Empire at war (A Httyd Fanfic...

Por Snapmite1998

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Twenty years have passed since Hiccup became the Blood King and had defeated all who wronged him before he bu... Más

Chapter 1: Peace
Chapter 2: Youthful indulgence
Chapter 3: Offense
Chapter 4: Home
Chapter 5: Wrath
Chapter 6: Alliance
Chapter 7: War on the horizon
Chapter 8: Calm before the storm
Chapter 9: Invasion
Chapter 11: Holmgång
Chapter 12: Catastrophic loss
Chapter 13: Wolf among men
Chapter 14: A new face
Chapter 15: Scheme
Chapter 16: Wedding
Chapter 17: Opportunity
Chapter 18: Fallen city part I
Chapter 19: Fallen city part II
Chapter 20: Cursed
Chapter 21: Flee
Chapter 22: Long live the queen part I
Chapter 23: Long live the queen part II
Chapter 24: Fallen matriarch
Chapter 25: Storm of blood
Chapter 26: Assassination foiled
Chapter 27: Preparations
Chapter 28: Vengeance part I
Chapter 29: Vengeance part II
Chapter 30: Glory

Chapter 10: Amends

330 9 3
Por Snapmite1998

A/N: I hope you guys enjoy the holidays with your families and friends and were thankful that you're still alive and well, despite the dumpster fire of a year we've had. Christmas with my family was great, but now we're back to writing. Onwards to the next chapter!

(Nikora's pov)

After reveling in our victory in taking the beach leading to the doorstep of Hiccup's capital city, I bathed to wash away the stench of sweat, blood, and death off of my skin. After that much-needed bath and throwing on a simple dress, one of my Egyptian lieutenants Vitani approached me and bowed her head before speaking. "Queen Nikora, the Kievan king and his heir summon you and your sister," she then added, "they did not seem happy."

"I wonder what sours their mood," I thought out loud, "we won the day, and then we take the fight to the barbarians capital city at dawn tomorrow."

"You will be displeased to know that Boleslav and his brute of a son are denying the Mongrel Tribe an opportunity to fight tomorrow—"

"WHAT?!" I boomed out in outrage. "For what purpose?!"

Vitani pursed her lips and answered me. "Boleslav knows that we're not just common warriors, we're the finest warriors in the world," she then continued, "Boleslav believes your reputation and fame would be enough to encourage the Rus' to follow us into battle and not the Boleslav's." I absorbed my lieutenants' words and nodded in understanding.

"Thank you, Vitani," I then looked her in the eyes and smiled lightly at her, "see yourself to wine and food. You fought well today." Vitani bowed her head and dismissed herself. Once she was out of my sight, I growled to myself and exited my chambers within The Tempest and made my way to the top deck, where Eir awaited me, we shared a warm embrace and deceased down to the sand and made our way to the Boleslav flagship.

"Have you heard? That Rus' dog and his whelp deprive the Mongrel's the right to spill blood!" Eir snarled out in outrage.

"This too makes my blood boil Eir," I reassured her, "but the Rus' and their numbers are what we need to overthrow Haddock completely. Boleslav and his Rus' brethren are... a means to an end. When the time comes, we will see to it that the Kievan king pays for depriving us of our rightful place on the battlefield. But for now, we must temper our rage with patience."

"Always patience," Eir growled out, "we have waited for twenty years! We must avenge our father's death!"

"And we will," I reassured her, "Haddock will suffer for slaying our father, but sadly that time has not yet arrived. For now, temper your blood lust with patience." Eir growled in both annoyance and disapproval, but none the less bowed her head in submission.

Once we reached Boleslav's flagship, we laid eyes on all the Rus' rulers and Drago's warlords here to pay homage to Boleslav and Igor for delivering them such an easy victory. The sight made me curl my lips in annoyance, Boleslav is nothing but a withered old corpse and did nothing while my sister and I led our Mongrels to victory this day.

We should be the ones receiving homage.

"You have one a great victory, dear Boleslav, King of the Kievan Empire," one of the Rus' rulers said in admiration, "no one thought the beach of Denmark could be captured so easily." They then offered Boleslav an ore and golden dagger, the weapon would be most effective in combat, but its purpose was for show.

