Winx Club Valtors comeback

By Magicuser123

6.9K 153 48

This is AU season 7 (No Kalshara, Braffilius, Butterflix, Tynix or Fairy animals,). Valtor comes back even st... More

Authors Note
Before the big day
On Solaria
Authors Note/Illegal threats
Authors note
Authors note (Again)
Valtor and Faragonda's very "pleasant" meeting

The Big Day!... Gone Wrong?

694 18 5
By Magicuser123

Third PoV:

At the crack of dawn, Bloom was already getting dressed. She felt that the presence had just gotten stronger since Valtor was actually on Domino now. The moment she had woken up, her mind had immediately travelled to the question of why she had seen his face. She just couldn't stop thinking about it, but she also knew that she had to focus on other things. Especially today. She sighed as she put on her high-heeled shoes. Then, sitting down in front of her big make-up mirror, Stella strolled in, with the other girls in tow. They were dressed as well but unlike Bloom, they had also done their hair and make-up.

Bloom's PoV:

I smiled brightly at them, hoping that they had forgotten yesterday's unexpected events. But unfortunately, Tecna's mind didn't forget a single thing.

- "Good morning Bloom", the girls said cheerfully to me.

- "Good morning Winx", I responded, as happily as I could.

I started doing my hair (like she had in S3 at the Eraklyon party) and went over to my make-up. This took a whole lot more time as I needed to be careful.

- "Um... Bloom, you promised that you would explain what happened last night", Tecna said.

I sighed, turning to them. All the Winx looked expectingly at me. I thought about the pros and cons of telling them the truth or lying to them. I concluded that telling them the truth should be the best to avoid conflicts later.

- "Well, first-i-felt-dizzy-as-if-i-felt-a-sudden-presence-that-has-only-been-caused-by-one-person-and-the-same-person-then-appeared-in-my-mind-and-that-person-was-unfortunately-Vltr."

I stopped to catch my breath. I had talked so fast that the last word/name was barely pronounced. The Winx just sat there with open mouths.

- "Wait, what? Could you talk a little more slowly?" Musa said, recovering from the shock.

- "Yeah, and did I just hear... no! I don't wanna say it or think about it", Aisha asked with wide eyes which reflected worry.

I repeated everything a little more slowly and when I came to the last part I hesitated;

- "... and that person was ........."

I couldn't bring myself to say it, I didn't want to ruin today but I knew I had to.

- "... was ... Valtor!" I finally said it, but now I was fearing for Winx's reaction.

- "VALTOR???? Do you mean that Valtor? The one we fought?" Stella shrieked, not wanting to believe what she just heard. I quickly shushed her so people outside the room wouldn't hear.

- "Yup, the one and only". I said dramatically.

- "Bloom, are you sure? "Flora asked. Her expression was worried and her brows furrowed.

- "It's not logical. I mean, didn't he die?" Tecna said, searching her mind for logical explanations. (She failed).

- "I'm sure, I mean, when I was trying to figure out who caused this, this feeling. And when I thought about it, his face suddenly appeared in my mind. And this feeling is identical to what I was feeling last time. And it has gotten stronger over the night. But on the other hand, I agree with Tecna. We, I mean I did destroy him, didn't I?"

I'm sure I was sounding crazy because I had finished him off. "But what if he didn't die? What if he escaped?"

Stella sighed and turned to look at me.

- "Bloom, let's first get ready for the ceremony and then sort this out, okay?"

I nodded, relieved they didn't push it further. Then I went back to doing my make-up and after that I stood up, turning back to the Winx once again.

- "So, whatcha think?" I asked, spinning around a bit.

- "You look stunning!" Musa exclaimed.

The others nodded their heads enthusiastically, agreeing with Musa. The fairy of waves then suggested we go to the royal ballroom but I told them I wanted to practice first.

- "Bloom, you don't need to practice, you're perfect already!"

I decided to trust them and truth be told; I don't think I could bear more practice.

We went down to the dining room where the royal family eats and today we had invited the Winx to eat with us.

- "Um, Winx? Please don't say anything to my parents, okay?" I asked them before we got there since I didn't want my parents to worry.

