His Home | Fillie

milevenmiracles tarafından

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He lives on the streets with his guitar. Choosing to run from a rough home life, now music is all he has to o... Daha Fazla

Holiday Spirit
New Comer
Silent Kindness
AM Conversations
Popcorn Fights
Date Night
Don't Tell My Lie
Comfort in Truth
Confronting Feelings
Sober Thoughts Drunk Words
Torn Trust
Find Me Under Rain
Scars of the Past
Ounces of Grief, Flickers of Hope
Familiar (Unfriendly) Faces
Trapped In Her Own
Note + Thoughts

Unexpected Call

551 21 18
milevenmiracles tarafından

His Home

The second week of May had rolled around now, April just a memory in everyone's minds.

Millie sat on the couch this afternoon currently frustrated looking at her phone. The tv was playing some show in the background she wasn't paying attention to.

She didn't even hear Finn's footsteps walk into the kitchen from down the hall. He eyed the bowl of fruit sitting on Millie's counter almost contemplating grabbing something before giving a look of disgust and going to rummage through the cabinet where she kept different sweets instead.

Millie seemed to pick up on the fact he liked cinnamon buns because Finn had noticed one shelf was always stocked with them now. He wasn't really sure when she had taken notice of this fact though.

She was so concentrated on staring at the phone screen she almost didn't hear Finn's comment.

"Don't make expressions like that, wouldn't wanna ruin that pretty little face of yours."

Millie looked up just in time to see him closing the cabinet with a cinnamon bun in hand, but his eyes were stuck on her with a smile.

"Shut up, dummy." She tried to play things off, but her heart had most likely done a flip already and Millie felt the butterflies show up in her stomach.

Part of her wished he would stop saying such things like this to her just because she couldn't seem to get her feelings under control since admitting them to herself and Sadie, Finn's flirty comments weren't helping either.

They only made her fall for him more and she couldn't afford that. To many times over the past few weeks she caught herself staring at him for to long or getting lost in some longing glance. Finn had almost caught her gawking over him a few times.

It was embarrassing especially when Sadie was around and it happened. The redhead's common words now a days rang through Millie's head.

"Wow Mille you really have got it bad for him." She would laugh after teasing too. 

Millie wasn't sure if her mind was just playing tricks on her or if Finn had actually been openly flirting with her more over the past few weeks. It seemed to start happening right after she had basically dumped Noah...

Speaking of Noah, Millie's eyes went back to her phone screen. "He has been ignoring my text for the last few weeks."

"Who has?" Finn sat at the counter after throwing the wrapper for his sugary treat away.

"Noah. I thought we were on good terms, but he's been ignoring me."

He froze stopping mid bite. His eyes darted over to look at Millie, a bitter feeling entering his gut.

"Seems like an asshole to me." Millie didn't see Finn roll his eyes.

"But he was so sweet... he said everything was okay, that we could be friends..." Millie frowned trying to figure out if she had done something wrong.

Millie pulled her hands out of Noah's grasp. "Look Noah... I didn't really call for a date. There's something I need to tell you and I didn't want to do it over text."

"Oh no, these conversations never end well. What is it?"

"I just... I know we have had some fun days together over the past weeks or so, but Noah..." She just had to say it, get it over with.

"I'm sorry, I just don't feel the same about things as you do. I... is it ok if we were to just become friends instead?"

There seemed to a be a sudden sour look on his face, but Millie barely had time to notice it before it was replaced by just a sad smile instead.


"Say something please."

"Well I guess it's better you told me now than before I asked if you wanted to be my girlfriend..."

Millie remained silent unsure of what to say.

"So just friends then?"

She nodded nervously. "I would still love to have your friendship."

It was quiet for a few minutes before Noah spoke again. "Can I just ask you one thing, be honest please?"

Millie only nodded.

"Do... do you like someone else?"

That was the last question she would have expected from him so naturally she was a little caught off guard. She took a breathe deciding to be honest.

"Yeah... kinda."

"Right... well just friends then."

"Just friends."

Their goodbye that night was short and friendly, now he was ignoring her an acting cold towards her. What if it had all been an act from Noah?

"I hurt him. He was just trying to be nice, but I hurt him when I dumped him..."

"Millie you didn't dump him because you two weren't even dating. It's not dumping, it was letting him down in a nice way."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." Finn was tired of the Noah topic and the fact Millie was paying more attention to some text message than him...

He scoffed. "Schnapp is just butt hurt because he couldn't even make it to second base so he's acting like an asshole about it. You don't need a friend like that. I say stop texting him."

