By Eteriiii

10.6K 243 349

**i, unfortunately cannot write for the Hermitcraft fandom anymore. it's been an amazing ride, and i've met a... More

Welcome! (A/N)
The Other Side
The Hermit Games
Here's A Random Headcannon.
The Hermit Games (2)
Random Headcannons.
How Bdubs Got Banned From The HUB World.
The Hermit Games (3)
Have Some Lore.
The Hermit Games (4)
Lore With A Side Of Headcannons
Have A Headcannon
0 Seconds Without Incidents.
Snow Day (CtC: 1)
Have Some Incorrect Quotes Because I Can't Think Of Anything Right Now.
Shattered Reality
A Letter From Your Lover
Game Of Survival.
Just a little Drabble
Dead Things Don't Die Twice
List of Things I'm Working On
And The Blood Runs Red || Angst

ameneurosis || Tango x Grian

62 5 0
By Eteriiii

Okay so tbh I wasn't gonna post this but this is technically Hermitcraft, so I might as well post it.
This was written for amooniesong's MCYT Advent Prompts, specifically Day 4: Wreath.

WC: 1,074
Warnings: None!!!
Genre: Fluff
Ship(s): Tangrian(Tango x Grian)

Wreaths. Grian never understood why anyone would want a wreath.

Grian doesn't even know how to make one. It's a bit of a surprise when Tango swung by to ask him for help.

"What?" Grian blurted out.

"Yeah. You see, I need you to, well, help me with makin' a wreath for the contest. Usually I'd ask Impy or Zed, but they're too busy, I mean, if you are I can go 'n get someone else-" Tango mumbled, rubbing his arm.

A nervous tick that Grian somehow almost always noticed. He doesn't know why, either.

"Nah, I have the time. I've never made a wreath, though, so you might be out of luck." Grian chuckled.

Tango grinned. "Don't worry, all of our wreaths are horrible. Your's will fit in just fine, trust me."

He grabbed Grian's hand, dragging him across the street.

"I've got all the materials we need," Tango explained.

"Oh," Grian nodded, noticing that Tango hadn't let go of his hand. Not that he minded, of course. Or even had a crush on him, that would be ridiculous.

"So, the wreath." Tango said, oblivious to Grian's thoughts. "All ours have been green, which is a boring colour. Maybe we should do gold and silver this time. That could be interesting, don't you think?"

"Yeah, though we do need something to offset that. It'd be really flashy, right?" Grian asked.

"Ohhh, yeah, I haven't really thought about that." Tango mused, coming to an abrupt stop infront of his house.

"Purple could be a good start." Grian suggested. "We'd need more darker colours, probably ranging on shades of blue."

Tango nodded, pushing his key into the lock. The door clicked open, and Grian followed him inside.

The hallway lead to a kitchen, with a table cluttered with tinsel, ribbons, and everything else a Christmas decorator could dream of.

"I think I have some purple ribbon over there," Tango said, gesturing vaguely towards the end of the table. He picked up the hot glue gun that Grian hadn't even seen buried underneath tinsel, grabbing gold and silver, entwining them.

Grian shifted through the masses of boxes, and ribbon. Where did Tango even keep all of this? He wondered, holding up a red feather boa with googly eyes glued onto it.

"Oh, that's Barry, my worm." Tango said, looking up briefly from the tinsel to Grian's end of the table."

"Oh, uh, okay." Grian mumbled under his breath, putting Barry down and searching in another box.

He finally found a purple ribbon, buried under a box full of the 'worms' as Tango had called them.

"Found it!" Grian cried, holding the purple ribbon triumphantly.

"Great! Now.. Do you know how to tie a ribbon into a bow?" Tango asked, setting down the glue gun. The silver and gold wreath was coming along quite nicely, if you ignored the small random holes in it.

"Uh.. I have no idea." Grian admitted, glancing downwards before looking back up at Tango.

"Don't worry, that's okay!" Tango beamed. "I'll tie it and you can take over with the wreath."

"Okay." Grian said, handing over the ribbon. He switched positions with Tango, examining Tango's process with it.

Grian decided that he would fill in the holes, so Tango's process wouldn't be ruined.

Filling in the holes was easy. All Grian had to do was avoid the glue that was cooling off, and put some of the glue in. It was soothing, and Grian only had one encounter with hot glue.

Tango finished with the ribbon, and Grian stepped away from the half-completed wreath.

"Ouch," Tango murmured, looking at Grian's hand where the small red burn from the hot glue he didn't see in time. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. It doesn't really hurt." Grian assured.

"I could get you some ice." Tango said.

"No, no, seriously i'm fine!" He insisted, and Tango backed down, though not without a huff.

The rest of the wreath is easily finished, and Tango fished out two black ornaments to hang inside the wreath.

"It looks great," Grian grinned, clapping his hands together. He winced, remembering the burn.

"I'm gonna get you some ice." Tango said, clearly not looking for a refusal.

"Fine.." Grian pouted, letting him get the ice.

Grian felt better with the ice, having it soothe his burn. Tango smiled, gently bumping Grian's shoulder with his own. Than he paused, dread settling in his stomach.

"Oh no. Today's the last day to enter your wreath for the showcasing, isn't it?" Tango asked.

Grian doesn't respond, instead checking the time. "We've got thirty minutes. You think we can be there?"

"No, but we gotta get there." Tango replied, grabbing his boots and the wreath.

Grian grabbed his coat, hastily putting on his shoes before leaving Tango's house.

They sprinted to the town hall, once having to jaywalk across a street. Tango's pretty sure someone yelled at them. The town hall is just ahead of them, and they slow down to something slightly less than a sprint.

Grian pushes open the door, and a receptionist greets them; Tango throwing down the wreath onto the desk.

"We wanna... sign up... for the wreath contest." Grian wheezed, half leaning onto the desk to support him.

"Alright. I'm gonna have to have you two fill out this form," The receptionist said calmly, handing the paper over along with a pen.

"Thanks," Tango panted, shakily signing the form, passing it to Grian.

"I'll be keeping the wreath as well. The judging will be on the 16th of December" The receptionist said, accepting the form.

Tango and Grian stumbled out of the town hall. Grian shook slightly, and they were both giggling breathlessly.

"That was so... worth it." Tango murmured, a silly smile on his face.

"Definitely." Grian agreed, leaning on Tango, who wrapped his arms around Grian.

Was it bad that Tango really wanted to kiss Grian? He wondered, looking down at the sandy blond in his arms.

Grian turned slightly to look up at Tango. The moment had definitely turned into something else.

Tango didn't know who was the one to initiate it. All he knew was now they were kissing. it was probably one of the best ones he had, but than again, Tango didn't have many.

It wasn't bad that he kissed Grian, Tango thought, admiring the way the streetlights danced across Grian's face. If it was like that, than he wouldn't have it any way.

i have no idea how wreaths, nor romance, work. i hope this is realistic.
n. the half-forlorn, half-escapist ache of a train whistle calling in the distance at night.

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