
By ct8924

338 27 1

CT-8924 is a clone trooper serving in the great army of the Republic. But he feels like he doesn't belong to... More

1. Chapter
2. Chapter
3. Chapter
4. Chapter
5. Chapter
7. Chapter
8. Chapter
9. Chapter
10. Chapter
11. Chapter
12. Chapter
13. Chapter
14. Chapter

6. Chapter

24 2 0
By ct8924

There it was before us, the Tatoo system with it's twin suns, the three planets and all of their moons. Ohann, a gas giant with three moons, Ariana, the other gas giant, 4 moons and rings of ice surrounding it. The rings were used as a water source for Tatooine, the only inhabitable planet in this system. Barely inhabitable, to be quite honest. It's close position to the two suns led to a burning hot arid climate. The planet was mostly desert, yet a surprising number of animals lived there.

"We're going to land on the Mesra-Plateau", Coris informed us.

"Isn't that a bit close to the big Cities?", Lydiya interjected, "Mos Espa and Mos Eisley are right around the corner. Their air guard might spot us".

"Do you have any idea how big the Mesra-Plateau actually is?", Coris asked. "Of course I took its geographical position into consideration, I'm planning to land right in the middle of it, there's nothing there. And besides, that planet is controlled by the Hutt Clan, I doubt they'd care about a few more smugglers".
Lydiya had to give in: "Okay, okay, I get it, you've got it all figured out"
"Yes, I do", Coris said with confidence.
Tarash chuckled, as he always did.

Coris started slowing down as we entered the atmosphere of the planet. We were on the night side of the planet. A day on Tatooine had 23 standard hours, according to the planets position it was about 4 in the morning. Soon the first of the suns would be rising. We landed, as intended, right in the middle of nowhere. Not that I could've seen anything anyway, it was pitch black outside. We decided to get some sleep for the remaining hours of the night, before the swelling heat would make sleeping impossible.

When I woke up, the suns were almost in zenith, almost half the day must've been over. I could hear 1Q-9 and R6-T15 squeaking somewhere in the distance, I heard steps in the corridor and voices here and there. Seemed like the others had been awake for a while. I was a bit ashamed of having slept that long, but I deserved it, I told myself. I went into the bathroom, with the intention of splashing some cold water in my face but the tanks had already warmed up over the first hours of the day so the water was unpleasantly warm. As I wanted to get dressed again, I noticed that someone had laid out a fresh pile of clothes for me. It seemed like an electricians work uniform but whatever it surely was more comfortable than my old clone armor or that tight mine workers suit I had been wearing since my escape.

I went into the little common room. The crew was already sitting there, contemplating how to proceed now while 1Q-9 was running around with some tools, being chased by an upset R6-T15.
"You're up early", Lydiya greeted me ironically.
"I had a rough day to be fair", I replied . I was hungry, but it felt impolite to ask them for food so I just sat down at the table.

"Anyway", Coris went on, I had probably interrupted his speaking, "I think it would be best we fly to Mos Eisley tonight to sell the crystals to someone".
"I disagree. I don't think Mos Eisley is a good idea. There's tons of people there who sell stuff, no ones gonna buy our stupid crystals. Also I heard they've got new security", said Lydiya.
"As I said, Lydiya, this is Hutt territory, no one cares, those cities are teeming with smugglers and illegals", countered Coris.
"Full of smugglers as well as bounty hunters. I bet 10.000 credits that there's a bounty on us. I think Mos Espa is a lot safer", Lydiya claimed.
"Boss? Tarash? What do you think?", Coris consulted the two men.
"Well I for one think we should send just one of us into the city, to find a hacker who can get us a secured channel to communicate with Ryloth. The crooks in this scumhole will not pay nearly as much for the crystals as we were promised by the Twi'leks", declared Tarash.
"He's right", agreed 'the boss', "Lydiya, by dusk I want you to set out to Mos Eisley"
"Alright sir", she acceded.

It was way past noon when 6-60K came around, with a tablet full of bread and other baked goods. 6-60K was actually a medical droid but there weren't a lot of medical emergencies here so he had evolved into some kind of housekeeper. The food was very much needed for me and Lydiya had to prepare for her journey. Crossing that huge desert by speeder would take at least the whole night. I wasn't so sure if it was a good idea to let her go alone.
"Don't you think it would be good to take someone with you?", I asked.
"For protection? Thanks but I'm just fine on my own" , she turned my indirect offer down.
But I didn't want to be left alone with the rest of the crew, I felt a little bit uncomfortable especially around 'the boss' and Coris, so I laid out a good argumentation for her to take me with her, when once again 1Q-9 stumbled into the room.

"I have news", he informed us, avoiding to specify whether the news was bad or good, in order to avoid his previous mistake. "There is a sandstorm arriving from west, boss says you should delay your departure".

"Ugh, okay. I don't have a choice", sighed Lydiya. Coris entered the room. "We've got a problem", he said sternly. "I know", Lydiya rolled her eyes, obviously annoyed. "Not the sandstorm, I know 1Q told you already. We're out of food and water."
"Well then why don't we all fly to Mos Eisley, fill up the storage and get us that hacker?", Lydiya asked.
"See, there's another problem, we're out if gas too", Coris admitted.
"R6?!", he yelled. The little droid made some kind of wheezing noise as he drove towards us at highest speed. "R6 , look for villages around here", the pilot commanded. Sometimes I wondered, why he wasn't the leader of this crew. He had the same kind of authority and other than that he was already the one flying this ship. But he was a bit stubborn and seemed to get into fights a lot. 'The boss'was a bit more of a diplomat.

After running a few scans of the area R6-T15 projected a holographic map in the middle of the room, displaying three tiny villages in the radius of an 4 hour walk.
"We have to go east", Coris said, "the sandstorm is coming from west, that way we have more time until it reaches us."

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