Year of the Rat

By EyyMamas

779 26 16

Ging tries playing along with Pariston's antics but realizes he's just actually just playing into the rat's h... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 1

171 6 2
By EyyMamas

The sun beat down on the bustling city of Swardani, heat unbearable to its busy citizens who seem to rush to escape the hot weather. Meanwhile, inside the well air-conditioned building that headquarters the Hunter's Association, a meeting is taking place. The Zodiacs sit around a long table, seemingly discussing next year's Hunter's Exam. The meeting was already unusual to begin with, as the elusive Ging Freecss was supposed to be in attendance, for reasons unknown. This, of course, amused Pariston, as he quite often enjoyed tormenting as many of the Zodiacs as he could, and it was always a treat when the boar showed himself. Pariston would enjoy making the most out of Ging's rare visits, everyone knew this.

"Where the hell is that bastard?!" Kanzai exclaimed in his usual temperament, slamming his fists on the table. He was known for his impatience and quick-temper by everyone, not just the organization.

Cheadle seemed to share the tiger's impatience, but kept it well hidden. Of course, Pariston was quick to notice the twitch of her nose; he was always the most observant of the group's quirky mannerisms. He was already amused and thought of thanking Ging for his fashionably late appearance later. That being, when he finally shows up, of course.

"Now, now, settle down, my friend. Blowing up isn't going to make him show up any quicker," Pariston laughed, earning himself a series of groans and eyerolls from the rest. It was always pleasing to see the sheer amount of displeasure across everyone's face, created by none other than the blonde tyrant. He continued, "In fact, I believe that'll just make him take more of his time. I bet you can be heard throughout the whole building, and we know how Ging feels about your loud outbursts."

Kanzai muttered a thread of cusses and simple-minded stutters, proving to not think before speaking. The room fell silent again, besides the ticking of the clock upon the wall, there was no sound. That is why everyone seemed to startle a bit upon hearing the doorknob turn, followed by the creak of the wood that was previously untouched for several hours since the meeting was supposed to begin. Finally, the long-expected hunter showed up, appearing to not have changed at all since they had last seen him. He still kept his usual gait, lazy but strong, and seemed to still be unfamiliar with proper hygiene. Pariston slightly cringes from the sour musk of the scraggly man. He seemed to properly fit the codename given to him, despite being one of the only two exceptions of those who changed their appearance to fit their own respective names. Perhaps it was on purpose? Who really knows. However, it would not be surprising to find it to be unintentional.

The rat provides one of his staple grins, appearing unsettlingly affectionate, to the point where it is uninviting and causes the hairs on the back of one's neck to rise. His attention appears to be aimed towards the whole group, "Well, it seems that this meeting may finally commence!" Pariston cannot help but laugh. His laugh was nasally and unattractive, and was without a doubt the most openly artificial aspect of himself. Ging could feel his blood boil, he couldn't stand this man.

"So, Ging, what took you? You knew you were going to be late to begin with, it wouldn't have hurt to at least take a shower before coming here, ha ha!"

Yet another remark, how childish and agitating. Despite this annoyance, Ging was not going to give Pariston the satisfaction of receiving a reaction. He sat there silently, waiting for the meeting to finally start. He could really wait all day if needed, even though he would rather not be here in the first place. Ging began to wonder why he even bothered to come, he was unaware of his own reasons himself.

Aware that he would not be able to get under the victim of his humiliating remarks's skin, he commenced the meeting, of course not without his usual input that would cause the other ten Zodiacs to flare up. Indeed, it was a truly successful meeting!

The meeting ended, and everyone began to rise from their seats and swiftly make their way out of the stuffy room. They wanted to separate themselves from Pariston as soon as possible before they really lost their cool. Everyone, but two, left, leaving Ging and Pariston alone. Of course, this had not lasted for long, for as soon as Pariston opened his mouth to say something, Ging got up and left. Pariston giggled to himself and followed suit, his persistence getting on the other man's nerves.

Pariston delicately grabbed the scruffy man's shoulder, seeming oddly too close for comfort. Before the blonde could say anything, Ging interrupted, "Ever heard of personal space, asshole?" He shrugged out of Pariston's grip, backing up slightly, chin up in contempt and hostility.

"No need to be rude, I just wanted to ask to discuss some further matters with you privately."

This left the brunette confused. What on Earth could they possibly need to talk about, and privately of all things. Ging snorted, "Yeah, right, as if I'm going to believe any of that shit."

"Well, if you change your mind," Pariston stuck a sticky note to Ging's forehead, "You'll know where to find me."

And with that, Pariston walked away. Ging pulled the note off of his forehead to read it. It was an address, and after looking it up, it appeared to possibly be his home. He contemplated crumpling up the note or even ripping it to shreds and scatter the remains, but he relented, shoving it into his pocket. Was he really going to do this? He sighed, making his way out of the building.

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