Jaune Arc Of the Peoples Repu...

By airsoftal01

29.7K 515 165

This covers a time line of what happen to one of the mother planets greatest leaders, warriors, and hero of t... More

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Jaune Arc Marshall, husband, politician

1.5K 28 1
By airsoftal01

Jaune the Marshall

After his promotions to marshall of moskovia in 2076, Jaune worked under his mother the good Chairwoman and from all accounts was considered the best marshall in all of moskovian military history with out of the box strategies and tactics.

However his character would be put to the test when reports came in on the situation that was developing on earth, as by mid 2076 Earths governments began to deteriorate to the point of full dissolving of national government institutions which would plunge whole nations into chaos and anarchy. With the writing on the wall chairwoman putin would give her son an impossible assignment, the assignment was impossible as the mission goal was to save as many slavic humans as possible before earth was engulfed in nuclear war.

Now it's important to note that Moskovia was not the only one to evacuate it's people and the humans they loved from earth, among them was also the Wolven Empire as they help evacuated many Asian and allied nations who were their trade partners to other planets and colonies within imperial territory.

By 2077 the evacuation was estimated to be finished by october of 2077 which was carried out with the other world governments none the wiser thanks to the cover of the constant ships being launched into space as "colonial missions to frontier space." This worked for a time, until october 27th 2077.

On October 27th 2077 air raid sirens rang out across the world, early warning systems went to high alert, and from above in space Marshall. Arc witness something that he wished he would never see again in his life time, aboard his capital ship him and his crew witness the unthinkable, the end of humanity's home, the total nuclear annihilation of earth.

( Recorded image from Lunar 1 space port )

( recorded from Marshall. Arcs capital ship forward camera)

Upon witnessing the destruction of earth, those who were the crew of the bridge that day would tell of the Marshall being so stunned like the rest but would cry tears before he spoke the following.

"I am death, the shatter of worlds."

Then after saying this he broke down on the bridge and screamed at the tip of his lungs before banging his fist on the metal floor of the bridge. "YOU MANIACS ! YOU BLEW UP ! DAMN YOU ! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL !"

After the nuclear fires had died down the galaxy came together in order to save as many surviving humans of the nuclear holocaust that they brought upon themselves. By october 30th 2077 only 25 percent of what was left of humanity on earth could be saved and by October 31st 2077 all search and rescue operations were called off in order to save what was left of humanity.

To say that the event left an impact on the Marshall would be an understatement, for in november 4th 2077 an aid walk in in the Marshall attempting to commit suicide by shooting himself with his service pistol. After being tackled and subdued by his staff, the Marshall was  given a full psychological evaluation from which it was determined that the Marshall was suffering from not only PTSD but also suffering from severe trauma, with this revelation it was decided that the Marshall would be admitted to a medical hospital for full recovery.

Finding love threw healing

On november 7th 2077 Marshall. Arc was admitted to the medical institute of advance health and medicine to be given the best treatment that is available.

For a time the treatments went slow at first but as time went on the treatments started to take effect which could be attributed to Marshall. Arc falling in love with his nurse, a polar named Svetlana Milunovich Bear.

( photo of Svetlana 6 months with child courtesy of Arc family)

Love did indeed bloom as tha ks to his future wife Svetlana, Marshall. Arc would date Svetlana for a year before on 2078 he would finally ask her to be his mate for life, she would say yes, the wedding was held at the winter palace and broadcasted all over Moskovia and the slavic union it was a spectacular event with even a fly by, by the moskovian air force.

Marshall. Arc would continue to serve the mother planet for another two years till on 2080 his first born child would come, his rare hybrid daughter Marsha Putin Arc Bear would be born at 1900, october 21st 2080 at the Moskovian central hospital to two very over joyed parents and a very happy grandmother.

( Marsha in her workout outfit age 18)

Now something to note is that rare hybrids, as the name implies, are hybrids of a human parent and a non human parent who's animal traits are not viable however their body will adopt the traits of the non human parent. So in Marshas case even though she doesnt have the ears and tail of her mother, she will have large frame and muscular structure and strength of a bear.

After the birth of his daughter Marshall. Arc began to consider what he should do for the future of his family, as such he decided to retire from the military in 2081 to be a husband and father for his family. Jaune would retire to the countryside of moskov to live on a farm with his family for five years, until 2086 when he would be called again to serve his mother planet again.

