Petunia's daughter, Lillian E...

By blu3teacup

3.2K 258 41

♡◇○♡◇○♡◇○♡◇○♡◇○♡◇○♡◇○♡ Petunia Dursley is a victim of Domestic Violence, she tries to keep her son and daught... More

Ch 2: A Sister, Dear
Ch 3: Put On A Show
Ch 4: Not A Problem
Ch 5: An Unknown Cause
Ch 6: The Love Of A Brother
Ch 7: A Hissy New Friend
Ch 8: Talk To Me
Ch 9: A Different Form
Ch 10: My Turn To Shine
Ch 11: Friend's Of Her Own
Ch 12: We Can Do This
Ch 13: I Will Be By Your Side
Ch 14: Taken Away
Ch 15: Moonlight Facade
Ch 16: If A Portrait Could Mock

Ch 1: To Protect You

485 27 18
By blu3teacup

[ A/N: Just so you all know, I accept friendly criticism concerning the story for any mistakes I may have made. Please note that I *DO NOT* like negativity towards myself or anyone else reading this book. Bashing of characters is acceptable.
The picture above is not mine, though it is quite lovely. If you know the artist please comment and I'll add it in. Thank you.♡ ]


November, 1 , 1981

A tall woman with a long face, blond hair and pale blue eyes awoke to a thunderous snore.

Petunia Dursley. She hated the name. At one point she had loved having her husband's name. But now, after all this, all she wanted was to divorce the man and leave the country. If it wasn't for her son being created and born, she would have left Vernon and never looked back.

She raised herself up from the bed she shared with her husband and walked quietly out into the loo. Petunia knew, from three years of experience now, that she would be unable to fall asleep again.

Brushing out her pin rolled hair and placing it in neat waves, Petunia dressed quickly. Putting on lovely a blue dress with ivory bits around her waist and collar. She added a pair of ivory colored pearl earrings, necklace and bracelet.

Quietly making her way down the stairs to get the mail, she grabbed a coat from the rack and put it on just as she reached the last step. Securing it with a tie around her waist to try keeping the warmth in and not become too cold.

Petunia opened the door to the house she inhabited and nearly tripped over the small bundle on the welcome mat. She stared in shock for a moment before snatching up the child in her arms in worry. She looked around frantically, trying to see who would've left a baby outside in this icy Autumn weather.

Not seeing anyone she huffed and scurried to grab the mail and get back inside the house. She dropped the mail off on the dining room table, hurried up the stairs and placed the small child on the changing table. Petunia turned to grab a clean warm blanket for the child just as she noticed a thick envelope tucked into the blanket.

She froze, barely breathing, when she recognized the parchment paper the magical people used. She knew her sister had married and left the non-magical people side for good. So why was this here? It couldn't be-? Right? The two sisters had fought before cutting ties. This meant that she wouldn't know if-if....... but the baby..... why else would-?

She took a deep breath before picking up the letter with a towel and placing it to the side. She would take a look at it when she was sure the child would be okay. Sighing silently, she unwrapped the baby and made note of the nearly blue tinged skin. Feeling angry at whomever had left the poor child with nothing but a thin blanket, she picked the child up and placed him inside the washbowl.

She plugged the drain and filled the bowl halfway with warm water. Grabbing a small soft towel she washed off the child carefully. When she finished up she walked back into the nursery room and dressed the child in some of Dudley's smaller clothes, a small buttercup yellow jumper with a little hummingbird stitched to the left breast.

Petunia knew for a fact that Vernon wouldn't want another child, especially a boy, much less a magical one. So she did what any other mother would do. Protect the child in her arms. She decided to pretend the small baby boy was, in fact, a small baby girl. She would need to keep the magic covered too. Hide it somehow.

She knew if he found out the child wasn't a girl he might kill him and Petunia. But she needed to take that risk, she didn't want the baby to grow up severely abused by Vernon's inability to accept differences. Petunia vowed to herself that she would always protect the child to the best of her ability.


[ A/N: Hello, everyone. I have my story placed on mature. The reasoning is mainly for my benifit, as in, if I decide to add verbal/mental cursing, blood, or anything else in the next chapter and beyond.
I'm going to be doing p.o.v.'s by chapter, though if I change it up I'll let you all know. I don't want to say specifically who's p.o.v. it is so charades time- lol, no, I'm just bad at single p.o.v.'s, I mix it all up unintentionally, I can't help it :'\ .
Alrighty then, grand writing for all of you lovely chaps, good day/night!♡ ]


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