"A beautiful gift, my dear friend," Boleslav said with a grin, "tomorrow, you will be among the first to walk among the streets of Haddock's capital city as we burn that infernal place to the ground." Boleslav then looked to me and Eir and then dismissed every Rus' ruler and foreign warlord present, until the only occupants that remained were Boleslav, Igor, their bodyguards, myself, and Eir.

For a moment, all was quiet. The tension was thick in the air, Eir paced back and forth like a cornered lioness while I then spoke up while rolling my eyes in annoyance. "Apparently you won some great victory."

"Ah, perhaps you didn't notice," Boleslav said, "the beach of Denmark belongs to Hiccup Haddock in the morning. It belongs to Maxim Boleslav in the afternoon."

"You can have the beach, we didn't come here for sand—"

"No," Boleslav said firmly, "you came here because you want your name to be immortalized in history." Leaning forward on his throne, Boleslav continued. "A great victory was won today," he acknowledged, "but make no mistake, that victory is not yours. It is mine."

"Perhaps you were too far out at sea, old man," Eir snorted out, "our warriors won the battle."

"History remembers kings! Not warriors, little girl!" Boleslav snarled out while rising from his throne and standing right in my face, "tomorrow we'll batter down the gates of Denmark. I will raze Haddock's pagan empire to the ground and use the foundation to create a Christian capital city in Scandinavia and I will carve "Boleslav" in the stone for future generations to bear witness! My name will be immortalized in history! Your name is written in the sand, for the waves to wash away."

"Be careful Maxim Boleslav," I said in a cool tone, "first you need the victory. And we both know you won't stand a chance against Haddock without the aid of the Mongrel Tribe."

"We've fared well on our own against Haddock and his pagan dogs in the five-year conflict between his empire and the Kievan Empire," Igor said while crossing his muscular arms across his chest, "you and your Mongrels sell your profession to the highest bidder." He then continued with a mocking smirk. "Why... you and your sister are nothing but whores of the battlefield—"

"Call us whores again you filthy cur," Eir challenged, "and I will relieve you of what makes you man and have your head on a spit in the blink of an eye."

"You believe us to be beneath you, don't you?" I inquired, Boleslav's smirk was all the answer I need. "Very well, try and fight Haddock without our help. And when you fail spectacularly, do not expect us to come to your aid with such haste. You dare insult us and see us as nothing more than common mercenaries who offer our expertise of war for wealth, but we're above such things. We are the rulers of the Mongrel Tribe! We have more wealth than you can possibly fathom, our people are here to avenge our father. We've waited so many years for our revenge, we can wait a little longer. And if we're fortunate, you and your heir will perish on the battlefield tomorrow." Eir and I then turned around to leave Boleslav's ship, but his Rus' bodyguards blocked our path.

"You would dare put us to the test?" Eir inquired.

The bodyguards raised their spears at Eir's face, and the Mongrel princess laughed lightly before kicking the nearest bodyguard's knee in forcing them to kneel before her. Eir then brandished the blade kept in her prosthetic arm and slit that bodyguard's throat open; causing torrents of blood to spray out of their neck and wet the deck of the ship.


Soon enough, Rus' warriors under Boleslav's command drew their weapons and got into battle stances, while Eir and I stood back to back with our weapons in hand. Looking to King Boleslav, I bore my teeth at him and snarled out. "Kill us, and our warriors will tear you and your boy to pieces," I then continued, "a single one of our warriors can best ten of yours. Kill us, and it is your name that will be forever lost to history." Igor looked to his father, as did many of the Rus' warriors under Boleslav's command. I then gave him a challenging look and extended an arm out in invitation. "Go on, have at it!" I then smirked when I could see Boleslav's face flush with anger because he knew killing me and my sister would cause our Mongrels to unleash hell on them.


Boleslav's warriors lowered their weapons and I then looked into the Kievan ruler's eyes while pointing a sword right at him. "If you and your whelp insult me or my sister again, I will kill you," I then smiled sweetly at him, "we will not be aiding you in tomorrow's battle, and when you suffer a catastrophic loss, the Rus' will see how... weak you really are and rally to us, assuming they're still alive to see that we're the rightful leaders of this cabal." Sheathing my blade, I turned to Eir and nodded at her, she returned my nod and retracted her blade and the two of us left the Boleslav ship.

"Issuferable old man," Eir growled out, she then chuckled darkly, "a pity we won't be the ones who kill him," I smirk at my sister's words and hum in agreement with her. It will be a pity we won't personally tear Boleslav and his son apart for their insults, but their deaths will be a necessary loss for us to take sole command of this cabal.

