Opposites (Bakugo x Reader)

By Lil-Prin

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You get accepted into UA High. The school of your dreams. Your in class 1-A but this year they're doing thing... More

Class 1-A
Gear up for Training
My Hero Todoroki
Class A
What A Morning
You Will Never Be Normal
News With Lunch
Your First Dance
The One, The Only, Bakugo
First Date=Worst Date
First's For Everything
Training With The Brats
New You
Camie the Wrecker
Like Nothing Happened
Bakugo's Family
Break Is Over
Falling apart
End Of The Year
Let Me Be Your Superhero
Fight To The Death
Third Years
Highs and Lows
Work Studies!
Another Hospital Trip
Ups and Downs
Finals part 2
Next Step
Moving On?
Going Pro and Undercover
Mission Hothead
One Last Fight
Together Forever
Future! (End)

New Track

311 7 4
By Lil-Prin

"I know that you all know about (L/n)." Aizawa started class. "I will give you updates when I can. Until then I need you all to still do your best. You'll have to catch her up on her studies when she comes back and joins our class."

"So she did it? She's really gonna be in our class?" Mina giggled as he nodded. The day drug on. Every day was longer than the last. I went to school, then as soon as dismissal hit I went to see her. Hawks watched her throughout the night, the doctors and nurses were with her through the day and I was with her every second that I could be. I listened to music as I rode the train to Hosu with Kirishima. Eventually we arrived and went to her room.

"Oh honey, I'm so proud of you."

"Mom?" We entered her room and Mom was sitting next to her stroking her hair.

"K-Katsuki? Is that you?"

"(F/n)?!" She smiled at me, tears streamed down her face.

"I didn't think I'd see you again." Mom wiped her face with a tissue.

"Take it easy love. You just woke up."


"About an hour ago. How could you not tell me she was in the hospital?!" She hit me on the shoulder.

"Tch I forgot to call you okay? Things have been hectic." My eyes watered at the sight of her. Awake and smiling. I walked over and held her hand. She gently squeezed it back. "How'd you find out anyway?"

"I called her and the nurse picked it up. Told me what happened since she had me listed as 'Mom' in her phone. That was hard to explain. I rushed over here this morning and have been with her ever since." She lifted a cup of water with a straw for her to take a drink.

"How ya feeling Teaddybear?"

"It still hurts to move until I get my body fat back to normal. I'm sorry you have to see me like this. So ugly." I cupped her face, a single tear escaped my eyes.

"Shut up. You're gorgeous." I leaned over and kissed her forehead.

"Is she?" Kirishima entered with a few flowers. "There's my ray of sunshine!" He handed her the flowers. "How are ya?" He sat at the foot of the bed.

"Been better. Hey so what happened?" She struggled to sit up. I proper her up as Mom moved some pillows behind her.

"Well you two teleported out of the room. We had no idea where you went. We thought we lost ya until you set off the tracker. By the time we found you you were flying in the air and started attacking us with beams and bullets. It was actually pretty awesome. When you naturally reach that point, you're gonna be unstoppable (F/n). What was going on in your head when that guy took control over you?"

"I didn't even know I was being controlled. We teleported, and I knocked him out. Then I saw..." She looked at me. "I saw Mom. I look just like her Katsuki." She started crying. "We have the same quirk so she used my water to show me what I can do if I train more. But...I guess it wasn't her. Eventually I saw Aizawa and he canceled out my quirk. I fell but Hawks caught me. Then I woke up to your Mom here. I'm sorry to make you come out here ma'am."

"Oh please, I would have been here sooner if I would have known. I have to run to the house. I'll grab you some things to make you feel more comfy. Sound good?" She nodded. You squeezed her hand and she squeezed back.

-------Your POV------

It was nice to be holding his hand again and see his smile as he looked at you. A nurse brought in your dinner. You ate it all. "I didn't realize that I was starving!" She smiled at you.

