life may not be fair but it s...

By thinkingofchuu

3.1K 335 126

Royal guard Kim Jungeun is forced to live as a man. Princess Kim Jiwoo is forced to deal with the consequence... More

Prologue: The Begining of a Lie
Tea time
Duty and longing
Blood of a young boy
Mask of a pawn
Cry for help
Touches and bruises
Jolly Ol' Junghyun
Loving a mistake
Mind your tongue
Unpredictable as ever
Point of no return
Unraveling a secret
Useless coward
Secrets tend to make people lonelier
Moving on
Slash of fear
Sharing an eternity
A letter of honesty
Accepting one's self
Echoing laughter
Belonging to the stars
Bonding for eternity
Epilogue: After All These Years

Damaged daughter

104 12 7
By thinkingofchuu

"So, nobody knows anything? Not even a clue?" asked Jungeun rubbing her temples to prevent the rising headache. "Then, how do you suppose we can find her Jinsoul? By magic and fairy dust?"

Jinsoul, offended by her words, raised her eyebrows and frowned. "YOU came up with this plan and I HAD to go through with it. Don't turn this on me now. I told you that there is a possibility of no one except father knowing her whereabouts. He is not much of a chatterbox." She said accusingly. "I've asked every member of the staff and even risked my head by asking a few guards. They either lie very well or don't know anything. I hate to say this, but we might have to do something over the top to gain information from my father."

Jungeun sat on their bed with annoyance. This was not going according to her plan so far. "I hate this. I was stupid and didn't think this through. I screwed up and now we have to be toget- "

Her words got interrupted with a slap on her face. "I know that you are stressed but I mean it really is insulting when I am your 'screw up'." She said sitting next to her, arms folded. "Now, tell me what happened with the princess that made you so... not pleasant."

Jungeun sometimes couldn't believe how fast this girl deduced things. "We had a... fight, I guess."

Jinsoul raised her eyebrows. "You guess?"

Jungeun sighed and told what happened between them as her heart ached where it beat. "And I stopped her from kissing me then she told me she understood but I mean, that look devastated me, Jinsol. She was so sad, her eyes were filled with tears and she just put her mask back, not to reveal her true heartbreak. So that is why I just wish death would come sooner."

Jinsoul rubbed her back soothingly as she gave her a sympathetic smile. "I don't want to sound heartless unnie, but it's better this way. She doesn't even know your secret. You don't know how she will react. I know she won't order your death or anything but she could shatter your heart."

"I know that but it takes a lot to accept that in here," Jungeun said gesturing to her heart. "I know that she would reject me if she knew but a part of me is dying and suffering knowing that she is thinking about our marriage and crying over it."

"This will all be over soon, hopefully. Then you can get back to your push-pull relationship." Said Jinsoul, offering a smile. "Cheer up, for now, this is supposed to be your wedding night. Guys like that stuff, I guess."

Laughing at her joke, Jungeun let go of her worries for the second. She was with a friend and she was doing a good thing. Those were the things she should focus on. "Then how do we get your greedy father to talk?"


"Good morning, Junghyun-ah, son, did you sleep well?" asked Jung Sungman, sipping his tea with a smirk. He was probably waiting for Jungeun to blush and not say anything but she kept her straight face.

"Good morning, Jung Sungman-sshi. My night was alright. I hope that you also slept well." Answered Jungeun sitting across from him. "There is this issue I want to discuss with you. It is rather important."

With that, Byulyi gestured to his guards and the man in front of her understood the message. After the guards left the room, Sungman raised his eyebrow in silence.

"Where is that whore, Jo Haseul?" Jungeun asked angrily, she had to look furious.

The man choked on his tea for a second, his face was clouded by fear and disgust. "Now, now Junghyun-ah, you don't need to worry about that... incident at all. It's all taken care of and Jinsoul won't even look another woman in the eye anymore. It's all in the past and it would be a shame if that tiny spec of an incident got in the way of your marriage." He mumbled, looking ashamed.

"You might think it is over but other people don't. I've heard from maids, villagers, and guards that you've succeeded to screw me over with your damaged daughter." Accused Jungeun, her heart broke over those insults. "I want this to be over, now."

"Don't make decisions you will regret, Junghyun-ah. We can talk and work this out." He tried pathetically. "Anything you want, say it and consider it done."

"Tell me where she is, and we won't have this conversation again. I will personally go and solve this problem by showing Jinsoul that they can't ever be together."

"They won't see each other ever again, you don't have to worry about that."

