{COMPLETED} Cats Are Friendly...

بواسطة Dwaekkis_Babygirl

247 2 2

You're quirk is called Bee, -you have antenna and wings like a normal Bee -you have a better sense of smel... المزيد

002 - First Day Troubles
003 - Friends and Fidgets
A/n 2\6\21
004 - Friendly Outting

001 - The New Job

121 1 2
بواسطة Dwaekkis_Babygirl

~Narrator POV~
You had just gotten out of school the previous year, you were 'The Sweet Hero: Seillean-Mòr' or in English Bumblebee
(a/n according to my translation, google translate isn't always right, but seillean-mòr is Scottish for bumblebee)
You went to a hero school in Scotland where you were from, but you had always dreamed of going to teach at UA. You always wanted to be a teacher just as much as you wanted to be a Pro-Hero. You had contacted Nezu about teaching at UA at the beginning of you final year in school. He had gotten back to you halfway through the year, saying you could be a teachers assistant since they didn't have any teacher spot opening. He also said he would love to have you at his school, he had contacted your teachers to ask how capable you were and they spoke very highly of you to him. He had even said that UA would pay for your trip from Scotland. It was the day you were to fly away, you had always been so caught up in your studies trying to become top of your class and learning Japanese on the side. As well as English, Scottish, Greek, and Latin. You loved learning new languages, but were always so caught up in work and study that you never had time to make friends. All you had was your ESA's, Tibetan mastiff puppies named Argentum and Aurum which is Latin for Silver and Gold. You had really bad anxiety, and you had ADHD, so you had two ESA's. They were also trained so they could help you in a fight, they came with you everywhere and Nezu had even set up a kennel for them to play in if you gave them a break or if they needed it. You didn't do well with loud crowds but you could deal with rowdy teenagers all day with no issues.
~_+*In Japan*+_~
You landed and got off the plane with your carry-on and your dogs following behind you obediently. You heard someone come up behind you, they tapped you on the shoulder so you turned to face them. It was none other than 'The R-rated Hero:Midnight' she tried to ask you in English if you were Temi Tantula, in very bad English might I add. (a/n probably should have mentioned that that's your name) You could tell she was struggling so you assured her in Japanese, "Hello Midnight, yes I am Temi Tantula. Don't worry I speak Japanese, I had always planned on moving here to be a hero anyway so I learned the language." She smiled and sighed with relief, "Oh thank god! I don't know why they didn't just send Hizashi, he can speak English. By the way you can call me Nemuri, Nemuri Kayama" "I assume you're taking me to UA right? So I can move into the teacher dorms? And Nezu probably figured out I could speak Japanese when he was contacting my teachers. I can speak quite a few languages actually. English, Scottish, and Japanese of course, among others," you say with smile as she nods in answer to your question.
(a/n this happens after they move into the dorms, and after the work studies, they just got Eri back and she is still in the hospital)
She leads you away towards a black car that's waiting. She gets in the passengers seat and tells you to sit in the backseat. You do as your told—

But  I'm getting way ahead of myself here, let me introduce you and explain a little bit.
Your name is Temi Tantula and you grew up in Glasgow Scotland. You are 19-going-on-20. You were the number 4 Pro-Hero in Scotland before you went to Japan to work as a teacher there. You have very long Black hair that has streaks of yellow (not blonde, yellow) in it. Your quirk is called Bee.
-you have antenna and wings like a normal Bee 
-you have a better sense of smell and hearing 
-Like Mina's acid, she shoots honey from her hands that can either be: 
        1. Used and then hardened a little while after use, Which can be used to make weapons or other things 
        2. Can Be used as acid and can burn through thin material (cloth, plastic, paper, ect.) 
        3. Spread on top of biscuits UwU
A/N All rights to this quirk go to LavenderHoneyJello , who gave me permission to use the quirk as long as I credit them!!
Your eyes are heterochromatic, meaning they are two different colors. One is black and the other is yellow. You have anxiety, ADHD, a panic disorder, and you are selectively mute after a panic and/or anxiety attack. You had sister but she passed away when you were 16, leaving you by yourself. You have her ashes is a beautiful urn. That was depressing. ANYWAYS Back to the story—

And get in the backseat, there is a man in a black jumpsuit with a grey scarf around his neck. At first you don't recognize him, then it hits you like a ton of bricks. It was Eraserhead, you favorite hero, Nezu did mention something about him working there. You let Argentum and Aurum into the car first and he cringed at seeing two giant dogs get into his car.