"That's a good sign. Your vitals are looking better too! How about we get you up and walking?" You nod eagerly as you hop out of the bed. Holding onto Katsuki's hands. "Easy young lady! Baby steps okay? Walk over to me and tell me how it feels." Katsuki slowly walks with you making sure you don't fall.

"I feel fine." You let go of him. He looked worried but you shoo him away and take a few steps on your own. "Really. I feel fine."

"Alright. We'll keep you here for the weekend and release you Monday."

"Alright! Wait till the class hears about this!" Kirishima cheered.

"Hears about what?" Hawks peeked in the room. Dropping whatever was in his hands. "Look at you!"

"Hawks!" You shakily run and jump on him hugging him. "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" You sob into his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tight.

"It's okay kiddo. I'm sorry I didn't protect you."

"Sir, your papers." The nurse handed him a stack of papers.

"I can't believe your up and walking. I didn't think...." He trailed off looking sad.

"I heard you." You smile at him. "The whole time. You hardly left. Thank you." Hawks cheeks blushed slightly.

"Hey. Can I have the room with you for a few minutes? I gotta get you to do paperwork."

"Still my boss huh?" You smile at him. "Will you guys go get me some kind of dessert? I'm still hungry." Bakugo smiled as him and Kirishima left. "Feathers, help me to the bed will ya? I'm exhausted." Your leg bucked from underneath you as he catches you and carries you back. Laying you down.

"Easy there Urchin." He chuckles.

"So what paperwork am I doing?"

"Well. That will actually be up to you." He laid the papers down on your lap. Adoption Forms the read.

"Hawks...what's this?" You shuffled through the papers seeing his name and signature on all the forms, the seal of approval on the certificate. "You wanna..."

"Yeah." He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled. A blush spread across his cheeks. "It's hard to explain but..I feel a connection with ya short stack. You have no family besides a locked up villain but you deserve better. Instead of people judging you for being a villains daughter..how about you become a heroes kid?"

"This is a joke right? It looks real but--" a few tears fell from your eyes.

"No. It's real. I wanna adopt you (F/n)." He laid a pen down on the papers. "Only if you want it." You quickly pick up the pen and sign the papers.

"Come here and give me a hug." You happily cried. He hugged you close and wrapped his wings around you. "Thank you. Thank you so much!" He slowly let you go and gathered all the paperwork.

"I have to go turn this into city hall but I'll be back Tomorrow morning okay? You think about what you want to do for your birthday."

"That's tomorrow? I was out for a week?!" Bakugo and Kirishima walked in with a piece of chocolate cake on a plate.

"This was all they had." You smiled.

"Thanks it's perfect." Hawks left and The boys sat down on both sides of you as you at the cake. They told you about school and their Work Studies. The idea of Katsuki working right Best Jeanest made you laugh so hard your body began to hurt.

A nurse knocked on the door. "Sorry boys. Visiting time is almost up. You'll have to come back tomorrow."

"Please don't. You guys have come here every day. I'll be fine. Go enjoy a weekend to yourselves." You squeeze Katsuki's hand.

"You sure?" You nodded. Kirishima gave you a gentle fist bump and left the room so Katsuki could give you a kiss. You heart the heart rate monitor beep faster for a few seconds making you blush. "I love you Teaddybear."

"I love you too." A doctor came in and asked you a few questions before hanging up another IV bag and connected it to the needle in your arm.

"This should help you gain some weight back fairly quickly. Make sure to get plenty of sleep tonight." You nodded and actually passed out fairly quickly. What a crazy day. You dreamt of what things will be like having an actual caring father in your life, if it was anything like the Bakugo's then things were looking up for you!

"Happy Birthday to you. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday my new kiddo. Happy birthday to you." You groan as you wake up and stretch. "Woah! Look at ya! You're twice as big as you were last night!" You look down to see some meat back on your bones. You probably weighed 90ish pounds. Hawks tied some balloons to a chair and ruffled your hair. "How ya feeling?"

