Flourishing Star

Door breeze_airi

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Being one of the most prestigious heiresses in society comes with a lot of hassles. Balancing a social life a... Meer

Business traveling
Surprise visits
Fun and agony in America
New discoveries
Christmas similarities
Newest addition
Tropical wedding
Sneaky publicity
Various preparations
Roller coaster of events
Emotional wedding
Family vacation
Big revelations
Being honest
Sort things out
Past and future
Sharing the news
Extravagant event
Sweet anniversary
Moving time
First times
Sweet memories
Gambling with decisions
Leaving our fingerprints
A new chapter begins
Author's note

Opportunity to celebrate

400 8 1
Door breeze_airi

Two weeks later
Logan POV
The sun shines through the window, reflecting in the mirror and making me stir up. I groan in annoyance at the light, putting my arm over my eyes. I stay still for a few moments just so I can try to open my eyes, but I fail miserably at that task. I roll over to my left so I can get away from the sun and I'm greeted by Star's long dark hair, scattered on her back as she's sleeping on her side. A smile appears on my face and I brush away a few strands so I can kiss her bare shoulder. She makes a quiet sound that only made me smile harder, before she moves further away from me. My hand draws patterns on her back while I close the distance between us and this time, kiss her on the neck
"Moving away from you means let me sleep. Not continue waking me up" she mumbles in her pillow, barely audible
"People have different interpretations" I joke before I see her start stretching gently and carefully. Slowly she comes back to her earlier position and turns towards me. When she's met with the sun she groans like I did and throws her arm over her eyes. She lays like that for a few seconds, when she moves her arm under the blanket. Before I knew it, she grabs my ass and pulls me closer to her, until we were inches away
"Good morning" she says in a sleepy sexy voice, leaving a slight blush on my face. She knew what she was doing and she was enjoying my reaction
"Morning" I murmur before I go in for a gentle kiss, my hand tracing her arm
"My lovely husband, will you please make us a cup of tea? You owe me for waking me up" She gives me a wholesome smile
"Last night, you told me to wake you up when I stir up. That's exactly what I did. But of course. I'll make you a cup of tea" I kiss her face and leave the room
"Thank you!" I hear her from the bedroom and I chuckle. I go downstairs, past the living room and right as I was about to enter the kitchen, I catch a glimpse of color in the living room. I decide to investigate and I see the whole room decorated with balloons and in the middle of it, a present
"Happy birthday, Logan" I hear her voice and I spin on my heel, grab her face between my hands and kiss her
"Thank you" I whisper after we pull apart
"Go unwrap your present. I want to see if you like it"
"How can I not like it when it's from you?" We walk over to the couch and I pick up the box
"Well there's always a possibility you won't enjoy it"
"Highly unlikely" I rip the wrapping and I'm met by a black wooden box with my initials, LH, carved in it and golden details all over it. I look over to Star who was watching me excitedly. I open the box and inside, a bottle of red wine
"Read the label" she instructs me
"'Limited edition, Logan Huntzberger, Roussanne'. You named a wine after me?" I ask happily surprised
"Well I didn't just name a wine after you. I made a wine for you. It has its special mix, one I know for sure you love"
"And how do you know I love the taste?" I inquire
"You don't think things happen without a reason, now do you?"
"What does that mean?" She leans on the pillows behind her and says
"Let's look back at the family dinner we had before Christmas. Our families came to our house and that's when I planned this with mom. I wanted the albums and she mentioned sending some wine bottles as our housewarming gift. So that's when I told her about my idea for your birthday present. I told her to send some wine that are yet to be named and it just so happened that Colin chose some of the bottles without a name. That means I easily found out which wine you like most and I just named it after you" she shrugs as if what she told me wasn't one of her sneaky plans
"You devious woman" I tell her with a smile
"Isn't that why you fell in love with me? Because I am a clever person who can always outsmart you?" She responds in a cocky way
"I'm not going to stroke your ego, even if you may be right"
"Oh you don't need to say it. I know I'm right. Now open your second gift" she encourages
"There's something else?"
"Yes. It's under the wrapping paper" she points and I move it, only to reveal a book I could always recognize
"What made you buy a copy?" I ask curiously
"Well you mentioned you had this book that you absolutely loved as a teen and that you still love, so I decided to find it in the Huntzberger library. Once I found it and read a few pages, I noticed the comments you wrote alongside the edges and the pieces of paper filled with your ideas about the content. At that point it was obvious that you had read it at least a few times, so I bought a copy of my own. I also filled the pages with remarks, comments and ideas. One thing I really enjoyed doing, was underlining paragraphs that remind me of you. I didn't think I'd find a lot of things that relate to you, but I should've thought otherwise" I browse through the pages, mostly looking at her comments and I could feel my smile grow so big
"I love this present. Thank you" I place my hand under her ear and pull her in for a kiss
"I'm glad you do. It's really hard to come up with an idea for a guy who has everything. A kid on the way, an incredible wife. What else could he possibly want in his life?" She asks in a dramatic tone
"Why are you so smug today?" I tease
"I'm taking advantage of feeling confident before we get on the plane"
"We're flying somewhere?"
"To my dismay, yes" she jokes
"And how long is this flight?"
"Approximately 20 hours"
"20 hours?! Is this healthy for you? Are there any risks? Did you talk to the doctor first? Where are we even going?"
"Of course there are risks, but the whole pregnancy is a risk on its own. I've talked to our doctor and went over all the things I can do to prevent anything from happening"
"I don't think we should go on a trip that involves a 20 hour flight"
"Come on. I've planned everything! We're going to Macau to The Venetian Macao. The casino resort where we also are staying at the hotel. I thought you'd enjoy going to a casino one last time before our protostar is born"
"Well I like the idea, what I don't like is putting you at risk"
"I understand your concerns, but if Steph is coming, who is 11 weeks pregnant and full of nausea, I'm sure I can survive as well. Plus! We're going there with the Blackmore private jet, which means more room for me to walk around and stretch. I've thought of everything. I even packed our bags last night"
"Logan.. I'm surviving this trip. We leave today and get there tomorrow at around 4 p.m, we go out to eat and then come back to rest for a few hours before we go to the casino. The next day, we'll leave. It's really short"
"Ok, but I have to take a few days off of work then"
"Already dealt with. You're free until Tuesday. I told you I have everything planned" she smiles at me
"Alright, I suppose we should get ready then?" I ask and she nods before grabbing my hand and leading me to the closet