They are very big puppies, so it's understandable. You giggle a little bit as he cringes, and Midnight asks you, "What are you giggling about Temi~Chan?" "First off, please don't use honorifics, I don't particularly like them. Secondly, I'm giggling because Eraserhead cringed when Argentum and Aurum got in the car, it's understandable since they are huge, even as puppies, but it's still funny," You reply calmly, "THEY'RE ONLY PUPPIES?!!" Midnight shrieks. "Yeah, Tibetan mastiff's are very big dogs, that can also be very loud and aggressive. But don't worry they don't bark and aren't aggressive," you say. Eraserhead grumbles, "At least they won't keep me up at night." You giggle again as you pull into the parking lot of UA, Nemuri offers to take you bag but you say you can manage. Eraserhead asks the logical question of, "Do you even have any furniture, or anything to decorate your place with for that matter?" "Uhh....no, I have literally nothing," Temi replies. "You'll have to go furniture shopping then, the apartments only come with the appliances, not furniture or other stuff. Oooooo I can take you now once you get your bags in your room," Nemuri shouts excitedly and you shrink away in panic, Aurum presses his body against the front of your legs while Argentines presses against the back, and Eraserhead cringes. At the same time you both say, "You're so loud Nemuri." You both look at each other and you could swear you saw the stoic man crack a small smile. You go to take a step forward again, but you forgot Aurum was in front of you, and trip. Eraserhead catches you with one arm, "Be more careful. Also, might I ask why you have those two dogs?" "Oh, I have really bad anxiety attacks and a panic disorder. They're my ESA's one for the anxiety and one for panic. Usually induced by loud noises or big crowds," you say, then mumble to yourself, "I'm not looking forward to meeting Present Mic." Eraserhead hears this and chuckles, "If you want I can tell Hizashi not to be loud around you, you can call me Aizawa by the way," Aizawa offers and you nod thanking him. "Now since I am new can you show me to my apartment? I have no idea where it is." "Sure, it's right next to mine, and if you go up another floor you'll be on the rooftop gym." Shota says and leads the way. You get to your apartment and thank him, you go inside and out your bags down then walk back out. Nemuri is waiting for you, "Are we going furniture shopping? Also sorry I shouted, I was just really excited!" she asks
~Temi's POV~
"Yeah sure!" I say and follow her to the train station that isn't too far away from UA. We head to the nearest furniture store and I immediately go to the children's section for beds, Nemuri follows me curiously. "Why are we in the children's bed section?" She asks, quirking an eyebrow. "Because I'm getting a loft bed with a built in desk, and because I'm technically an adult so I can do whatever I want. Plus kids stuff is cheaper no matter what it is." I state and go straight to a beautiful wooden loft bed with a built in desk.