"Like I wanna leave the room. Go for a walk maybe. Get some fresh air?" He smiled.

"Let me go ask a nurse." He left and you looked at the balloons. He was really trying hard to fit this dad role. It made you chuckle. He came back with a wheelchair, you gave him a look and he shrugged. "Doctor's orders. In case you get tired. But I got permission to take you outside." You smiled.

"Yes please." You slowly get out of bed. It felt weird to have all this weight back. You and Hawks walked the halls as you got to know each other a little more.

"So what's some of your favorite things?" He asked

"I love sweets, music, dancing, anime, and the dream of being a hero one day. Making sure other people don't have to suffer the way I did. The way Mom did..."

"What kind of anime?" He raised an eyebrow. You two ended up both being huge weebs. You talked forever about shows and characters and plots. You stopped and held onto the railway. "Easy there kiddo. Come on take a seat. You walked pretty far already."

"I'm fine. Just need a second." You felt something pick you up and ease you into the wheelchair. His damn feathers! "Wooww really?" He smirked and pushed you outside. You took a deep breath of fresh air which felt amazing! You spent a while talking and laughing outside before he pushed you back in. "Thanks Hawks. I really needed this. I normally visit my mother's grave but this was nice."

"I'm glad kiddo." He took you back to your room where the doctor was waiting for you.

"Ahh how are we feeling?"

"Ready to get out of here." You got up and sat back in bed.

"Well we can release you and keep you on bed rest for at least another day before you go back to classes if we can get a parent or guardian to sign."

The nurse spoke up. "Actually sir she--"

Hawks held his hand up. "I can sign her out. As of yesterday I'm her parent." The nurse smiled.

"Congratulations! How exciting! This way Dad, I'll need your signatures and to go over some prescriptions for her. He followed and you just sat in bed.

"Heh. Dad. It's pretty unbelievable. Hawks is now my...dad." Soon Katsuki poked his head in the doorway. "Katsuki!! You were supposed to stay away for the weekend."

"Tch. Fine I'll leave your ass here. Bye loser!"

"Asshole!" You called out hearing him laugh as he came back in the room. "Seriously what are you doing here?"

"I'm seeing my girl on her birthday."

"Wait. How'd you know?"

"I got my ways." He smirked.

"Hey, do you have a chance of clothes?" Hawks asked as he came in. "Oh. Hey there kid! Back to see the Urchin?"

"No. I came here with my suit but they gave that back to the school."

"Glad I brought you a birthday present." He set a bag down on the bed. You opened it and gave him a look.

"Did you really put my own clothes in a bag and call it a gift?"

"Tch. Beats the gown you got on now doesn't it? Why do you need clothes anyway?"

"Cuz she's leaving today."

"Already? Your coming back to the dorm?!" Katsuki perked his head up. You looked at Haws.

"It's up to you. You do have school Monday if you're feeling up for it."

"I'd really like to go back." He nodded. You grabbed the bag and went to the bathroom connected to your room and changed. The pants fit weird since you weren't back to normal yet. Katsuki grabbed your balloons and Hawks pushed you in a wheelchair out to the exit where he had a car waiting to take you back. The car ride was quiet as you looked out the window enjoying the view. You didn't realize it but both Hawks and Katsuki were staring at you for different reasons. Katsuki was happy to see you okay and coming back to live in the dorm with him. Hawks was happy to see you survive that fight, and saw you as his little girl now. He didn't want to push his boundaries but he was going to protect you no matter what! You arrived at the school as you asked Katsuki to give you a minute.

"You sure you don't wanna come stay with me a few nights?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I'd rather my life go back to as normal as possible honestly. But I would love to see you on the weekends if I could."

"Here's my number. Call or text any time okay?" You nodded. Giving him one last big hug.

"Thanks." He hugged you back wrapping his wings around you again.

"See you around shrimp."

"If you don't stop giving me nicknames I'm calling you sir again!"