7 hours pass
Airi POV
We were now on the plane, everyone sitting down except Stephanie and Colin who were just now returning from the restroom
"How do you feel?" Rose asks her when she sits down alongside us
"Better. This morning sickness is no joke" she responds, slouching in her chair
"Well, when you start your second trimester, you'll feel way better" I assure Steph
"I don't know what to say about that. I did some research and turns out that when having twins, women tend to experience elevated levels of morning sickness. It's just my luck" her laughter subsided when she noticed none of us were laughing with her "Why are you all looking at me like that?"
"Did you just say-" Logan is cut off by Finn yelling
"What happened to 'let's surprise them'?" Colin asks his wife with a smile
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to let it slip! Dang it!"
"You just keep throwing news at us as if it's nothing important" Rose shakes her head
"Well congratulations! You're getting two for one" I say
"I think I saw a similar offer at Target" Rose says
"Would you two just stop comparing my babies to a Target offer?" Steph says
"But really now, we're happy for you guys" I say in the name of everyone
"Yeah. This is very exciting news!" Rose agrees
"Good luck, you two" Logan pats Colin on the shoulder
"Thanks" Colin says and a moment of comforting silence falls over us, before Finn speaks up
"You know what I have just realized?"
"What?" Steph asks
"You and Hun are like two Russian dolls. You're holding two other dolls in you, while Airi has only one" we all look a bit confused at him
"Wait.. That does make sense" I trail off
"Yeah.. We're two Russian dolls. How did you think about that?" Steph asks intrigued
"I have no idea. It just hit me" Finn explains
"You can also be a Kinder Surprise" Logan says
"Yeah. You would certainly be a surprise for a cannibal" Rose says
"Rose!" Steph exclaims
"What? Do you mean to say that you don't like my dark humor?"
"Not the baby jokes" Steph tells her
"Ok one more and I'm done. What goes plop, plop and fizz, fizz?" She takes a break and looks around "Twins in an acid bath"
"That's it. Go to the other room!" Steph demands
"Alright. Alright. I deserve that" she sits up and leaves

The next day
After we went out to eat, walked around the city and had our little nap, we got ready and headed downstairs to the casino. As Logan and I are walking hand in hand towards the elevator, he asks me
"When did you buy this dress?"