It was beautiful, and it was all separate pieces so I didn't even need to get the bed on the bottom. I chose this bed in a lighter wood, with a matching bureau and bench for the desk. I then got myself some bean bag chairs and I ditched Nemuri for a bit to secretly buy Eraserhead posters and a plush too. I picked out the rest of my furniture, and bought a couple more Eraserhead posters. I payed for all of it and got same day delivery to my apartment. Me and Menuri headed home but we stopped for food first, I was starving. Once we got to UA a truck was also pulling in and unloading all my furniture, I signed off for it and then truck left. Then I was stuck with the dilemma of, "How am I gonna get all this into my apartment?" "I could help you, also please call your dog, it's keeps following me and staring at me." Aizawa asked and I jumped a little but thanked him, whistled for Argentum and told him, "Veniat Helias liberans eum" Translation: Leave him alone in Latin. The dog obeyed and Aizawa stared at me then shrugged. "What? Why were you staring at me?" I asked, "What did you say to the dog? It wasn't Japanese or English." Aizawa questioned me, "I told him to leave you alone, and it was Latin." We both picked up an end of my bed and started walking it into my apartment, "How many languages can you speak?" "Five. English, Scottish, Greek, Latin, and Japanese. And a few things in Spanish," I counted them off out loud. He looked shocked then cracked a small smile.
~Time skip brought to you by Aurum wanting belly rubs~
After we had finished bringing my stuff into my apartment and I had set everything up I was starving. I didn't have anything in my cabinets or in the fridge though. Seeing this Aizawa offered to make me something to eat and I agreed. He led me into his apartment and before he could shut the door Nemuri stuck her foot in saying, "You're gonna cook for Temi and I? Thanks Shota!" before pushing past him into his apartment. I laughed as Aizawa grumbled. Aurum was about to get on Aizawa's couch when he hurriedly blocked his path. So Aurum and Argentum just layer in front of the TV stand. "Aizawa have you said anything to Present Mic about not being loud around me?" I asked, immediately his phone rang, "Speak of the Devil," he said picking it up and putting it on speaker before quickly making it know that he was on speaker and that he had guests over, "Hizashi keep your voice down, I have people over"
"You have people over? And you didn't invite me? How rude!" Hizashi said in mock offense.
"Yeah, Nemuri and that new teachers assistant, her name is Temi."
"OH NEMURI IS THERE?!!! HI NEMURI, ALSO HELLO TEMI NICE TO MEET YOU" he shouted excitedly and I cringed and shrunk back into the counter Aurum immediately coming over and pushing on the back of my knees causing me to fall down. He then proceed to lay on my legs once I set them out straight in front of me.
"Hizashi please don't scream, it really bothers Temi." He asks me in a hushed tone if he is allowed to tell him why and I just nod as I can't bring myself to speak, I was starting to hyperventilate. "She has bad anxiety and a panic disorder. She has two really massive puppies as ESA's. " he explains and I unconsciously start signing 'My name is Temi Tantula and I live in Japan, I am a teachers assistant at UA' over and over. Aizawa sees this and looks puzzled for a moment before realizing I'm using ASL. He doesn't know much but Nemuri does and so does Hizashi. He nudges Nemuri and gestures to me, silently asking her what I'm saying as I stare off into space. "She keeps signing her name and saying she lives in Japan and is a teachers assistant at UA. I think she's doing it to calm down since her breathing has slowed," she points out.
"Hizashi, wanna come over for a bit? You can actually meet the new girl, and you will be apologizing to her for sending her into a panic attack."
"Oh yeah, definitely coming over. Also what did I hear about signing?"
"Just get your ass over her before I change my mind"
About ten minutes later there is a knock on the door, Aizawa answers it to reveal Present Mic is casual clothes with his hair down. I'm still sitting on the floor, with Aurum on my lap, signing. Nemuri comes over and shakes me gently out of my trance, "Hey Temi, Hizashi is here. Do you want to meet him?" Having just had a panic attack, I was selectively mute, so I sign 'Yes'
(A/n anything is 'apostrophes' is ASL)