"Fine! Fine! But Sea Urchin and Short stack stay!"

"Fine." You smiled. It was better than what Hakai called you. You joined Katsuki and walked back to the dorms. You entered to see everyone waiting for you.

"(F/N)!" They all cried hugging you. You all sat on the couch and caught up. Them asking how you were. You asking about studies. Momo handed you a stack of papers with all the assignments. "So, are you excited to be in our class Monday?"

"I can't wait. Thank you guys for all the help to transfer."

"This calls for a celebration. Let's make dinner and I'll make desert." Momo, Izuku, Shoto, Tokoyami, and Katsuki began to cook. You grab a soda and take your pills that the doc gave you to help you gain weight and gave you more stamina. Izuku helps you set the table. You all sit down and you notice an empty seat. But everyone here...there was a knock at the door.

Kumati walked in holding bags. "Happy Birthday Best Friend!" You got up an gave her a big hug. "I wish I would have known. I would have visited you!" A tear fell down her cheek, you wiped it away.

"I'm just happy to see you. Please tell me those aren't for me." She nodded as you rolled your eyes. "You know how much I hate today. Why?"

"Because you deserve to be celebrated. With people who love you." You two sit down and have dinner. Everyone laughing and eating. Making jokes and telling stories. It was actually a wonderful night. The girls all began to sing happy birthday as they lit the candles on the cake they made. You blush and try not to cry.

"Make a wish (F/n)" Mina smiled. You closed your eyes and secretly wished for everyone to stay happy and healthy for the next year. They cut the cake and made you open presents. Everyone had got you something. Cute clothes from the girls. Books from the guys. Anime from Izuku and Shoto. They understood you <3. A polaroid camera from Kumati, and a cute picture collage frame from Katsuki to fit the polaroid's in.

"Okay guys. Group photo!" Dark Shadow held up the camera as everyone squeezed in close to you. Katsuki with his arm around your waist. Kumati hugging you around your shoulders, Mina holding your hand. And everyone else huddled around them. You smiled the best you could as a single happy tear fell down your cheek. Click

"Perfect!" Dark Shadow said as he handed it back. The photo printed. Now you just had to wait to see how it turned out. The moon was now full in the sky when everyone began to go to bed. Kumati left back to her dorm and everyone hugged you goodnight. You tried to get up from the table but you were exhausted. Damn it. You took another stamina pill as Katsuki smirked.

"You can't get up can you."

"What? I'm fine. I just....need a minuet..." You blush not wanting to admit he was right.

"Come on Teaddybear. I'll carry you." He smiled as he picked you up bridal style. You held onto him tight, breathing in his scent. Feeling his warmth.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too. Even the rest of the losers missed ya. Don't scare us like that again."

"I'll try." He set you down in bed and tucked you in. He held you close as you quickly fell asleep in his warmth. You didn't know it but he stayed up most of the night making sure that you were still breathing and that you didn't disappear from him again. You dreamt of your Mom and all that she said, then of Hawks handing you the adoption paperwork. The smile on his face, the way he hugged you. It felt like what a real dad was supposed to do.

The next day you spend laying on the couch in the common room catching up on classwork. Katsuki made fun of you but never left your side the entire day. Eventually Kirishima sat next to you two and the three of you just talked.

"Hey. Water works. I got a question for ya." You raise an eyebrow. "Did something happen between you and Hawks?"

"Is someone jealous?" Kirishima teased him.

"He hardly left your hospital room and you two sure do hug a lot."

"He felt responsible for what happened. After seeing their obsession with me he promised they wouldn't take me. That he'd keep me safe."

"Yeah. Look how well he did that." Katsuki growled. You hit him in the shoulder.

"He did his best. No one could have stopped a teleporting quirk. But something did happen in the hospital."

"If he laid a finger on you I swear--" Katsuki growled and puffed his chest. You cut him off.