And we will succeed where Boleslav will fail.

"In the meantime, send an emissary to the enemy," I then clarify, "tell them they can collect their dead. They may be our enemies, but the Vikings under Haddock's rule are a worthy adversary, and we shall treat them with the proper respect as worthy adversaries." Eir nodded in understanding and we went our separate ways for the time being.

We may have to sit out the battle tomorrow would bring, but once Boleslav was out of the way, we will slake our twenty-year blood lust and be immortalized in history for tearing down an empire.

(Normal pov— Within Hiccup's capital city, later that evening)

The mass funeral of fallen Viking warriors who fell to protect the steps leading to Hiccup's capital city was something the Blood King himself was not looking forward to, he never did look forward to seeing his warriors loved ones in so much pain; stung by the pain of loss. It was always an unpleasant occasion but despite the sting of loss, many of the warriors Hiccup fought alongside for decades were now feasting with the gods of the Æsir in Valhalla, which brought some comfort to the fallen warriors' loved ones. After receiving an emissary from the Mongrel Tribe, Hiccup and his people were allowed to collect the fallen Red Maw warriors and gave them a proper Viking funeral so that they could be sent on their way to Valhalla. As the funeral ships were sent into the water and were consumed by fire, Hiccup knew that many more would follow, and that sorrow, vengeance, and death would wrap their hands around the throat of his empire; strangling it death until nobody was left.

Soon after the mass funeral had concluded, Hiccup and Astrid provided the families of those who lost loved ones with condolences, enough gold to see them well provided for, and a vow that those they lost will be avenged. Astrid then laid eyes on Nuffink and Katerina and she could also see many of the Vikings gathered threw the young couple murderous glares, and the Blood Queen didn't blame her people at all, the only reason their loved ones are dead is that Nuffink started a war that may in fact be unwinnable.

And yet, Astrid knew that Nuffink and Katerina loved each other and would find a way to make amends with the people. That's when the Blood Queen heard her husband groan in annoyance, causing her to look in his direction and give him a questioning look. "Gudmundr approaches," he murmured out, "no doubt here to challenge my authority." The man then approached Hiccup and spoke respectfully, yet with a firm tone as well. "King Hiccup, we must do something about your son and... his Christian whore," his face hardened and he continued, "children of Scandinavia burn because of your son and his youthful foolishness. Offering condolences to the people who lost loved ones defending our empire is admirable, but it's not enough."

"And what are you suggesting?" Hiccup said through gritted teeth.

"Send Katerina back to the Rus' and discuss new peace talks," he said in a pleading tone, "none of this would've happened if Nuffink kept his cock in his pants—"

Hiccup then got right into Gudmundr's face, causing the older man to inhale sharply and hold his breath, Hiccup's pupils turned into thin slits as he then hissed out. "I am aware of Nuffink's action," he then continued, "but if we return Katerina back to Boleslav's son, he'd kill her for being unfaithful to him. Not only that, but King Boleslav is a man who's easily provoked, Nuffink's actions have burned any future chances for peace; the man and his hordes of Rus' warriors will attempt to purge our world of every Viking and make it land for the Christians."

"And you're just going to let that happen?!" Gudmundr growled out.

"Of course not you fool!" Hiccup snarled out. "If Boleslav and his son fall in battle, Katerina has a legitimate claim to the throne of the Kievan kingdom. And if she takes over as queen, she could be the means to help us make a lasting peace with the Rus'. But until then, you must trust me and in the gods; do not let fear and doubt cloud your judgment Gudmundr. Because if you do anything that puts my people and family in danger, I will tear you limb from limb." With that said, Hiccup bumped into Gudmundr's shoulder and then ordered a council meeting with his inner circle, seers, and army leaders. As Hiccup, Astrid, and the Haddock family made their way to the tower in the center of the capital city, Gudmundr stared at the Blood Kings' back, inhaled sharply, and spat on the ground; a show of resentment and disrespect.

"One day Haddock, you will be bested by a mind that is more devious than your own," Gudmundr growled out, "and when that day arrives, I will finally be rid of you and your crushing yolk."

