I dont need to owe you anymore, once is all I need-" he said when a loud rapid buzz, almost like a phone notification came from my computer. All three of us shot our eyes towards the noise, I looked down and began typing on my computer as fast as I could go and made sure not to miss a single note. This would be bad for all of us if I didn't hurry.

"What was that?" Dabi asked, he had stopped his sulking to feed his curiosity.

"Proximity alert," I spit out short so I could concentrate. The two others, realized my words and became ready.

"How do you know?" Kurogiri asked, I didn't answer at first but started once I finished typing and started to pack up my stuff. Like hell I was letting this go down in flames after this little fiasco.

"My computer has a thing that instilled I don't know how to explain it right now all you need to know is the hero must have followed mister sulky here and found this location you need to get whatever the hero cant find and leave, I would also like the lift it you don't mind!" I said, Dabi rushed to the back rooms yelling and grabbing shit left and right.

"How can we believe the twerp, he could be working for the heros?" Shigaraki asked as he came out with papers and bags. Dabi rushed behind him as I scoffed.

"Why would I lie about this if I will be in more trouble then you guys if I get caught!" I said, stepping through the portal that Kurogiri had so kindly created for us.

A few minutes passed and everyone and things that needed to make its way through the portal finally arrived. In the meantime when that was happening I had pulled open my computer and started to hack into the cameras that were across the street from the bar that they had all just been at.

The villains crowded around the computer and watched as the hero burst through the front door. Police followed and set up primiters around the building.

"I told you!" I exclaimed, closing out of the cameras. I then smiled under my mask, what would they do without me?

"I believe this means you owe me!" I said to Shigaraki, the man flared up in anger. He went to talk, prodley to yell when a booming voice sounded from behind them.

"You are a smart boy?" The voice announced, I looked towards the noise to see the villain that all-might had warned me about. All for One, the biggest bad in the world, well not for long.

"You're in charge, right? So what do you say you owe me?" I say, stepping forward not scared of the huge and bulky figure in front of h,e. The figure only smiled at me.

""I guess the league of villains owes you, Shadow was it?" He asked, a smile very much on his face. I scoffed and nodded back at the master villain. my body might have been there, but my head sure wasn't in that moment.


"So that's the kid you were talking about?"

"Yup, I wonder why he didn't say anything about you?"

"I was hiding,"

"How? It's impossible for anyone to miss you?"

"Awe you missed me!"

"Shut up Chicken face!"


Dabi x Deku IS NOT I REPEAT IS NOT going to be a ship but does anyone else get really strong gay vides form these two? Cause like as the author I didn't mean for it to seem so gay and yet here we are and I mean it might just be me and my mind that has gay thoughts every fucking day, but like tell me so I know I'm not alone if I'm not. So how was the third chapter? Is the idea good, I know the idea of villain Deku is simple and the way that you execute it is the make or break for a fic, anyway I hope you like it. Also what do you guys feel about ships in this story, like I'm writing this before I post so what you say won't matter but i'm curious, cuse I have super rare ship that I want to hint at, that I think would be so cute(No I won't tell you want it is cause you'll have to suffer to find that out) Anyway what do you think? Yeah? Or nah?

I love you all so much stay safe, and biiiiiiiiii <3

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