Millie felt a sudden wave of bravery sore through her. "What would you know about second base, when you haven't even tried to reach first with me!"

Her eyes widened not knowing where that comment came from... her cheeks went red while Finn almost started choking on his cinnamon bun mid sallow.

He didn't know what to think or say after that and maybe his jealousy got the best of him this time.

"Fine then, if you want to keep texting that waste of time then go ahead! It's not my problem!" Finn stood up and started to walk back down the hall with a biter expression not even sure why he was mad.

"Now whose acting like the asshole?!" Millie shouted down the hallway before she heard Finn's door shut loudly.

"The fuck is his problem?" She scoffed. Why is he even upset? Now she was just more confused than ever. One minute Finn was possibly flirting with her then she brought up Noah one time and he suddenly seemed annoyed. He had never even meant Noah.

But... maybe Finn was right. Maybe it was just Noah's problem to deal with, Mille couldn't stop him from acting like a jerk.

She sighed finally giving up. Giving Finn the win for this argument- could you even call what they had an argument? Millie deleted the messages and Noah's contact. If he wanted to be an asshole as Finn put it then she didn't need a friend like that. She had enough of those people back home to deal with.

She was about to go surrender and tell Finn he was right, but he appeared in the kitchen again before she could even get off the couch.

"Don't worry I'm just getting something else to eat. I'll leave you to your texting in second."

"Stop acting like an ass yourself and I could tell you that I deleted his number."

"You did?" Finn turned around to look at her now. Millie swore she saw some overjoyed smirk on his face at those words, but it was gone to quick.

Millie sighed. "When people wrong me... I usually have a tendency to..."

"...think it's your own fault?" Finn finished. He forgot about eating and came over to sit with Millie now.

She nodded. "You blame yourself for other's mistakes... you should work on that." Finn chuckled.

"I know, I guess it's from Jacob. He turns everything on me and acts like it's my fault when I get upset with him for something." Millie let out a breathe of air and laid her head on Finn's shoulder not even realizing it was to establish that little bit of contact they always seemed to need.

"Another asshole." This time Millie chuckled at Finn's words. Criminal Minds was playing on the tv in front of them, other than that noise the room became silent while the two enjoyed each other's presence.

"I'm glad you deleted his number." Finn spoke up first again. Millie rolled her eyes, but she wasn't annoyed anymore.

"Really? I hadn't noticed."

"Because now I can have you all to myself!" Millie let out a squeal when Finn's arms snaked around her waist and she was tackled to the end of the couch. She was no longer sitting beside Finn, instead they were both laying down now with Finn on top of her.

Millie's heart felt like it would beat right out of her chest now, she hoped he couldn't hear it. Not sure where to put her hands, she gave in and wrapped her arms around Finn's neck in a panic, but she didn't want to show him she was panicking about this position.

She felt his face bury into her shoulder. What the hell was he trying to do to her?! Drive her insane? Test her amount of self control? Millie's mind and heart couldn't handle this.

Finn moved so he could meet eyes with her next. Millie tried to take a breathe and look anywhere but back at his eyes, his lips, god she had caught herself thinking about what it would be like to kiss him to many times in the past few weeks.

"You can look at me you know." Finn smiled when she finally meant his gaze. He moved a piece of hair from her face carefully.

She tried not to let her eyes fall elsewhere, couldn't he just kiss her to save her some sanity? Even if it was just for a second?

Millie's eyes went wide when she realized his hands were trailing down her sides. His fingers were so light and delicate as if he didn't want to break her or push boundaries, but deep down Millie knew she wouldn't stop him.

Her breathe caught in her throat when his fingers had moved the hem of her shirt just to rest on the waist of her bare skin, no lower and no higher, but it felt like he could set her on fire with just that small touch.

"What the hell are you doing?" Finn raised an eyebrow at how so out of breath she sounded then. Was he really having such an effect on her or was it just his imagination playing tricks on him now?

"Nothing." He teased.

"Finn-" Millie didn't get to finish her words, her own laugh stopped her. Of course Finn had decided it would be a good idea to tickle her.

"St- stop! You asshole!" Millie squealed trying to squirm and get out of his hold.

Finn burst out in a laugh now at how easy it was to provoke name calling out of her. "Stop calling me an asshole and maybe I will!"

At the next second Millie's phone began to ring from the table. She was grateful to the God above now when Finn stopped and moved off of her so she could get her phone.

Millie's laughing stopped as she tried to catch her breathe. "I... hate you." She glared at Finn before reaching for her phone.