(Within Haddock Tower)

Once every one of royal blood, position, reputation, and religious importance had gathered within Hiccup's throne, the Blood King watched as his brother-in-law Dagur roused the army leaders with enthusiastic talks of returning violence to the invaders who took the Denmark beach leading to the steps of the capital city.

"If Boleslav and his foreign dogs want a war, we will give them a war!"

Roars of agreement filled the ears of everyone gathered, Alvin stood from his seat and spoke up. "I would match the best of us against the best of the enemy any day!" Once again, roars of agreement filled the air, that is until one of Hiccup's best diplomats, Kyrri the Peaceful, stood up and rebuked Alvin and Dagur's words. "The enemy outnumbers us two to one!"

"What do you suggest?" Dagur challenged. "To surrender this empire that we all built from nothing? To allow Boleslav and his Christians to slaughter those who resist him? Allow him and his Rus' brethren to claim our lands for future Christians to settle in? And destroy our legacy?"

"I suggest diplomacy," Kyrri said firmly, "the Rus' came here for one thing. Let's be honest, my friends, children of Scandinavia are burning because of the youthful indiscretion of Prince Nuffink," Kyrri then turned to Hiccup and bowed his head while adding in a humble tone, "respectfully King Hiccup." The Blood King grunted in acknowledgment and then turned to Gunhild the White Wolf, Njal the Giant, Fjalar the Deceiver, Dahlia the Dark One, Magna the Scarred, Alvin, Cutthroat, and Dagur who stood as his oldest and trusted Viking allies; they made up the early backbone of the Red Maw armies and they struck fear into the hearts of the Saxon kingdoms before the whole of England was consumed with plague and is now known as the Plague Lands.

"My friends, brothers, and sisters in arms," Hiccup said while addressing his Viking allies, "you've stood by my side for two decades and have fought beside me throughout many foreign lands. Tell me, can we win this war?"

Gunhild stood from her seat and stroked the white wolf fur cloak around her body. "We have never lost a war yet my Blood King, and that's because of you," she said with a smile, "you have had an aura of invincibility on the battlefield and have led us to countless victories throughout the years."

"Your keen intellect has helped us defeat many cunning opponents," Cutthroat stated while twirling a throwing knife in his hand, "I have no doubt that mind of yours will help us overcome this storm."

"You transformed us Vikings into a fighting force that rivals any army on Midgard, not only that, but you've helped us coexist with dragons when the prospect at first seemed utterly ridiculous," Alvin said with a chuckle, "who would've thought our people have climbed to the heavens under your rule."

"We have vast armies, fleets, and dragons," Dagur stated, "but most importantly, we have you and the gods that will lead our people to victory! Yes, we can win!!" Roars of agreement and applause filled the air at the words of the Red Maw army leaders.

Fishlegs then rose from his seat and voiced his own concerns. "The enemy is united by vengeance, there is... a Scandinavian among the enemy who seeks revenge for the death of his father and clan," looking to Hiccup, Fishlegs continued, "his name is Harald Forkbeard." Everyone murmured amongst themselves at this revelation, Hiccup merely snorted and shook his head. "So the enemy has an inside man who can breach these walls and see the gates opened while we're all asleep, allowing the enemy to slip inside and slit our throats," growling lightly, Hiccup continued, "Fishlegs, you and Camicazi will work together to ensure that the night patrols are tripled. If the enemy does send Forkbeard to breach our beloved capital, we must watch his every move and send him to Hel for betraying his nation, people, and the gods by siding with foreigners and outsiders." Both Fishlegs and Camicazi bowed their heads in understanding, both eager to ensure the security of the capital city.

"We are in the face of overwhelming numbers, Haddock," Gudmundr stated, "even though we prevented the enemy from slaying our seers, I fear our gods will not be willing to aid us as long as your child of a son Nuffink keeps hold of his... Christian whore." Some barked out in agreement while others remained silent and held their breath at what would happen next.

"Are you deliberately testing my patience, old man?" Hiccup inquired in a cool tone. "It's almost as if you have a death wish—"

"Of course not! But if we just return Katerina back to Boleslav and his son, perhaps we can avoid a greater war—"

"There won't be a war!"