She nods and helps me get Aurum off my lap, and helps me to my feet, he presses against my legs as I walk with Nemuri's help over to where Aizawa and Hizashi are sitting on the couch. I walk up and Nemuri clears her throat to get Hizashi's attention. 'Hello, my name is Temi Tantula. I'm the new teachers assistant here'. I heard Nemuri translate my sign to Aizawa earlier so I figured she would do the same now but instead Hizashi nodded and asked, "I'm not trying to be rude, but can you speak?" 'Yes, I'm just selectively mute after panic and/or anxiety attacks. And sometimes because of my ADHD' he nods in response. 'How do you know ASL' He answers, "I'm hard of hearing because of my quirk, I accidentally cause my mother to go deaf too. So I learned it for me and my mom. I can also read lips very well. I just wanted to apologize for giving you a panic attack. I didn't know and I definitely didn't mean too." Having regained my composure and learning that this was Hizashi, the one Nemuri said should have been sent to get me from the airport since he can speak English, I said in English, "Hello Hizashi" with slightly confused looks from Nemuri and Aizawa and a shocked look from Hizashi. After just having a panic attack and meeting the person who caused it, I chose to speak with them and not my friends. Shocking since I was a selective mute after a panic attack. "You know English?" He asked in Japanese. "She also knows Scottish, Latin, and Greek. And a little bit of Spanish," Aizawa answers, "She told me while I helped her bring in furniture. And since she just moved in today I had offered to cook her some food since she had nothing in her cabinets. Speaking of I should do that, but I don't feel like cooking anymore, or cooking for so many people. Who wants pizza?" We all raised our hands and agreed on getting two large cheese pizzas. The pizza arrived about twenty minutes later, we were all sitting on Aizawa's couch and on the floor, or rather Nemuri was on the floor next Argentum, giving him belly rubs, and Aurum was at my feet. I was sitting in between Hizashi and Aizawa, although I didn't mind. They were both very capable Pro-Hero's and they were both very hot, in the sense of they produced a lot of heat, although Aizawa was cute. We were just watching TV and eating pizza, and eventually Hizashi got up said goodbye and left but not before giving me his number saying, "We're friends now and if you ever need someone to talk to after a panic attack I'll always be there." He was so sweet, I was getting kinda tired though to I was gonna head out but as I tried to get up sleep washed over me. I leaned to the side and fell peacefully asleep.... on Aizawa's shoulder.
~Aizawa's POV~
We were chilling watching TV, Hizashi had just left, and Temi looked tired. I was going to suggests she head home and get some rest but before I could say anything she slumped over onto my shoulder, she was asleep. Nemuri laughed at seeing this, "Want me to take her home? I'll get her into bed." "Please do, I don't want her asleep in my house," I say, although she is very pretty. Nemuri comes over and scoops Temi up bridal style and carries her to the door, I follow and open it for her. The two dogs get up and follow their human out, I grabbed her house keys from my counter where she left them and go open her door, allowing Nemuri to go inside. "Sho you can go back to your house now, gimme her keys I'll be fine," Nemuri shoos me away and I obey, starting to feel tired myself.
~Nemuri's POV~
I carried her into her apartment and shut the door after her dogs were both inside. I searched the rooms until I found her bedroom, and was shocked to see it covered with Eraserhead posters, I silently chuckle to myself. I carefully climb the ladder to the loft bed with one hand carrying her and gently place her in the bed under the covers, which also happen to be Eraserhead. I leave a note saying I brought her back to her room, also leaving my phone number and Shota's phone numbers on her door, I then leave her apartment.
~Time skip brought to you by Eraserhead simps~
~Temi's POV~
I wake up in my own bed, and stretch for a moment before I remember what happened yesterday. I immediately blush and groan at how I fell asleep on my favorite Pro-Hero and celebrity crush's shoulder. But then I wonder how I got back into my house. I climb down the ladder and grab a towel, obviously Eraserhead, and some clothes a simple white tshirt and black ripped skinny jeans along with my signature black studded leather jacket. I went and took a shower, using my AXE body wash scent Apollo, and my ocean scented shampoo and conditioner. After I get dressed I walk back out and noticed a note on my door. It reads:
'Dear Temi, I brought you home last night after
you fell asleep at Shota's place.
P.S. here is my number and Shota's text me
if you ever need anything or just wanna hang out'