Jaune Arc the CHAIRMAN

In 2086 Chairwoman putin steps down due to just age, she was almost 104 human years old and believed it was her time to retire and spend the rest of her life with her family and her grandchild, because of this Jaune was to be the chairman of moskovia, as is Moskovian tradition, When a chairman or chairwoman of Moskvia names an heir then that heir has a week to either step up or deny the position of leading the galactic nation of Moskovia. Now when it was announced her son was to be her heir after she steps down caused Jaune to be thrown into a deep thought over his future and his families.

Three days into the transition Jaune announced that he would give his answer at a press conference which would be gathered tomorrow. As the day came a mass of reporters were waiting outside the farm and soon Jaune had step up to the podium and what was said would cement his political career for years to come.

" Comrades as many of you know my mother has step down as chairwoman who has served our great mother planet for many years, when I was Informed that I would be her heir...I will be honest I was scared, deeply scared to try and fill such large shoes of a wonderful and proud woman I mean..she had to raise me after all ! Now i will say this here and now, i will happily accept the position of chairman and with my every ounce of my body I shall work towards bettering not only the lifes of our comrades, but also strengthen our military to make sure that the brave comrades who lay their lifes down on the line everyday shall have a better fighting chance to come home to those they love, this is my promise to you the people of our glory greatest mother planet !"

True to his word Chairman Arc would begin politia reforms that would put more power in the hands of the people, as well as begin expanding the military spending so that their forces have better armor, weapons, and equipment as an attempt to match their rival the Wolven Empire in terms of military strength and fire power.

By 2088 Chairman Arc had brought Moskovias economy as the 2nd strongest economy in the galaxy as they now have put the Galactic Alliance in the 3rd place spot, Chariman Arc also put into place more lawd which would grant more protections to humans and hybrids while giving terrorist harsher punishments, much to the displeasure of certain human oriented political partys and factions, by mid 2088 Chairman Arc had a sort of cult of personality around him as he was loved for his reformist views, deep respect for tradition, and out right hatred for those who dare harm the mother planet.

By late 2088 Chairman Arc had become the most loved figure in all of the slavic union and showed he was not afraid to get his hands dirty when it came to working hard for his people, he was also seen as a dedicated father and loving husband for his family always making time for them no matter what.

However his abilitys would be put to the test as in early 2089 the dracs began to test the waters by having their fleets come dangerously close to the frontier of moskovias frontier colonies and boarders, the response was swift as the chairman ordered the entire 6th fleet to be deployed to their border with the dracs as a means to show strength and that they will not back down.

This would come to a head as in june 2089 a moskovian journalist was arrested and detained within the drac kingdom under "suspicion of espionage", the response to this was drac citizens also being arrested and threaten with the death penalty over them "having classified state secrets in their possession." The stand off would last for a week until finally both sides agreed to release their prisoners to each other and that the dracs would withdraw their fleets from their border.

Many did not say it out loud, but moskovia and the dracs were in a cold war as both sides began to build up arms to try and one up each other. The biggest part of the arms race was trying to come up with a better slipspace drive as an attempt to be able to out maneuver the others navy and the person who was put in charge of the project was a doctor victoria mangle an ex New Order german scientist who's job was to perfect and create a whole new slip space drive to beat the dracs.

After two years of staring off and arms racing the Chairman wanted results on project star chaser, so he along with his senior staff paid a visit to the crazy german lady in her secret lab deep in the moskovian mountains and what they saw was considered the most advance peice of technology ever designed.

( Proto type slipspace drive designed by the German scientists Victoria)

On the year 2091 the first test of the slipspace drive which alot of credits has gone into in order for them to have an edge over their draconic adversary, once arriving into the facility it was said that the chairman was impressed by the drive and expressed that he was looking forward to the test being successful. However at 1100 hours on june 13th 2091 the inside of the facility went dark before a massive white blue light was reported engulfing the entire moskovian land mass before a bright light flashed blinding many in space and in the air. After the blindness died down the reports that came flooding in sent shock waves through out the entire slavic union, the capital of moskovia had vanished after being engulfed by a blinding blue light.

Many feared the worst as experts from all over the galaxy came rushing to the capital planet of moskovia in an attempt to solve the mystery of what had happen to the land mass that housed the capital.

However while many feared the land mass and its inhabitants had been destroyed by the blue light, in reality they had been transported to another world, a world of monsters, a world of discrimination, a world inequality, a world with a secret shadow war, a world with a shattered moon.

But that...is a story for another day.

HELLO MY FRIENDS ! as is always I hope you enjoyed this entry ! And if you did let me know in the comments down below ! And as always my friends I have been AirsoftAl and I will see you next time ! Stay cheeki breeki !

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