"When you were at work"
"You went to the mall?"
"No. I sent over my measurements and got it made. Don't you like it?"
"Oh I do. You look stunning in it. I was just curious when you got it" he shrugs
"And what if I told you I always had it and I actually wore it before?"
"I'd know you're lying"
"How so?"
"I would remember a dress that looks this good on you"
"So you remember every single one of my outfits"
"I wouldn't say every single one, but I do remember what you wear"
"Well would you look at that. I have a hawk-eyed husband"
"I could be a detective with my keen sight"
"We would make an incredible duo! I'd find information on people while you find proof. We should quit our jobs and start a new company" I goof around
"Brilliant idea. That's our plan if these jobs don't work out" he laughs swinging our clasped hands. When we got to the elevator, we pressed the button and inside were our 4 friends
"Good evening. There's room for 2 more" Finn gestures for us to enter, so that's what we do
"Boys, you're allowed to gamble, however! Do it with a limit. I don't want to be broke in the morning" Rose announces, mainly looking at Finn
"Don't worry. We won't exaggerate. It doesn't matter the win. What matters is the game and gaining experience. Am I right guys?" Colin asks and the other two agree
"I wonder how huge this place actually is" Steph says expectantly and before anyone could say anything else, Finn drops to the floor and pulls out a map
"What are you doing?" I ask
"I'll tell you what I'm doing. I'm showing all of you the way the casino is positioned" we all look down at the map outstretched on the elevator floor
"Where did you get a map from?" Logan asks
"Nowhere illegal. So don't worry your pretty little head with the details. Now! This is the entrance. You better memorize this map quickly"
"Yeah. I'll just take a mental picture of it" Rose says sarcastically
"Should we come up with some secret signs as well? Like whistling?" Finn inquires
"I don't think we'd hear a whistle from across the room" Colin says
"Duly noted" Finn sits up, folding the map in the blink of an eye and tucking it back in his tuxedo

A couple of hours later
I'm walking around the casino, watching other people play, until a respective person catches my attention

I make my way to that table instead of gazing from afar. When I'm certain of the person's identity I speak up
"So this is where you spend your weekends"
"Fancy seeing you here, Airi. This is it fellows. It was a pleasure to play with you tonight" he tells the other men at the table before sitting up and looking at me "Shall we go for a walk?"
"Sure, but I have to find Logan first and tell him that we're leaving"
"I'm sure he won't miss your presence for 10 minutes. We'll just wonder around the place while we have a chat"
"Alright. Let's go"

We exit the casino and go up the escalator. Not a word was shared between the two of us until dad breaks the silence
"I'm still fascinated by the architectural design of this resort. Look above you" that's what I do and see the huge painting on the ceiling

"Wow. It's incredible" I say in amazement
"After we discuss what I had in mind, I need to bring your mother here. She'll love the details of this place"
"Mom is here?"
"Yes. She's upstairs. Now, I believe you figured out we didn't meet coincidentally"
"I had a suspicion, yes"
"When I got notified that the private jet was flying to Macau, especially on Logan's birthday, I knew I had to come as well"
"And how did you get here? I was the one using the plane"
"We were actually in Hong Kong when I found out about your plan, so I took the helicopter you used on multiple occasions"
"By the way, I'm still grateful you paid for my flying lessons and let me use the helicopter"
"My father paid for my lessons, so it felt normal to pay for yours"
We enter a part of the resort that was inspired by Venice and dad sees a sweets shop and pulls me in. He buys a pack of macarons and I take a bright pink one

"This is delicious!" I say after I've tasted it
"Agreed. I need to make some of my own"
"You know how to bake?"
"Yes. Is that so surprising?"
"I just didn't take you for the type to wear an apron" I joke
"I believe that every true man should at least know how to cook a basic meal. Having a culinary talent is an asset when it comes to being a fulfilled man, one who's at the top, one like myself" he brags using that exact cockiness Logan was pointing out yesterday
"Aren't you full of yourself?" I chuckle
"Confidence is key to a great leader and that's what I want to make out of you. An outstanding leader"
"And how are you going to achieve this goal?"
"Well I have a proposition for you"
"I'm listening"
"I want you to come to Japan with us"
"Two weeks. You'll be joining me to work and I'll teach you everything that I know"
"What about Logan?"
"Take him with you"
"But his work is in America. There's no Japanese branch for HPG"
"I still don't see a problem. He doesn't have to work these two weeks"
"Can't you just come to America and teach me there?"
"No. I have obligations in Japan. And you need to meet the team in person. You need time to think. We're leaving in the morning. I want an answer tonight" he turns around and escorts me back to the casino

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