I signed grateful for the wonderful friends I had made already, and I hadn't been there a day. I added Nemuri , Hizashi, and Shota's number to my phone and decided to go grocery shopping to get some food. I would have to since I start my job tomorrow, so I put Aurum and Argentum in their harnesses and grab my wallet then go. I just go to a convenience store right down the street, I make sure to get Mac and cheese and ramen along with rice and stuff to make sushi. I also grab sake, along with some snacks of ice cream, cookies, and dried seaweed. I pay and head back to my apartment, only to run into some students once I'm on school grounds. "I'm so sorry miss! I didn't mean to run into you," a boy with glasses says and a girl with long pink hair wearing goggles looks up and apologizes as well. "It's ok," I say unconsciously signing it as well. The girl notices and 'You know sign language' I nod and she says, "I had to learn because I am hard of hearing, I'm Mei Hatsume by the way, from the support course! And this is Tenya Iida from the hero course, class 1-a!" The boy nods, "Who are you! I've never seen you before and I didn't see you at the sports festival?" the boy asks, "Oh I'm Temi Tantula, I'm actually a teachers assistant here, starting tomorrow. Although I will be teaching something eventually, once a position opens up!" I say. They both nod and then excuse themselves and hurry off. I chuckle at this a turn heading back to my apartment. Once I get back to my apartment, I put the stuff away a decided to text Nemuri and Hizashi to see if they wanted to hang out. I immediately got a response from both saying they'd love to and asking me why I'm up that early. Hizashi said he'd drag Shota along to, which I laughed at. We made plans for lunch at noon, and since it was only 6:30 I decided to do a workout on the rooftop gym. Little did I know Aizawa was also doing the same thing. I threw on my workout shirt, which happens to be an old Eraserhead t-shirt I turned into a crop top, some black shorts and sneakers and headed up to the roof, dogs following behind me. I got up there and headed to the area where there was punching bags, oblivious to the fact that Aizawa was there, I put on my wrist guards and started punching and kicking at the bag while Argentum and Aurum sat patiently out of the way of the swinging punching bag. "You need to work on your form and balance when you kick" Aizawa says from behind me. Startle I turn and swing, but he just grabs my fist, "Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you," he says. "It's ok Aizawa....I just didn't know you were up here, I thought I was alone," I explain. "When you kick like that, you want to put your hip into. Don't just kick with your leg, imagine your swinging A baseball bat once you hit the ball you don't pull back you follow through with the swing. Imagine that your leg is the baseball bat and when you kick it you want to throw put your hip into it just like you would put your shoulder into a baseball swing. Like this," he demonstrates several kicks. "Also, is that my hero merch?" he asks with a slight smirk. "Umm.......yeah. Also nice abs," I laugh only now realizing that he is shirtless, "Wanna spar? I'm bored of punching this bag..." I ask. "Sure OR I could teach you some acrobatics and aerial?" he says and I give him a puzzled look, "Acrobatics makes sense, because of your scarf. But I have no idea what aerial is....heh I'm kinda dumb," I say sheepishly. "You're not dumb first of all. Second of all, I'll show you follow me," he directs and I do so. He brings me to where a really tall rig is set up and there is a very long piece of fabric hanging and pooling on the ground. "This is the aerial rig we have, I think I'm the only one who uses it for hero training. Nemuri uses it to make videos," he shudders, "Right now it's set up for silks, but there is also hoops. Which one do you wanna see?" "I wanna see silks, it looks....fun?" I say questioningly. He chuckled and proceeds to walk up to the fabric, splitting it in two and making a food hold, he climbs higher, "I use this for training with my scarf but also I just kinda picked it up as a hobby, it's very fun!" he says and starts spinning and doing an aerial routine.
(A/n just look up a simple aerial silks routine and watch a video if you wanna see what silks is actually like)
He finishes the routine and I'm just staring at him. It was so cool, I wanna learn....but I'm to shy to ask. "Hello? Earth to Temi," he waves his hand in front of my face and I snap out of my trance, "God you're like Midoriya when he spaces out," he chuckles. I assume Midoriya is one of his student.
I pluck up the courage, "Hey Aizawa?"
"Could you um....could you teach me how to.....how to do that?" I ask nervously