Everyone began murmuring in confusion while also turning to Prince Nuffink who had stood from his seat, he then spoke up for all to hear. "This isn't a conflict between nations, it is a dispute between myself and Igor," Nuffink shook his head and continued, "and I don't want to see another one of our people die because of me—"


Hiccup boomed out, the young prince then turned around to look at his parents, in-laws, siblings, uncle, aunt, and grandmother before speaking in a bold tone. "Tomorrow morning, I will challenge Igor Boleslav to a holmgång for the right to Katerina," he then continued, "the winner will take her home. The loser will burn before nightfall." Nuffink then looked to his mother, Astrid, and saw the utter horror in her eyes, he then looked to his brother Halvor and could see the shock and disbelief, as was the reaction of the rest of his family. But Hiccup? His reaction was one of... genuine fear.

Nuffink then left the throne room and made his way to the arena to train with the finest warriors in the Red Maw armies, to prepare himself to face Igor, who stood as a Rus' champion on the battlefield. Not only was Igor older than Nuffink, but he was far stronger and more experienced at killing than he ever was, and if Nuffink was to stand a chance against Igor's wrath, he'd need to prepare for what the following morning would hold.

Mala looked to Hiccup and inquired in a worried tone. "Does Nuffink stand a chance against Igor?" The Blood King looked to his good ally and friend with a frown. Hiccup rose from his throne, as did everyone else, the Blood King then spoke in a soft tone. "You are all dismissed" he then continued, "I need to speak with my son." As he made his way out of his throne room, Hiccup made his way to his bed chambers and acquired an item of importance, an item Nuffink would need if he was to fight Igor. Once securing the item, Hiccup made his way to his youngest son's chambers and found him about to make his way to the arena. For a moment, both father and son didn't speak, but then Hiccup led Nuffink back into his chambers and the two Haddock's sat on the edge of the bed within. With a heavy sigh, both Hiccup and Nuffink spoke at the same time.

"Son, I'm sorry—"

"Father, I'm sorry—"


They then chuckled lightly and Hiccup spoke up. "You first son," he nodded with encouragement, "speak your mind." Nodding, Nuffink ran a hand through his shaggy blond hair and gave his father a sad smile. "Forgive me, father," he said, "forgive me for the pain I've caused you all these years. All I want is to prove myself worthy of being your heir and prove myself worthy of being a Haddock." Hiccup then inquired. "Do you love her?" Pursing his lips together, Nuffink then continued speaking. "You are a great king because you love your nation so much. Every blade of grass, every grain of sand, every rock in the river. You love all of Scandinavia and all who inhabit it, whether it be Vikings or dragons," Nuffink then smiled and continued, "that is the way I love Katerina."

"I've fought many wars in my life, even before you and your siblings were even born," Hiccup said, "I fought to make myself a reputation, some for power, some for glory, and to avenge myself from the grievances the now extinct Hairy Hooligans and your animal of a grandfather inflicted upon me. I suppose fighting for love makes more sense than all the rest, but I won't be the one fighting." Hiccup then drew out the Sword of Kings, is a ceremonial sword, signifying the power and authority over the Viking people. Nuffink marveled at the beautiful sword, it was a blade that was reforged with Gronckle Iron, its hilt was brown-colored, and the hilt of the sword was adorned with precious jewels and the blade, mirror polished, is etched with Viking runes that translate to "Sword of Kings."

"The Sword of Kings?" Nuffink inquired, Hiccup nodded in confirmation.

"This sword is a treasured symbol of Viking power and is carried by the current ruler of our world," Hiccup said, "it was never meant to be used in battle, but now it has been reforged for that purpose. You will carry this blade into battle tomorrow, and prove to us all that you are worthy of becoming their future king." Extending the blade to his son, Nuffink took it and gazed upon it with awe and humility.

"Nuffink, I know you are not much of a warrior, but you are still my son and despite your youthfulness, I love you," Hiccup placed a hand on Nuffink's shoulder and nodded at him, "forgive me for lashing out at you when I failed to realized what you did was for the sake of love. Can you forgive me?" Nuffink's eyes glistened with tears and he then embraced his father while nodding into Hiccup's neck. "Of course I forgive you," he murmured out, "I'm the one who has grieved you by bringing an ocean of enemies at our shores. But your words have given me the strength and reassurance I need for tomorrow." Hiccup returned Nuffink's embrace and the Blood King cherished this moment with his son, knowing that he made amends with him.

