MISSION; To Kill The Unkillab...

By DQuietBanshee

1.4K 44 20

[ON HOLD] On one normal day, a duo was given a mission. A mission as any other; at least for them. Some prese... More

Chapter 2: Where, Why, What The Fuck!?
Chapter 3: Is That An Octopus?!
Chapter 4: Your Words, Not Ours
Chapter 5: Introductions
Chapter 6: Mr. Principal
Chapter 7: Memories
Chapter 8: Unconventional Style of Teaching
Chapter 9: Mock Battles
Chapter 10: Can You Call This Daddy Issues?
Chapter 11: Lesson #1
Authors Note

Chapter 1: The Light

163 4 3
By DQuietBanshee


''example''      =      normal talk

'example'       =      thoughts    

'example'      =      Skyler         

  'example'       =      Slenderman

  *example*     =     sound effect

'Scarlet, Jeff, into my office, now'

"Ai, Ai, Captain" I sighed upon hearing those words. I just got back from my training! I hoped to take a nice shower, lay down, listen to music and maybe draw something.

But no.

Stretching my aching body, I took a sip of the water I had on my nightstand, before walking up to my bedroom door and opening it. I already saw the other summoned closing his door, making his way by me and to the boss. With one last sigh, I matched my pace with his.

"What did you do this time, Joker?"

"I could ask you the same thing, Demon bitch. Not to mention, you smell like shit" He scrunched his nose with a frown.

"Aren't you a charmer" I groaned, but couldn't deny. I did smell like shit from the training. He rolled his eyes, the walk now enveloped in somewhat comfortable silence.

'What do you think he wants?'

'Not sure. Mission? Did we fuck something up? I don't know nor do I remember'

'When do you remember something important?'

'You got me there'


'I have a small investigation for you two'



'You heard me correctly. An investigation, here in the woods'

"Why don't you send Smartass 1, Smartass 2 and Idiot?"

'Masky, Hoodie and Toby are on a mission right now and I am expecting them to come back two days from now. I will send you two today because I need the information as soon as possible and I am unfortunately too busy myself'

I sighed, knowing that there's no way of getting out of this one. Unfortunately.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind missions in the slightest, I have nothing else to do anyway; but going with this Joker reject means I'll have to listen to his constant complaints about me or even better, him trying to kill me every step of the way.

"Where are we supposed to go?" I asked, watching his faceless.... face...turn to me.

'To the south, around 6km away from here, though I cannot pinpoint the location. Something has appeared there. A presence that doesn't belong here. It's unmoving and I am not sure what it might be. I want you to investigate it immediately and inform me of what it is or if you've destroyed it. Understood?' He ordered, 'looking' down and back to writing on some papers.We nodded.

'I will be expecting youleave at 3PM sharp. You may leave'

With a final and reluctant nod, we turned to the door to leave. But of course, right after they closed, Jeff began to curse like the mad man he is.

"Why is it that every FUCKING TIME I get some shitty mission these days, I just HAVE to be paired with YOU, Bloody Mary! Fucking Hell!" He threw his arms up in anger.

"Ex-fucking-cuse me? How is this MY  fault you Joker reject!?" I glared back.

'And NO arguing about my decisions'

Jeff gritted his teeth when hearing the words, putting his hands into the pockets of his hoodie and just leaving. With a sigh of irritation, I followed in his steps.


"Slender likes to put you guys together on missions a lot I noticed" Jane pointed out, offering me a half eaten bag of chips she had in her hand, sitting next to me on her bed, her back leaning on the wall.

"Thanks.... yeah, he once said that even though we bicker like little kids about a toy, we work together surprisingly well and get the job done" I sighed, rolling my eyes. I was sitting on the edge of the bed, my elbows on my knees, right arm holding up my head as I lazily ate the few chips I took.

"Really? You're always on eachothers throats from what I saw....although I can't say I'm not doing the same" She shrugged, me doing the same gesture with a chuckle.

"Anyway, when are you going?"

"3PM. That reminds me, I should be going. I promised to play with Sally for a while and I still gotta take a shower, see ya" I waved, going to the door.

"Kill Jeff while you're out there, thanks!"

"Don't have to tell me twice!"





I sighed, waiting at the main entrance. I heard angry mumbling and heavy footsteps on the stairs, signaling he was on his way.

"Oh, lookie who decided to show up"

"You can't be surprised, who would wanna spend time with you"

"A lot of people actually; but that can't be said about you, can it? Now, let's go, we're already late and I wanna make it back for dinner"


The Slenders forest was always very quiet.

Not many animals stuck around this part and the trees could be descibed as haunting and unsettling by some people. But for most of us, it was home. 

I personally loved the woods no matter how weird or scary they looked. And even if they were 'haunted' or 'full of scary creatures', I somehow found peace in the silence of them all.

Slowly walking through the forest, I looked up at the sky. The sun was surprisingly shining brightly today, not many clouds around, lighting up the usually dark and misty forest in rays that made their way through the branches.

"I wonder what or who we'll see"

"Is that a question? Because if you haven't noticed, I have the same amount of information as you about this" He glared at the ground, watching the twigs break as he stepped on them.

"Someone woke up with an attitude..." I rolled my eyes, deciding to just go in silence.


After a few minutes of walking, we both abruptly stopped.

In front of us, behind some bushes, was something bright. Too bright. It reminded me of a stage light, although on a smaller scale. The light wasn't even orange/yellow like the sun; it was pure white.

Just what in the fuck was this presence?

"The hell...?" We said in unison, coming closer to it, taking our weapons into our hands.

On the count to three, we ran past the bush, ready to kill any possible intruder that was responsible for this.

Only to see some sort of a portal.

"What is this?" I went near it and then to the other side. It looked the same, but the staring made my eyes water.

I pulled away, blinking away the tears, my eyes landing on Jeff........who was looking at the bright portal with wide eyes, only to quickly shield them with his hands too.

He just stared into something bright with no eyelids to blink.

"You're as dumb as a rock, you know that?"

He flipped me off, his back turned to me and away from the light. My eyes wondered back to the portal object. Curiosity got the best of me and I reached my hand towards it, letting it be enveloped by the white gate. 

''Can you see my hand on the other side?''


I pulled my hand back, assessing it. It was fine. But one thing got my attention.

I repeated the action and focused on the palm and fingers on my hand. I felt...wind. Slight breeze passed my fingertips on the other side.

It had to lead somewhere.

Going around the portal one more time, I stood beside Jeff who was facing anywhere but the portal.

"...It leads to some other place than here. But...where? Why is it even here at the first place..." I wondered, going closer to it, squinting my eyes.

"Go find out"

"Why?" I slowly turned towards him, wondering what he meant.

''Well, you said you're curious''

''Yeah, but we don't know what would happen if we fully go through it''

"Who said 'we' will find out?" I raised a brow at the response, turning my head towards him.

''What are you-HEY!''  I screached when I felt his arms on my back, pushing me forward. In the surprise, I lost my footing and began to fall.






In the fall, I turned to see his laughing face; his arms still outstretched.

I gritted my teeth, thrusting my arms forward. His outburst stopped when he felt my hold on him.


He didn't expect my action and he fell right after me.

3rd POV

Right when the two fell through to who-knows-where, the portal grew bigger, before suddenly closing. 

Disappearing into nothingness. Not a single clue gave away it's previous existence.

-In The Mansion-

Slender was as usually sitting behind his desk, working, when he felt the weird presence that was lingering in the forest completely disappear.

'They must've destroyed whatever was out there'

Then he looked up on the clock at the top of the door.

'They might even make it to dinner'

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