He just stares at me for a second and then laughs, "Of course! Don't be so nervous it's fine, I would love to teach you."
Oh thank Gods I thought he was gonna laugh in my face then tell me no. I look at my phone to see it has officially been 5 hours, time flies I guess. "SHIT!! Aizawa I got to go! I have a lunch date with Nemuri and Hizashi...speaking of do you want to come? Hizashi said he was gonna drag you along, and no I don't know where we are going I left it up to Nemuri to decide." I ask him quickly taking off my wrist guards, "Sure, when?" "Noon," I say flatly before I whistle to my dogs and dash away to go get ready.
Back in my room I take a quick shower, then put my hair in box braids with beads, surprisingly it doesn't take long since I've been doing it for forever. I do some simple makeup and put on my leather mini-skirt and my black croptop, not noticing it my other eraserhead hero theme croptop, and grab my red studded leather jacket after putting on my black combat boots. I have like 5 different leather jackets. I grab my phone, my bee-shaped purse, and my honeycomb-shaped wallet and whistle for my dogs then head out the door. I also grab my skateboard and helmet, I feel like riding today.
~Aizawa POV~
I took a quick shower and threw on a pair of jeans and a tight t-shirt, grabbed my phone and my wallet, along with my jacket and stepped out the door. At the same time Temi also stepped out her door, with Argentum and Aurum of course. Then I could see Nemuri walking towards us with Hizashi following behind her. Her and Nemuri are both wearing makeup that is probably way to over the top for wherever we are going. "Oh my gawd Temi you look STUNNING. I'm getting greaser vibes, is that what you were going for?" Hizashi asks over dramatically. "YES!!! OMG FINALLY!!! Someone gets the vibe! I dressed like this all the time in Glasgow and nobody got the vibe and I was so pissed that I put all this work into my outfit for nothing. The hair isn't greaser but it's the best it's going to get with how long it is, if I try to do a greaser style with this hair it would end up a mess," Temi exclaims clapping her hands. "Sooo.....lunch?" I ask impatiently, I'm getting hungry. Nemuri claps her hands, "Right! Yeah since Temi isn't 20 yet we can't go to the bar we usually go for lunch, so we're going to this new ramen bar that opened up not that long ago. It's really good I've been there a few times!" We all follow Nemuri and it's only then I notice that Temi is carrying a helmet and a skateboard. "Temi, what's with the skateboard?" I ask, "Oh! I like to ride it sometimes a kinda felt like riding it today. I used to ride through traffic and hold onto car bumpers as I ride sometimes all the time back home!" she says in a cheery voice. Once we are outside she puts the skateboard down and puts on her helmet. She waits behind a little bit then quickly catches up to us and rides alongside me and diagonal behind Nemuri who is leading the way. Nemuri said it wasn't to far so we could all walk. I had just grabbed a pair of sneakers from my closet, turns out they were my light up Heelys, so I rode alongside Temi. Hizashi saw this and rode alongside Temi on the other side having also wore his Heelys, matching mine. Temi notices that we are both wearing light up Heelys and laughs as she rides, and soon enough we are outside the ramen bar. She takes her helmet off and grabs her skateboard as she follows Nemuri inside.
~Time skip brought to you by me being lazy~
~Temi's POV~
We had lunch and went home, Hizashi and I, and my dogs of course, hung with Aizawa for a little bit. Nemuri said she had to go film some aerial silk videos, I didn't wanna know so I didn't ask. We were just bullshitting about stuff, about how they had matching pairs of Heelys. I mentioned bumping into that boy with glasses and the girl with him, Aizawa said his name was Tenya Iida, I should've remembered their names bu I didn't, and he was one of his students. As for the girl, Hizashi knew her, her name was Mei Hatsume from the support course where he was frequently, fixing his directional speaker. We joked with each other and watched TV for a bit. Then I started yawning and so did Hizashi, we both excused ourselves and went home. Hizashi made sure I got back into my apartment before he went to his on the next floor below us. I changed into my PJs and took my makeup off and box braids out. I went to sleep dreaming of Aizawa and I having a day at the beach for some reason.

A/n that was a very long first chapter wasn't it? I hope you like it! And again the quirk is not mine all credit goes LavenderHoneyJello

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