"He adopted me Bakugo. He told me I deserved an actual Father. That he got a soft spot for me while I was at the agency. We did fight a lot of Villains during those days. And you should have seen that room..." Your hands shake a little.

"It was bad man. It creeped me the hell out." Kirishima put his hand on your shoulder. "He was pissed with himself when you got snatched. He really does care about ya. Well...congrats to your new dad! That's gotta be pretty awesome to be the daughter of the number 2 hero!" You smiled.

"Yeah. It doesn't feel real but it is. Oh I forgot to text him!" You pulled your phone out and saw your camera app open. But you didn't take any pictures...you scroll though your photos smiling. Mina must have snatched your phone last night. There were a bunch of selfies of her and even more pictures of the party last night. Some really good ones of you and Katsuki, and you with your friends. You sent some of the pictures to Hawks with a message.
Friends threw me a party yesterday. I told you I'm in good hands.

It's about time you texted me! I'm glad. You look happy. How's bed rest goin?

How do you think? I hate it. But I've been taking it easy and just doing classwork. Wish I could be out fighting villains with you.

In due time Sea Urchin. Gotta go patrol. See ya around

Okay. Stay safe!

The rest of the day flew by. You got on the scale and checked your weight. 110! Awesome! You excitedly curl up in bed with Katsuki and fall asleep ready for class tomorrow. You woke up and kissed Katsuki. He grumbled. You took your stamina pill and dressed in your winter uniform. Leggings under your skirt and the long sleeve shirt and jacket. You look in the mirror now appreciating your body more since it's not skin and bones anymore. You grabbed your bag as Katsuki rushed to get dressed.

"Will you slow down!" He grumbled as you met Kirishima at the front door.

"Hey sunshine! Someone's chipper today!"

"It's my first day as a second year! I can't wait to be in a class that I'm actually welcomed." You beamed. The three of you walked to class where Aizawa grinned at you.

"Welcome to class 2-A brat."

You bow. "Thank you for the opportunity sir! I'm excited for this new track in my academia!"

"No one likes a suck up!" Katsuki yelled as he sat down and out his feet on his desk. You roll your eyes and found the seat they moved in for you toward the front. You got through the first day of classes and we're excited for Hero Training! All Might busted through the door.

"I AM HERE!! TO TEACH YOU!" He posed dramatically. "Come young heroes! We're going to practice hostage situations!" Everyone glanced nervously at you. AM nervously coughed "too soon?"

"Nope. It's fine." You smiled at him.

"She's actually gonna be the hostage." Aizawa chuckled. "She's not allowed to train until tomorrow." You pout. Sometimes doctors orders sucked. You went to the training area as All Might gently tied you up for a mock rescue, Midnight was the villain. The class took turns in teams to defeat Midnight and save you. You make mental notes the entire time of what to do as the hero. All Might called class as Midnight untied you.

"You may go now. Young (L/n), would you stay for some extra notes?" You nod as everyone left. Aizawa, Midnight, and All Might waited.

"We wanted to tell you that the school is going to host a press conference about your adoption. You and Hawks need to be present for it tomorrow."

"How did you know?"

"He had to update us for your record. He now has to be your emergency contact. But we believe it will be good for the media to shine a more positive light on you since the Sports Festival." You nod.

Midnight have you a big hug. "Congrats hun!" You thank her as you grab your phone and call Hawks.

"Hey kiddo! What's up?"

"Hey have you heard about tomorrow?"

"Yeah. You okay with that?"

"I'll be nervous about all the people that will be there...I'm not great with big groups."

"You'll be great. Just wear your uniform, and smile. We'll do all the talking. I'll see you after your classes tomorrow Short Stack."

"See you tomorrow." He hung up. You wanted to call him dad but you weren't sure if it would freak him out. Maybe it was too soon? You shrug it off and join your class in your dorms. You all joke about today's training and now some people did. Denki asked you some questions about math and you tutored him. Trying not to get nervous about the press conference.

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