"I don't think you do."


Finn was about to say something again when he realized Mille's what wasn't directed at him, but at the ringing phone in her hand now.

"Mills, everything ok?"

She eyed him nervously hesitant to answer the phone call, but what choice would she have if she had to call back later so Millie put the phone to her ear.


Finn was just as shocked as Millie was to hear who was on the other side of the call.

"Hello Millie dear... Uhm- how are you?"

"I'm fine Mum, but that's not really why you called to talk is it? You never call me to just ask how I am. In fact this is the first I've heard from you since I left."

She rolled her eyes getting up to go into her bedroom leaving Finn to sit in his curiosity. After closing her door gently Millie snapped.

"What do want Mother?"

"There's no need to be so cold to me Millie."

"Cold to you?! Oh that's rich coming from the person who doesn't care to be in my life unless it's the one you make me live."

"I'm only doing what the best thing is for you Millie Brown. You will thank you one day, just give it time."

"I will never say thank you to you and dad for forcing me to marry such a piece of shit."

"Millie! Jacob will do you good. In fact I called to ask you for some input on wedding details since you decided it wasn't worth being here to help plan your own wedding."

"Do you even listen to yourself talk?! Do you even hear the things you say to me? I don't care what the wedding looks like mother and I will not have a part in planning it! It's all the same, forcing me to live a life I don't want! Stop acting like you care about what I think anyway. You never have so don't bother starting now."

"Millie I am your mother! For heavens sake I do care about you, as well as your father."

"Then prove it."

"What are you on about?"

"Prove that you and the rest of the family care about me. I'm graduating high school at the end of this month. Get dad and bring Charlie, Paige, and Ava down here to see me graduate."

"Millie your brother has work to attend to, Ava does not come home from school until September for the holidays, and Paige is busy with her husband and own life. They don't have time to come see you just for some public high school event."

Millie faced the floor, the phone still held to her ear. The words were not even shocking.

"Fine then, just you and dad can come. It's one day out of the month for me mother."

"'I sent you to to the best school I could find, just for you to end up going to some trashy public high school in the states. Your father and I don't have time to-"

"See! I knew it! You don't give a fuck about me! If it was any of my siblings who wanted you to do something then both of you would do whatever they asked if you!"

"Millie that is different-"

"Why?! Because they were your little bitches and did whatever you wanted them to do in life? It's different because I want my own way of life!" Millie's voice became louder and the tears clouded her vision.

"Millie Bobby Brown, your language!"

"You know what..." Millie sniffed trying to hold in her scream.

"Go fuck yourself Kelly Brown. You are no mother to me, you never have been!"

Before Kelly could yell at Millie through the phone the brunette had hung up. Before she knew what she was doing she was storming out of her room with tears streaming down her face.

Millie's scream made Finn jump off the couch to see the girl in a rage of tears.


The phone in her hand broke out in a ring again. Seeing her mother's name flash on the screen for a second time made everything worse.

Millie threw her phone so hard across the room it hit the wall and shattered into a bunch of little pieces on the floor.

"I HATE HER! I HATE THEM!" She screamed into the room. Millie sank to her knees and fell to the floor in a ball of rage and sadness.

She didn't even register Finn wrap his arms around her and try to scoop her off the floor.

He didn't want her to stay on the floor. His heart felt like it could be torn in half just seeing her like this. She didn't deserve to ever feel this way. It was an awful sight to see...

"Mills..." She shook her head trying to say something, but Finn couldn't understand her through all the crying.

Finally, he got her to her feet. She wouldn't look at him, but Finn still took her face in his hands. "Baby..." The word was barley a whisper off the tip of his tongue, perhaps he didn't even realize he said it.

"Why- why can't they.... just, just care about me? J- just once... why-"

"Stop trying to talk... you need to breathe." Millie was hiccuping while trying to get words out of her mouth.

"I'm- just... just a fail- failure in their eyes." She gasped for a breathe between words.

Finn pulled Millie closer and buried her face into his shoulder to make her stop trying to talk. He ran his fingers through her hair trying to be some sort of comfort and when she eventually gave in and chained her arms around him maybe it was working.

Deep down Millie just wanted Robert and Kelly to be proud of her, even just once, but the only way to get that was to live a life she didn't want any part of.

Millie started to calm down after awhile. Her breathing evened out, the tears were still there but not as much.

"I think you should take a nap or something to help calm down..." Finn tried to move away, but Millie shook her head and held on tighter to him like he was her lifeline now.