The Winx turned around and assured me that they wouldn't say a single word to my parents. I smiled at them in return. Soon we reached the dining room and entered. My parents were already sitting at the table and we sat down too.

- "Good morning girls", Mom and Dad said cheerfully.

- "Good morning", we all replied, smiling at them.

While I, Mom and Dad talked about how everything would go ("I hope they'll go good"), the Winx talked about how much fun they'll have. Breakfast passed away way too soon and we had to go to the ballroom.

Third PoV:

(A while later)

Bloom was sitting on her throne next to Daphne waiting for everybody to gather. Down below an announcer announced all the royals as they came in through the big entrance. The thrones were on the northern side of the room and the big entrance was on the southern side. It gave the royal family a good view of who came in. There was a smaller entrance on the eastern side where the people of Domino and those who had received a special invitation came in. Flora, Musa and Tecna stayed just below the thorns on the eastern side while Aisha and Stella had to go outside and come in again with their families through the big entrance. There were big windows on all sides of the hall. The walls were decorated with gold paint in different shades and there was a picture of the dragon, who had created the magic universe, painted on the wall to the west. A big crystal chandelier was hanging from the middle of the roof and the floor was white and golden marble.

Bloom looked out over all the guests and felt the nervousness twist in her chest. And to think; half the guests haven't even come in yet.

- "King Radius, Queen Luna and Crown Princess Stella of Solaria. King Theodore, Queen Niobe and Crown Princess Aisha of Andros...."

Bloom didn't pay any more attention to the announcement and began to repeat everything she was going to do during the demonstration.

- "... and Princess Diaspro of Isis. King Erendor, Quee..."

- "WHAT?" Bloom's head snapped towards the entrance just as she saw one of the persons she hated the most. The other Winx were also staring in her direction with gaping mouths.

Turning to her father, Bloom asked furiously:

- "Dad, why in the Magix's name did you invite that witch?"

- "I'm sorry Bloom, but she is royalty and it's tradition to invite every royal in the Magic Universe", Oritel told her in a soft voice.

- "Just ignore her, I'm sure she won't bother you.", Marion joined in the conversation.

- "And if she does something, we'll order the guards to throw her out. But I'm sure it won't come to that", Oritel assured Bloom, gesturing towards the guards.

- "Fine", the answer was short and angry, indicating she didn't want to talk anymore.

Oritel and Marion let her be and went back to examining the crowd. All the guests seemed to have come in now and the announcer gave them a sign that everybody was indeed inside now. Oritel and Marion then stood up and asked for everybody's attention.

- "As we all know, we have gathered here to see the youngest princess of Domino demonstrate her powers and to celebrate that the power of The Mighty Dragon is in capable hands". Oritel's strong voice echoed over the hall and guests clapped their hands.

Then Bloom stepped forward and used a spell to make the roof disappear. She then released her Dragon of Domino into the sky. It took all of her focus and power to make it obey her commands. Lastly, she told it to fly towards her and she absorbed it as it touched her.

Valtor's PoV:

I saw the whole performance and everybody began clapping. I had to say I was impressed with how much she had improved since back then. I smiled to myself, it was rather easy to get in here. The only thing I did was to change my hair magically to short locks that hung over my eyes and change my clothes to something more formal. I didn't need an invitation since the guards didn't even check. They probably thought I was a Dominian, which I practically was by the way, since the dark spark was in fact on Domino when I was created from it. After the performance, everybody either went to talk to each other or went to the snack tables or began to dance. I made my way over to 'her highness'. She was talking to Stella and Brandon and both went over to the dancing soon, leaving Bloom behind. I waited until they were gone and took the last few steps over to her.

- "Hello, Princess", I greeted her. She smiled politely back at me.

- "Hello, um..."

- "Jack, call me Jack."

- "Well, hello Jack, can I help you?", She asked me.

- "Maybe your highness would like to dance", I knew she was probably too polite to say no.

She quickly searched the hall with her eyes and I guessed she was looking for Prince Blonde but didn't see him.

- "Well, alright I guess".

I smirked mentally and took her hand, leading her out on the dance floor. We both quickly fell in step and I decided to see just how long it'll be until she found out who I am.