"As long as that bitch is alive, Jinsoul-ah will never be completely mine. Tell. Me. Now." Said Jungeun, her fist hitting the table in a rude matter.

Jung Sungman looked positively frightened. He was shaking, and his normally neutral face was distorted. He was not a fighter, they both knew that, just a puppet master with a lot of pretty words.

He complied with her order and in a matter of seconds, she held a piece of paper that would take her to the plan's next step.


"How was it?" asked Jinsoul, walking back and forth in the room with worry written all over her face.

"Do you have anyone here that you trust?" Inquired Jungeun. "We have to send a letter first."

Jinsoul stopped in her steps and her eyes widened. "You did it? You have her address now?"

Jungeun nodded and Jinsoul jumped to her arms. "Thank you so much, unnie, I will always be in your debt."

"We still have a lot to do." Said Jungeun smiling, as the girl bounced with happiness.

"We can trust Kahei-unnie. She would never betray me."

"Then Kahei it is."


"Are you ready to act now, Kim Jinsoul?" asked Jungeun as they got in front of Haseul's address. She wasn't there of course but they had to put on a show.

Jinsoul wrote a letter to Haseul saying that she would come for her and still loved her. She asked her to go and hide in the woods by the lake.

Jungeun knocked on the door forcefully as Jinsoul pretended to whimper and cry a few meters back. The door didn't open.

"Jo Haseul! Get the fuck out!" she yelled as she punched the door even more fiercely. A small crowd started to form behind them, whispering and gossiping among themselves. "Kim Junghyun, member of the majesty's guards orders you to come out, right now!"

No one answered.

"Uhm, sir, excuse me." Said a little girl shyly. "Haseul-unnie doesn't live here anymore. She disappeared a few days ago."

Jungeun, who was waiting for this, turned around and pointed at Jinsoul accusingly. "This is your doing, right? You warned that little whore, so you could be a hero? ANSWER ME, WOMAN!"

Jinsoul started crying and shaking, she couldn't even stand up straight. "I didn't Junghyun-ah! Believe me! I wouldn't betray you like that."

Jungeun held her arm and rushed towards their horse. "We will find her and you will get it in your tiny head that you can't ever be together! I will kill her, you hear me? I WILL KILL THAT WENCH!"

The crowd was watching them with their mouths open. There was no doubt that the news of this would reach the capital before Jungeun did.

They rode off into the forest before anyone could say anything and turned their direction towards the lake. Jinsoul wiped her tears with excitement as they got closer. She was beaming.

"I can't believe we made it! You are such a genius unnie!" yelled Jinsoul as she got faster on her horse. "I love you, unnie, thank you!"

Jungeun, smiling at her childlike joy, felt sad a bit. They couldn't ever be like them. That took a lot to admit but it was true.

"Haseulie! Where are you?" Called Jinsoul as she stood by the lake. Her voice echoed throughout the valley. Jungeun got off her horse with panic and covered Jinsoul's mouth with her hands. "What the hell are you doing? Someone might have followed us!"

"Step away from the girl right this second, you bastard." Said a voice behind them. Jungeun felt the tip of a spear on her back.

"Jo Haseul-sshi?"


They both spoke at the same time, turning back to see the girl in question glaring at Jungeun.

"Step away from her! Don't make me repeat!"

"Haseulie, relax, she is a friend," Jinsoul said stepping forward. She was tearing up as she hugged Haseul. "She helped me find you."

Haseul, who was also crying, looked at Jungeun thankfully and kind of confused. Between her sobs of joy, she asked; "She?"

Jinsoul laughed and told her everything that they went through. Haseul's eyes filled with admiration as she listened. "Unnie, how can we thank you?" she asked bowing deeply.

"Just don't blow up your covers and live peacefully. That's all I ask." Said Jungeun gesturing the youngest girl to stand up straight. "I will give you some money for you to turn a fresh page. My suggestion is that you two move to a village far up north and buy a small farm. Say that you are sisters and live your lives."

They both bowed down on their knees, showing their deepest respect to Jungeun. Haseul, as she got up, asked, her expression puzzled. "How will you explain your 'wife' disappearing?"

"Who can even question a young man who had his wife killed by a pack of wolves during their honeymoon?" said Jungeun with a sly expression. "Now, Jinsoul, if you'll please give me your dress, I have a wolf to hunt down and a dress to dip in blood."

As they parted ways, Jungeun couldn't help but feel bittersweet about this. She helped a friend and her plan went smoothly but at the same time, her heart was jealous. Jiwoo filled her mind as she dived into the forest, leaving the two lovers alone to find their destiny.

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