
By KialeneEsther

1M 21.4K 9.5K

"She's not my sister."Blade said "Yes she is." Father replied looking ready to punch Blade in the face. "She... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Not an update
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 21

27.6K 621 174
By KialeneEsther

The next day Jade and some lawyers came over for the whole inspection and stuff and legalising my adoption.

Since my parents weren't around due to some business trip or whatever, Liam had to sign all of the documents and now he's my legal guardian.

Yay me.😑 Can you feel the sarcasm.

Anyway, Jade said she needed to talk to me about John in private after she was done talking to my brothers.

So I spent most of my time worrying. What was she going to say about him? Was she going to talk about the funeral? Did she somehow find out about everything? No, I mean how could she? We both took precautions.

John faked most of my doctor's checkups with help from his friends that knew about the abuse to avoid problems with the cops and I took precautions making sure no one knew about the bruises and cuts and if they did they assumed it was from the bullies at school and didn't care that much.

So, what the hell did she want to talk about?

I guess I zoned out for a couple of minutes because Hayden started shaking me.

"Hm? What? Sorry I didn't hear what you were saying." I mumbled a little bit dazed.

"I said you look like you're about to puke. Are you okay?" He asked concerned as he looked up from his drawing before continuing to sketch his picture.

Oh, I forgot. Hayden used to love drawing but something happened and he quit. He mostly sketches nowadays but he doesn't allow anyone to see them.

When I asked him why he quit, he just seemed sad, scared and then he got angry so I just dropped the subject.

"What are you drawing?" I asked him trying to change the subject.

"Don't really know. I'm just kind of winging it." He said shrugging his shoulders and continuing with whatever he was drawing until he was done.

"What do you think they are talking about in there?" I asked as he made his way to the fridge and started drinking some energy shake.

"Don't know. Its probably nothing that serious. You should stop worrying and relax." He said placing a hand on my shoulder.

I let out a sigh. He was probably right. I was most likely panicking over nothing.

"You're right. What do you want to do now?" I asked him after he removed his hand from my shoulder and headed to the living room with me following closely behind him.

"We could watch TV." He suggested.

So that's what we did. We spent the first 20 minutes arguing over what show to watch before we decided to watch Titans for the first 3 hours then Marvel's Runaways.

It sucks that they aren't making another season.

After our little marathon, Hayden decided that it was time for us to eat something when I realised something.

This was probably the longest time I've seen  Hayden without his twin.

"Hey, where are the others?" I asked him while putting some Cheeto in my mouth before spitting them out.

Sorry to all the Cheeto lovers out there.

"Some of them are still talking with the lawyers, Blade's with his friends, Xander and Jayden are probably at the park and Axel's visiting someone" He answered the last one cryptically but I ignored it.

"What do we do now?"

"Want to see who can put their hand in a bucket of ice the longest?"

"Why would I do that?" I asked and in response he shrugged his shoulders.

"Sure." I said. I have nothing better to do than indulge in such stupid activities.

So that's what we did. We got a bucket of ice for us to stick our hands in before we set a timer.

We were 30 seconds in before the front door opened and Axel came into the kitchen with a sour expression on his face that managed to light up when he saw the pained expression on my face.

After what felt like years when in reality it was just 1 minute and 36 seconds, I removed my hands because I couldn't handle the pain anymore.

"What were you guys doing?" Axel asked with a tiny smile on his face.

"We were seeing who can put their hands in a bucket of ice the longest." Hayden said putting his hands in a small kitchen towel.

I was trying to flex my fingers to bring back some feeling when Axel took my hand and held it with his.

That was probably the nicest thing he has ever done and will most likely ever do for me.

"Thanks." I said offering him a small smile before he removed his hands from mine frowning as he got up from his seat about to leave the kitchen.

Well that wasn't weird.

"Wait! Do you um want to have a marathon with us?" I called after him. I don't want to have bad blood with anyone in the house if I'm going to stay here for the next four years

He looked like he was contemplating whether to spend his time watching TV with us or doing his own crap.

"Sure." He said shrugging his shoulders.

We all went to the pantry and fridge and got a bunch of snacks before heading to the living room.

We watched 'How I met Your Mother', Friends and Big Bang Theory for the next few hours.

In between watching the shows, the lawyers left and Jade asked if I could talk to her after I was done.

I got up from my seat on the couch and made my way upstairs to my room where Jade was waiting for me.

We exchanged the boring  pleasantries before we got to the real shit.

She basically started by informing me about what went down in the meeting before she started talking about John's open casket funeral.

I started watching the clip and saw how John's friends and co-workers gave their last respects and sent me their condolences since I was John's last living relative. They also talked about how much of an amazing father, friend and workmate he was.

What a load of bullshit.💩

The next video showed a clip of them lowering the grave into the ground and I forced myself to tear up and rubbed my eyes to make them red for more affect.

Jade comforted me and kept on telling me that it will take some time for me to heal and all that crap when all I really wanted to do was play loud music and throw a huge party.

"Oh. One last thing. When I went to discuss with his lawyers, they told me that he left you a letter and that all his properties would be sold and his money would be given away to some charities in his will." She said getting the letter from her bag and handing it over to me.

"He was such a wonderful man." She gushed.

Wonderful my ass. He probably did all that for people to consider him some saint.

"Yeah, he was." I mumbled sarcastically but lucky for me Jade didn't seem to notice.

"I'll see you some time later in the future." She said smiling brightly at me before pulling me into a hug that I hesitantly returned.

This whole touchy feely thing is starting to get out of hand but I'll just let it slide.

After Jade left, I opened my letter and started reading it.

Dear daughter,....

What is up party people?!!! Was that cringe, I feel like it was cringe.

Anyway I just wanted to give you guys this chapter since its like one day to Christmas.

I guess this is my gift to you guys as a thank you for getting me to 80k and for reading, voting, commenting and adding to your reading list and also following.

Things are still kinda shitty here but I'm managing. Send me some good vibes so that I get my wish.

What's your favourite holiday?

Hope you guys are staying safe wherever you are and Merry Christmas🎄🎀🎁

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