Bloom's PoV:

I looked at the man, he was tall, well-built and had strawberry-blond locks that fell over his eyes. I got a glimpse of his eyes and saw that they were a shade of grey, almost kinda silver. "Exactly who does he remind me of?"

- "So, Princess, I must say your performance was very impressive. You have improved a lot since last time." Jack said.

- "Uh, have we met before?" I asked him, confused.

He chuckled in response.

- "Oh, we have more than just met, we knew each other for almost a year", he said as the corners of his lips turned up into a mischievous and teasing smirk.

Either it was just my imagination or he moved his hand from my shoulder nearer my neck, as if he wanted to strangle me. I looked at him closely and for a second I saw Valtor instead. Gasping, I lost my footage and would've fallen if it hadn't been for him steadying me.

- "Oh my gosh, now I'm hallucinating", I mumbled, out of my breath. I began to search for my friends just in case something happened and saw them on the other side of the hall. I turned my eyes back to "Jack" as he began to talk again.

- Hallucinating about what, Princess?

- "N-never mind", I stammered, not wanting to confess. It would be so rude if I accused him of being one of the most hated people in Magix history.

- "Oh, come on, I'll tell you if you are or not. Maybe you did see something."

- "It's nothing!" I did my best to convince him. It didn't look like he was convinced but he kept quiet, raising his eyebrows and tilting his head to the side while he first dipped me and then spun me around. His locks fell out of his eyes by doing so and then I saw it (him) again. I quickly bent my head down so that I wouldn't have to see his face.

"I'm going crazy, it must be all the energy I used. Maybe I should sit down and rest."

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt a finger under my chin tilt my head back up.

- "Are you sure it's nothing Princess," He had a teasing undertone which grew when he continued.

- "Maybe, it's the shock of seeing someone you never thought you would see again."

"Alright, this guy is so creepy, and he infuriates me. I mean, who does he think he is? I know I've never seen him before."

I was about to remove my hand from his shoulder and excuse myself but then he spoke again:

- "Or maybe you just saw who I am", His voice turned dangerous and darker. He moved his hands to grip my wrists and he leaned in closer:

- "Because I think you know who I am", He whispered in my ear.

And with that, a bright light engulfed his hair and changed from short, almost wavy locks to long and thick, straight hair that flowed down to his waist. The bangs were nearly covering his eyes and the corners of his lips were turned up into a menacing smirk.

"No! It can't be, it can't be him! Valtor!"

My heart started to race so fast I thought it would jump out of my chest. I opened my mouth to scream but no sound came out. Taking a deep breath, I tried again. This time it worked and I'm sure even those in the Omega Dimension heard my scream. I then gained my senses and tried to get away from him but his grip was just too strong. I had no idea what else was going around me since I was so focused on trying to break free. I realized I wouldn't be able to get away and my vision started to swim over.

Valtor's PoV:

I leaned forward, whispering in her ear: "Because I think, you know who I am." Then I changed back into my real self but forgot to change my clothes. So they remained in a tuxedo. White shirt, black full-arm west, the same dress pants I used to wear but they were black now and black shoes. Not boots, which felt strange since I usually wear boots otherwise.

I saw how she opened her mouth but couldn't get a sound out. Upon closing it, she opened her mouth once again and let out a scream that pierced through my ears. I pulled my shoulders up, trying to cover my ears while still not letting go of her. The scream soon died out and she began struggling to get away from me. I tightened my grip on her just in case. Her struggles soon became weaker and I saw her eyes going unfocused. I smiled mentally, seeing people fear me gave me a great feeling of power. I was so focused on that, I ignored everything else. Suddenly I felt a 'heavy' weight in my arms. "What the..." Looking down I saw Bloom's knees had given out, though she hadn't fainted. Quick as lighting, I took advantage of this and shifted her so her back was against my chest and one of my arms was around her throat, keeping her from escaping. With my other hand, I conjured up an energy ball.

Third PoV:

Everybody turned themselves to the source of the scream. They saw how the Princess struggled and then fell, which the wizard took to his advantage. They all knew who the wizard was since all the royals and people from the other planets had both heard about him and seen him in the news and in person. The people from Domino recognized him from the wars before Domino fell. Oritel took his sword out, Marion called upon her magic and Daphne transformed into her Sirenix form. The Winx transformed into Bloomix when they had recovered from the shock.