"Mills... how are you supposed to get to your bedroom if we keep standing here? Don't make me carry you." Finn huffed.

"Seriously?" Finn asked and Millie gasped when her feet were lifted off the ground. She hadn't thought he would actually do it.

"I didn't think you would really do it." Millie mumbled, a small smile on her face.

"For you."

Again with the flirty comments, seriously Finn was driving her mind insane.

"Let go Millie so I can put you down." Finn chuckled, Mille had spaced and not noticed Finn was holding her above her bed.

Reluctantly she let the hold go and he dropped her making her bounce a little on her mattress.

"Finn, where are you going?" Millie frowned when he was headed for the door.

"I was going to get you some water and let you sleep for a little while?"

"I don't need water... can you- Uhm."

"Can I?..."

"Could you just lay with me maybe?..." Millie asked nervously, the bravery quickly fading.

"Oh Uhm... sure." Finn tried not to show his smile or the way his heart had started to race.

He laid on the other side of the bed. Millie turned so they were both laying on their sides facing each other.

"You're not a failure Millie..." Finn spoke quietly.

"I am in my parents eyes, they don't even want to see me graduate." Millie sighed a shaken breathe.

"Well your parents suck ass and if they are going to act like that then they don't deserve to see you graduate anyway."

"I'm so tired of crying over my pathetic contracted life..."

"Then fight to have your own."

"If only it were that easy.... you can come closer you know. I don't bite."

Finn scoffed, but moved closer anyway. Millie frowned still not seeming satisfied. He barely moved in her opinion.

"I don't want to invade your space."

Millie looked at him like he was some sort of nut. "You literally tackled me on the couch and tickled me earlier, now you don't want to invade my space?"

Finn almost laughed, she had a point.

"Fine then." He grabbed Millie and pulled her closer to him. One arm secured around her stomach and the other went to her face to move some hair out of her eyes.


Millie smiled repositioning herself a bit to lay her head on Finn's chest.

"Much better." She confirmed. A few minutes later and Finn knew she had fallen asleep comfortably. Hi didn't really feel like napping though, but if Millie wanted him with her then he wouldn't think of moving.


Finn wasn't sure how much time had passed since Millie had gone to sleep, but he still hadn't. Instead he had been observing her room and everything in it.

Finn tried to sit up a little when he heard the door open and shut. He was about to call out until he heard her voice first.

"Millie! Finn? Is anyone here?" It was Sadie of course. No one else knew the code besides her and him Finn thought.

"Woah..." Sadie had made her way into the bedroom. Her mouth forming an "o" shape at the sight of Finn and Millie.

"Hi Sads..."

"Hey, I just came up here to make sure everything was ok, I have been calling Millie with no answer."

"Probably because her phone is smashed into a bunch of tiny little pieces on the floor."

Sadie just looked even more confused now. "If I tell you what happened will it wake her up?"

"Probably not, Millie's a pretty heavy sleeper." Sadie took a seat at the foot of her friend's bed waiting for some sort of explanation.

So Finn told her everything he knew about the phone call with Kelly and how Millie had thrown her phone, to how to two ended up on her bed.

"I wish I could say I'm surprised, but Millie's parents are both assholes that only care about themselves.

"Yeah but I'm pretty sure this was her last breaking point. She doesn't deserve this Sadie." Finn sighed wishing he could take all her pain and hurt away.

"I know what we're gonna do!" Sadie jumped up. "We are going to throw Mille the best graduation party in the history of grad parties."

"All she needs is just a long night of fun with her closest friends and boyfriend."

Finn went red. "What? We aren't-"

"I don't care, you are basically like her boyfriend. You are just to much of a coward to make a move and kiss her already." Sadie rolled her eyes, and Finn decided it was best not to try and fight her on it.

He wanted to roll his eyes at the redhead, but he knew better than to mess with Sadie by now.

She pulled out her phone. "Maybe her parents won't come, but I think I know who can cheer her up." She smiled looking for someone's Instagram profile.

"Who?" Finn asked.

Sadie smiled victorious when she found the girl's profile and hit the "message" button.

"Someone from home...."

Author's Note: Hi! Merry Christmas from me! An early update is the best I can do for a gift.🎁

I hope you guys enjoyed. We are now moving to the next part of the story that's in my head, finally.

On another note Finn is gonna be 18 tomorrow.🤧 Is it just me or is it crazy to think he's going to turn the age most fanfics have been making him for years? He's 21 in here though as previously stated so got a few years to go yet.😎

I hope you guys have a great Christmas if you celebrate!🎄

Much love, see you soon!❤️

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