(Halvor's pov)

"Do you believe Nuffink stands a chance against Igor?" Ingrid inquired

Of course not, Nuffink was no warrior, and although I wanted to knock some sense into my brother, I knew that the choice was now removed from my hands. My brother has made his decision and he would be entering the jaws of death itself, all I could do was pray that the gods would not strike my brother down prematurely. Turning back to my sister, I smiled sadly at her and shrugged. "Nuffink's fate is now in the hands of the gods," I then sighed heavily and continue, "I pray they don't strike him down prematurely."

"Let us hope they are merciful," Zephyr said in agreement, "his Christian lover must be worth it if he's willing to challenge Igor to a holmgång."

"She is worth it," Brenna reassured her sister in law, "Nuffink would not be doing this if Katerina was not worth dying for. I believe Nuffink has the motivation to defeat Igor Boleslav."

"If the Rus' prince faces your brother honorably," Avery said, "Nuffink offended not just him, but the entire Kievan kingdom. I would not trust that Igor will face your brother on honorable terms."

"If Boleslav's animal of a son is stupid enough to face my brother dishonorably, I will personally gut him from prick to throat and feed his innards to Odin's ravens," Zephyr said, "I pray the Rus' are that stupid and give us the motive we need to tear them apart."

"We shall see what the gods have in store for us, young Zephyr," Avery said, "but until then, I'm off to bed." The heir to the Celestial Empire turned to Ingrid and inquired. "Will you join me, my love?" Ingrid smiled at her husband and nodded. "I will," she then turned to her siblings and sister in law, "goodnight, I will see you in the morning." The group of young Haddock's bowed their heads in acknowledgment and watched as Ingrid and Avery took their leave.

"I too am in need of sleep," Zephyr said, "tomorrow will shift our world for better or worse. We will need all our strength when that happens." I smiled at my little sister and nodded at her, we shared a warm embrace, Brenna and Zephyr shared a quick kiss, and she then dismissed herself. Brenna then turned to me and raised a questioning eyebrow. "Will you join me in bed?" I smirked at her and pecked her lips. "Go," I then continued, "I will be there shortly." We shared a smile and another kiss before Brenna then made her way to our chambers, I then spotted a hooded figure who looked my way, and thanks to my heightened vision, I saw that beneath that hood was Katerina. Before I could speak, my brother's lover sprinted away, causing me to pursue her. "No! Wait!" I barked out while quickly gaining on her.

Grabbing Katerina's hips, I turned her around and removed her hood. "Katerina! What are you doing?" I inquired, tears stained her cheeks and she then growled out. "Let me go!" She tried resisting my grasp, but I held firm and pulled her into my chest, she then stopped fighting me and sobbed into my neck. Her bitter cries caused me to hold her close and hear her croak out. "I saw them burn. I saw them burning on the ships," Katerina sniffled and then looked into my eyes, "and it's all my fault." I shook my head, but the Kievan princess spoke firmly. "It is! You know it is," tears streamed down her cheeks as she continued, "so many of your people are dead because I'm here! I'm going down to the ships, and giving myself up to Igor." Katerina removed herself from my grasp and made her way to the lift that would see her out of our tower, but I quickly grabbed her arm and spun her around to face me. "No, you're not!" I said firmly.

"I'm giving myself back to Igor," Katerina said, "he can torture, beat me, kill me for all I care. Anything is better than this!"

"It's too late for that!" I said firmly, "do you think Boleslav cares about his son's marriage? This is about eradication, not love."

"Nuffink is going to fight in the morning?" Katerina asked in a dangerous tone, I sighed heavily and nodded in confirmation. "Igor will kill," she with a fearful tone, "I won't let that happen."

"It was Nuffink's decision," I said, "he's fighting for you."

"No," she said, "I cannot ask anyone to fight for me. I am no longer a princess of Kiev." Katerina made another attempt to leave, but I grasped her arms and forced her to look into my eyes.

"You're a princess of Scandinavia now," I said, "and my brother needs you tonight." Katerina looked conflicted; torn between what she wanted to do. Finally, she looked into my eyes and smiled lightly at me, wiped away her tears, and walked back to Nuffink's chambers.

There was no turning back now.

At dawn tomorrow, the fate our world would be decided by the gods.

A/N: Hope you guys are enjoying this story, feedback would be most appreciated. So Nuffink and Igor are going to engage in a holmgång in the next chapter, which was a Viking duel to settle disputes, they're both fighting for Katerina, but for different reasons. That's just a basic idea of what to expect for the next update, I'll see you guys then.

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