- "Girls, do not shoot energy beams or energy balls, they could harm Bloom", Stella shouted.

- "But how else will we get him to release Bloom?" Aisha asked.

The royals and the civilians began to back away until there was a large empty circle around Valtor and Bloom. Oritel, Marion, Daphne and the Winx began to run/fly towards them.

- "Stop, if you come closer to us, I'll kill her immediately." Valtor threatened and just to prove his point, he moved the dark-energy ball in his hand closer to Bloom's face. Bloom gasped and stopped tugging on the arm Valtor had around her throat. A few tears escaped her eyes and the others froze in their places.

- "No! Please don't harm her", Marion begged him as tears began to roll down her cheek too.

- "How did you come back Valtor? We finished you off." Tecna asked rather angrily.

Valtor moved his hand further from Bloom's face. Bloom instantly took hold of his arm and tried to loosen it so that she could get free.

- "Now, is that any way of welcoming an old 'friend'?" He chuckled at his own 'joke' but then suddenly frowned.

- "Stop struggling!" He hissed furiously to Bloom. "You won't get free either way!"

Bloom on the other hand was now panicking, partly because one of her sworn enemies was holding her and partly because her oxygen supply was half blocked. She tugged harder and then a ripping sound was heard. She had ripped the arm of Valtor's west. She was hysterical right now. Valtor first thought about knocking her unconscious but then reconsidered. He guessed the lack of oxygen was what had made her so panicked and moved his arm so now it was around her waist. Bloom calmed down a bit and took big gasps for air.

Bloom's PoV:

I calmed down a bit after he moved his arm. I couldn't use my magic due to my emotional rush because apparently, Fate had decided I deserved to suffer a little longer. I began to take deep breaths and soon I felt myself being able to use magic. Unfortunately, the energy ball in Valtor's hand was too close. My hands were free (thank Arcadia) so I took hold of his wrist and pushed it away from me. He opened his mouth to say something but I was quicker with my energy burst. His arm slid off me as he stumbled back and I ran over to the others.

- "Bloom! Thank goodness you're ok!" Mom hugged me tightly. When she let go of me I transformed into Bloomix and got ready to fight.

Valtor's eyes were red with anger after I pushed him back and now he sent several blasts toward us.

- "This time, none of you will make it alive!", he roared furiously.

- "You said that last time too", I reminded him.

Tecna put a shield while we others sent our attacks towards him.

- "Mom, Dad, Daphne! Get everybody out of here, we'll take care of him."

- "Alright", Daphne yelled back.

They began to usher people outside to the courtyard and made sure nobody was harmed. I shot an attack that made Valtor crash into a nearby table after he knocked Musa and Flora unconscious. Mom and Dad soon came back in while Daphne stayed outside with the guests.

- "This is the last time you'll ever hurt someone again", Dad yelled while drawing out his sword and running towards Valtor.

He tried attacking him but Valtor kept dodging the sword or blocking it with a magical shield. We didn't dare interrupt because both Valtor and Dad are moving so fast that we could hit the wrong person. Suddenly both Dad and Valtor stiffened and looked up at the sky (the roof still hadn't reappeared). The sky had turned a sickly grey-green colour and then a lightning bolt hit the middle of the hall. We were all thrown back because of the force. I landed between Dad and Valtor but surprisingly, Valtor for once did not take advantage of that. He was instead (actually we all were) staring at the place where the lightning had hit. A portal was opening up and a dark figure stepped out of it, cackling:

- "My, my, my, it has to be my lucky day! The wizard and the fairy of the Dragons Flame! Both of them in my grasp!"


So, um... When i published this, i kept my promise. I did publish it after one day and it is the longest chapter yet. Where i live, it's still around 18.00. Oh, and i will take a long time to publish the next part if you don't give me comments on how to continue this story. The one who i will take the idea from will get a shout-out in the end of the next chapter!!!!

See ya, sweet fairies..... and 'wizards' 😉

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